Aria Star

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aria_star is one of the sf_drama All Stars, along with ladygaia87, lizziey, and many others. Aria is well-known for littering the internets with drama, tl;dr posts and sharing too much information.


Aria can be summed up as: the most fucked up wannabe-pro-midwife-pro-life-father's-rights-advocate-former-head-of-corporation-backyard-breeder-seamstress-attention-whore-former-fattie-pro-ana-once-molested-fucktard-IVF-wanting -descendant-of-Pocohontas-omg-so-spensive-where-I-live-HEY-YOU-GUISE-I'M-GETTIN'-MARRIED-most-deserving-of-violent-painful-death idiot to ever hit the internets.

But don't forget that she's a expert on teachers, a professional woodshopper a licensed retailer, website designer,copyright expert and a computer tech!

Known Identities

LJ user aria_star , also known as:
On Livejournal: ms_erie, koshka_aria, clementswedding , lemonchiffon (has since been deleted and taken over by a new LJ user who is not Aria), ariaandlemere , misti_selste , theclementsbaby, emmaspuppies , apuppetmistress , boundforcanada, mrsclements katelyn_rose, pinkypinky78, my_lady_aria, bride_elle, dancing_lyric, hellototheworld, idancegirl damedelabeaute, thelavenderlady and christmasbride.

Aria's Myspace.

I'm Aria_fucking_Star bitch!!
I'm Aria_fucking_Star bitch!!

Aria Austin on Facebook.
Aria's "couture" dress designs on Facebook. Become a fan!
Aria on Yahoo.
Aria's profile on "Dig a Tech Girl.
Aria's profile on OKCupid.
Aria's profile on SlashDot.
Aria's profile on Digg.
Aria's profile on Yahoo Answers.
Aria's profile on Google Groups.
Aria on Revision3.
Aria on Twitter.
Aria on Pownce.
Aria on LinkedIn.
Aria on pipl.
Aria on
Aria on eBay.
Aria on
Aria on
Aria on, a legal advice website.
Aria on Aria's photobucket accounts: The Year 2006, The Year 2007, The Year 2008 Ms_Erie.
Aria's Spoonflower account. (Screenshot: Media:Aria_Star_Spoonflower_Shop.jpg),
Also known as: ariastar, aria_star, monnonsharp, LadyArareiel, ajadoniz, siliconvalleygirlgeek, lemonchiffon, lemonchiffon1912, Misti Wiley, MistiSeleste, Charlotte Chastain, Victoria Rose, and Elizabeth Allen.

Her "fiance" who is her brother Cody Thomas: popltree69
Cody's Myspace.
Cody Clements on Facebook.
Cody Clements on "Dig a Tech Guy."
Cody on Twitter.
Cody on Pownce.

"Personal" Life

For someone who believes that you should "never give more info than you have to," Aria's personal life is very, very public. For all but about five years of her life, she's lived in the San Francisco, California area. She grew up in a mixed-race, dysfunctional family. Her mother's family is a direct descendant of Pocahontas and a black slave, her dad committed suicide when she 23, although there has been a claim on who-knows-what that she made this up (Aria vehemently denies this). She has a brother who lives in Jacksonville, whom she hasn't had contact with since her father's death and occasionally mentions a sister, Rachael aka "Roo", who is a "sister by choice."

File:Aria nipples.jpg
What a crazy person's tits look like

Unsurprisingly, Aria does not have a college degree or a high school diploma.

Aria claims that she is related to the Duggars.

