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The face of faggotry


Richard "Maleificus" Banks was brought up by a rather insane parental unit (Mother Jodi, Father Jim) who haven't worked a day in their life to support their children. They have taught these traits to their children, and decided its best that they and their children live off the government to get by in life. Yes, they live off the government yet they consider themselves republican

The Man Himself

When he isn't on IRC bragging or being a little Bitch about xnite hacking him or DDOS'ing him, he works at State Farm where he bitches about how his X cheated on him with his best friend and blah blah blah (Update he lost his job at state farm after throwing a fit at a customer).

The Report Your X Page

The report my x page can be found here this is where we see his X talking about how he spent $1800 on fake drugs because he's an absolute Psychopath

Richard Banks (a.k.a. Maleificus if you meet him online) is an absolute sociopath. He is manipulative, egocentric, irresponsible, abusive, and a compulsive liar. He sucked over $1800 out of my bank accounts to feed his drug habit (K2, Spice, fake pot), then threw a childish bitch fit the day I went to his parent’s house to get away from him. He tried to break my things, then when he didn’t succeed, put me in a headlock and threw me to the ground. It took two men to get him off of me. He ended up getting arrested (and tried to resist arrest. He got body slammed by 4 cops,) and charged with domestic assault.
His grandiose opinion of himself knows no bounds. He has claimed he was a drug runner as a teen (lie), that his ex before me was using him and he did actually break up with her (nope! He just up and left her without telling her why! I had no clue I was ‘the other woman’ for the longest time), that he has great powers (He told me a story where lightning came down at his command. Seriously,) that he’s a vampire, that he’s a genius, and that everyone else is wrong except him. He will say whatever you want to keep his gravy train going (as in money, sex, whatever he happens to want at that particular moment)
He’s also incredibly impulsive, and will throw a tantrum if he doesn’t get his way. He kept me from sleeping , and from going to the hospital until there was a way to get his drug money. Honestly, I know there’s a lot more (because random things tend to trigger panic attacks and then I remember a bit more than I did previously,) but I blocked a lot of the last 6-8 months of our relationship out, so very few things tend to be clearly remembered.
He also has an unhealthy relationship with his family. It’s a bi-polar love-hate-love cycle that just. keeps. going. FOREVER. As in, they’ll be fine one day, and you’ll give them $50 for groceries, and the next day they hate you and you have no idea why. Seriously.
Also, he’s a diagnosed BPD, and should be taking medication, but last I heard he’s not. So good luck with that.
He’s also trying to claim I stole his car. Hard to steal a car that was in my name, paid in cash, and kept up by me before I even met him. He’s also trying to claim I stole his house. Considering I’ve paid over half the rent and he’s paid maybe… 90 days worth total (and he’s not allowed to come near me), I’d say this house is more than mine. He’s also claiming I cheated on him with his best friend. The guy I’m dating now I met 3 months after the breakup with Richard… so I’m not sure if he’s using some type of weird algebra or a time machine or what.
Avoid Richard Banks AT ALL COSTS. He is not worth your time, or the heartbreak, or the countless hours of therapy you will need once the fallout occurs.

Poorfag Monologues

It seems that not only can't Richard keep a job, but he also can't keep a home either! A quick google search of his father reveals a rather interesting court case.


Yes, strange how everything works out. Heres some other interesting facts: They play the money shuffle game, changing ISP's left and right, don't pay one for a while, then when their net gets shut off goto another, and don't pay them for a while, then go back to the original ISP under a diff name, then play all the same tricks under that name. Well, after x period of time, the ISP forgives your debts, and you can get new service under the original name! Viola the money shuffle game. SO! lets sum this up. You live off government money (eg.~ Foodstamps), don't pay your bills, shuffle your money around and use different names to keep internet service & a roof over your head. Yet you all vote republican, a party that wants to take your free government money away and make sure you live on the streets... Idiots.

Lulz on the Old HDD

It seems that some photos were recovered from an Old harddrive of Maleificus, and after running a quick scan of "deleted" files. The photos are obviously very much embarrassing As you can see below:

I should also mention that you left a few financial documents as well but I won't go there, shoulda used DBAN, or hell at least make an attempt at full disk encryption.

Online Cult

The cult flag

Richard has been part of a 1337 Online Group called DaeZig that over the last 2 months has been shutdown for being the #1 cause of suicide over the last few years. Richard now spends his time pretending to be a 1337 hacker who write an MIRC Bot that can hack into government computer systems.

The Blog

For a while Richard had decided to run a blog, where he bitched about his X & former friend (xnite) hooking up. The Lulzy blog posts demonstrate his Feelings on the matter. The blog can be found here


Some logs where he continued to bitch (not realizing I was there)

[2012/Jan/26 - 03:32:52] <Mal-Mal> the bitch is like a rose
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:32:57] <Mal-Mal> she'll cut you on you're thumb
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:33:07] <Mal-Mal> and kick you when you're down
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:33:12] <Mal-Mal> and fuck you when she's done
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:33:30] <Mal-Mal> your*
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:33:35] <Mal-Mal> your*
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:35:56] <Mal-Mal> litefyre
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:35:59] <Mal-Mal> wake the fuck up
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:36:18] <Mal-Mal