When Aria was 17, she got engaged and planned her wedding for Feb. 14th. But the guy got tired of her stupidity and began beating on her ass, which this batshit crazy bitch deserves. He's a hero for doing what the rest of the world wants to do, should have just killed her. She says she broke up with him, but he probably broke up with her. Aria met her next prey "fiance," Cody, online at Revision3. Despite the fact that Cody was still officially married at the time, their courtship officially began about five months after he and his ex-wife, Randi, separated, definitely before a divorce could be final. Cody and Aria remain good friends with Randi and plan on inviting her to their wedding.
This is how they will tell Randi he's dicking around with someone else.
Cody works at an Apple store as a "Genius". Aria is unemployedself-employed. She spends her copious amounts of spare time trolling the internets, breeding lots of dogs, and buying dresses to sell as her own. Another sign of her insanity is she sells them at a loss. Not surprisingly, none of Cody's friends don't accept him marrying Aria and all of them hate her and want her to die. I don't blame them.
If Aria didn't love the drama, she would ditch the name Aria and makea new persona. But she keeps using her name because she knows we'll find her and the drama will start. But it's okay, she wants it and we're not going away.

Wedding Planning
After less than a year of "dating," Cody and Aria decided that they wanted to get married, though she gives the qualifier that they've been "very good friends" since 2006 and got to know each other that way. One little teeny problem with that, though: Cody is still married. Whoops!

Aria originally wanted to get married on March 14, 2009, solely because it's "pi day." However, due to IVF financial complications, they have changed the wedding date to Dec. 5, 2009. Cody's parents are against his sham of a second wedding wedding, so they are going to DIY the majority of it. Aria plans on stealing making her dress, her bridesmaids dresses, the flower girl dresses, and maybe Cody's tux.

Like everything else in her life, Aria is not shy to admit she has fertility issues that can most likely be attributed to her extreme weight-loss techniques*, although she claims her fertility problems are the result of a car accident when she was 18. But her "bad service" post does not mention a miscarriage at all! Aria is too selfish to just adopt so she has resorted to the idea of In Vitro Fertilization.

Despite her desperate desires to get pregnant, Cody and Aria do not have the money to get IVF. Therefore, she has started an IVF fund that anyone can contribute to in order to make her dream of squatting out a child come true. She pimps out this IVF wishing fund just like she'll pimp out her crotch-dropping one day. Her fiance's health care plan has recently made IVF more financially feasible. The jury is still out on whether a doctor will actually let her pro-create, though Aria managed to start IVF treatments in January 2009. She has already picked her children's names:
Girl names: Charlotte Rose, Elizabeth Lily, Veronica Violet
Boy names: Kevin Joel Alexander (to be called Lex), Logan Norrin Xavier.
"Girls would be named in that order. A boy would get which name felt right. We do NOT plan to have five though!!"

You can read the latest on her IVF journey, including her defense against the meanie heads who want her to adopt, in her IVF blog. Maybe one day she'll get it that if they don't have enough money to have in vitro, they can't afford to raise a kid. In vitro is only $15,000, but raising a crotch-loaf is over $200,000.

If there's a merciful god, any crotchtrot she shits out will die while she's holding it so her heart will die along with her will to force her genetic material on the world.

As of December 5, 2009, Aria "gave birth" to a daughter, Charlotte Rose Clements, on December 3rd. According to her wordpress blog, the birth was "traumatic". Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it was. Made-up events aren't traumatic.

As of March 25, 2010, she's been stealing pictures of a baby to claim as her own for months. Pictures of her with a baby are her with a realistic "reborn" doll she scammed from Tracy Arnold of Moviegowns. What a surprise. A human she says she made s a doll made by Tracy.

Oddly enough, her "daughter" has a profile on Facebook and seems to be quite good at the insipid flash game called Farmville.

"Professional" Life

Backyard Breeding:
A "backyard breeder" is that person who has a multitude of dogs/cats/guinea pigs/jennets/frogs/etc. because they have not gotten it through their head that the male animal and the female animal will keep having sex over and over again and this sex will end in a litter of critters, until you get them spayed and neutered.
Aria? She doesn't quite get that either.

Aria chronicles her backyard breeding in emmaspuppies. She claims she's a responsible breeder, although many argue that breeding at all isn't responsible at all because it adds to the over-population of animals and means that abandoned animals in shelters will not be adopted.

"Designing" Dresses:
Aria allegedly designs and creates custom, "couture" dresses. According to Aria's website, she creates historicaland film dresses like from Titanic or Lord of the Rings. She is currently expanding into the bridal market. But she really doesn't even own a single sewing machine or pair of sewing scissors. She has posted pictures of a random sewing room. Why isn't she in the pictures if it's her room? right-click-save those pictures. She'll post pictures of a new sewing room soon when she gets bored of those pictures.

Depending on the post, she either claims she's been sewing for other people for "almost 9 years" or that she's been sewing since she was 3 years old. Apparently, a benefit of her sewing at such a young age means that she "recognized the benefit to paying attention to math in school, specifically geometry" and by the time she was 16, she stopped using patterns.

Aria's different personalities:

As Victoria, Aria made (lol baleeted) where people would order dresses based on the pictures they saw. All the Titanic costumes were made by other people and she was lying and claiming she made them. Then when people would order items from her many ebay accounts, she would either send items she bought from real dressmakers at higher prices, or send crap items she bought at Goodwill. One anonymous woman claims she was sent a blood-stained garment. She had an LJ at that time, ms_erie, which has since been renamed as aria_star.

Victoria Rose
When her first site got busted, she created VictoriaRoseDesigns. She claimed to be the almost-step-mother of a kid who was molested by the real mom's family and said she named this web site after the crotch dropping to get people to feel bad and want to buy from her.

Charlotte Chastain
After Aria was exposed, she brought in Charlotte. Charlotte Chastain created (dead, but you can see the archive here) and (dead) and (which is now a site about exposing her for fraud). Aria has admitted to creating According to Aria, she was "bullied" into closing down all her websites by the sewing "watchdogs."

Elizabeth Allen
She also defrauds people in The Lord of the Rings costuming circle with the screenname Araeiel or Arareiel.

Other identities of hers are monnonsharp, LadyArareiel, ajadoniz, siliconvalleygirlgeek, lemonchiffon and lemonchiffon1912. Rumor has it that her name was Misti and then she legally changed it to Aria, but she also years ago claimed to be an ex-boyfriend's slut, and Misti is a common porn name. Misti is the real fake name.

Because of the multiple names that Aria has "designed" and "sewed" under, in addition to some of the pictures that she posts of her works-in-progress, people have decided that Aria is actually buying other people's dresses or stealing other people's patterns and passing them off as her own. Aria denies this.

Wanna play Bingo?
Wanna play Bingo?

"Designing" Fabrics:
I'm an employee of Spoonflower writing on the condition of anonymity. We are not supposed to comment on individual matters.

This person, Aria, entered a tricky fabric field of reproducing fabrics. When reproducing, the goal is usually to be as close as possible to the original. Aria reproduced a fabric and posted it to Spoonflower.

Sabine Pothman was allowed to take photographs of an original of a certain gown. When she saw the fabric Aria had posted, Sabine filed a complaint with Spoonflower alleging copyright infringement and that she, Sabine, owned the rights to the pattern of the fabric. Spoonflower's resources to investigate copyright is low. Sabine's evidence of owning the design was some photographs on a website she runs.

Aria's evidence to the contrary included evidence that Sabine was a young teenager when the fabric was first used in a stage production, casting doubt on Sabine having obtained copyright by design. Further evidence included the website of the woman who did design it and the rarity that the company that woman worked for ever released copyrights to anyone else. She also provided contact information for the person who supplied the source files. That person is also the actual owner of the gown Sabine took photographs of.

Upon further prodding, Sabine changed her claim to say she owned a certain photograph that was a close-up of the design repeat, a work-around to claiming ownership of the pattern design. Once uploaded, the photograph would need extensive work for the repeat to line up and to correct significant color and other defects in the photograph, none of these defects being visible in the file uploaded by Aria, though the defects would require more advanced skills than a beginner at Photoshop could be expected to have. The amount of work necessary to have a usable pattern repeat is significant enough to be considered a legally usable derivative, if this was even what Aria had done. Sabine did not convince staff that Aria uploaded her photograph.

The grey area is that neither are the owners of the original design itself. The original designer is deceased, and the company she designed for has not seen to file any complaints.

Neither side can provide a conclusive case. Sabine owns her own photographs, but this does not give her ownership of the designs. She failed to prove that she owned any original source file used by Aria. Aria, through her contact with the gown owner, has access to other photographs that could have been used as the original sources.

Having seen the originally uploaded source files, I can personally attest to the significant differences between Sabine's photographs and the original file uploaded by Aria. I have enough years in the field of diagonal manipulation to detect that, at the most, a part of a background color may have been copied, tiled, and blended, as a background, a not-uncommon method by beginners trying to get a richer look to a background color.

To appease Sabine, and Aria created a new file since some changes significant enough to make it a new work. Sabine is still maintaining that she is the owner of the design itself, including the new file, and that Aria is infringing copyright. To date, Sabine has provided no evidence for owning copyright other than the photographs of the gown on her website. At this time, Spoonflower has stopped taking action on the issue of this fabric, and will take no further action until Sabine can provide evidence of ownership. We are a very small company not turning a large enough profit to being much more staff on board to do digging on individual cases on the clock.

After this issue was put to rest, Sabine claimed copyright infringement on someone else's behalf for another fabric pattern. For that fabric, a motif is scattered around. The evidence is a drawing on another website drawn by someone who owns a piece of fabric stamped with the stamp used to create the original fabric. Once again, having access to a piece of fabric doesn't convey ownership of anything but any photographs or original drawings taken or made by the individual. This does not convey ownership of the design itself. The file uploaded by Aria has motifs similar in overall shape and coloring, but is more rudimentary than the drawing Sabine is alleging was used. The person who made the drawing is also selling fabric with this motif, and also is not a copyright holder of the original fabric motif. Nothing currently gives one non-copyright-holder exclusive rights to draw a motif off a fabric and to reproduce it onto fabric to sell while excluding another non-copyright-holder from doing the same. Spoonflower has taken no action on this issue, and Aria as not been informed.

Aria has decided to sue because of some "libelous" posts made in a Yahoo message board about her fraudulent techniques. Aria, who has received legal counsel from an attorney and Knows Things, believes that she has a case, despite armchair-attorney-people telling her that is not responsible for user-generated content (ie, message boards).

LJ Drama

Aria has an immense presence on Livejournal. Not everyone wants her there. A lot of people wish she would die already. She's widely known to join communities only to create drama and make judgmental comments[1], while also telling random snippets of personal information that nobody wants to hear. Then when people respond, she plays victim, stomps her feet and threatens LJAbuse when she doesn't get her way.

In 2006 Aria joined sextips. She posts about her then-boyfriend having erectile issues, and a commenter suggests perhaps he's getting action from another source. She promptly deletes the comment. After a warning for deleting the comment and two off topic posts, she is banned from the community. She posts to st_discussion arguing that deleting a comment should not lead to a warning. Her replies to the mods include such gems as "Please, please don't have kids. We don't need more people in this world who think an apology is a reason to kick someone out because it's not up to your standards. An attempt that is imperfect is better than not attempt at all." and "Burn in hell!" This led to her permanent ban from both sextips and st_discussion.

When Aria decided to get engaged, she joined many wedding planning communities, including weddingplans. She was quickly banned from weddingplans after being disrespectful to members who had different opinions about weddings being for presents repeatedly. She felt that she was unjustly banned, so she created a sockpuppet account account to infiltrate weddingplans and cf_hardcore (another community from which Aria was banned). Aria, assuming the name of "Stasia," probably from one of her middle names, Anastasia, messaged one of the mods of WP to explain that she is NOT a sockpuppet. However, she got caught by providing posting about controversial topics in order to rile people up. She was banned again and reported to LJ Abuse for ban evasion.

Communities she's banned from: sf_drama (for deleting a post), sextips, st_discussion, weddingplans, fatshionista fertilityissues, childfree, and cf_hardcore. It's only a matter of time before she's banned from many other communities. stupid_free has an entire tag devoted to Aria wank. sf_drama also has an entire tag of Aria wank, as well.
Because she's been banned from so many communities, she decided to start her own: Wedding communities Aria has created: weddinggowns, realistic_bride, realisticbrides, bridalplans, and bridalsnark. Fertility/Baby communities Aria has created: august09, august09babies, august09baby, august2009, august2009baby, dueaugust2009, dueinaugust09, september2009, september09baby, ivfparents and babydueaugust09.

On 12/20/08 at 12:14 a.m., Aria was suspended from LiveJournal for creating multiple sockpuppet journals to (once again) evade bans in several communities. The news broke in sf_drama. Her account of the suspension is that "LJ got tired of a particular group of people always trying to cause drama, so they told me and several other people accused of being me to all start new journals." This is FALSE. While she was allowed to create a new account on LiveJournal, if she evades a community ban for a third time, she will be permanently suspended from LiveJournal.

On March 17th, 2009, Aria was permanently suspended from LiveJournal due to ban evasion in weddingplans! Her most recent LJ account, my_lady_aria, along with bride_elle, boundforcanada, emmaspuppies, clementswedding and a multitude of baby communities she created, were suspended. Per LiveJournal's Abuse Policy, she is permanently suspended and is forever forbidden from creating new LiveJournal users and communities. Good riddance!

The Moar You Know

Aria: You lose

coreyann and guinastasia have both said they had proof of theft and blood specifically from fingerpricks on gowns Aria did make. When called out on how they knew blood was from finger-pricking or even pictures, both of them claimed they've "moved on" and deleted from their computers any proof. To date, no proof has been presented and no pictures have surfaced of blood on gowns and no other online seamstress has had any pictures of dresses Aria's claimed to have made. All the allegations to date have been by people who say an unnamed friend or a friend of a friend was ripped off or got a damaged gown. coreyann and guinastasia are friends of the seamstress who is Aria's #1 hater and enemy, Tracy. Tracy benefits when Aria isn't around. Is this all wank that started around two rival dressmakers, and everyshit taken out of context since then? It's a lot of fun, no matter how it goes.

guinastasia is also showing herself to be a stalker. In a new post, she claims Aria bought a gown she's claiming as her own, though several other members of the community point out the many differences, even pointing out that she wouldn't be doing her job if the gown was similar and asking "Okay, isn't a little creepy to be... constantly checking on these things?" qweerdo replies by saying someone has to, which is almost an admission of stalking. porcupine8 said that Aria was "inviting direct comparisons" by admitting she based her version off of one by Museum Replicas. qweerdo goes back to the "but she's done it before!" claim again without giving evidence or names or pictures, just a he-said-she-said. The worst place for him to try this is in a thread where most people are siding with the person they actually hate. When guinstasia begins to reply, she makes a couple very vague references to "friends" who were scammed (but who, curiously, never speak for themselves and are never named), admits she's "probably agree" that the dresses are different if it weren't for "history," and said, in reply to the many people who disagree with her and again vaguely referencing "friends'", "I know it's lame, guys, but I'm just pissed off on behalf of my friends who were scammed by her in the past. That and I'm having a shitty week and she's an easy target to take it out on." If those "friends" aren't pissed off enough to be named or come forward, then why is she so fixated on revenge of Aria?

mauselynn, in another post, said, "What I was going to say, in her defense, is that I have not seen any of the other seamstresses she been accused of stealing from yet. I have several friends who sew, watch out for such things, and it has never been mentioned."

It's looking more like a small group of friends has it out for one seamstress and will stop at nothing to destroy her reputation. Outside of one admittedly large group ( sf_drama, current home of the anti-Aria brigade, has over 5,000 drama-loving members which means a very far reach and a presence on almost every forum and bulletin board on the internet), her reputation is clean. This is epic war.

Also, the above was written by aria_star herself because she just can't let things go. The Internet says let it be so. And so it was so.


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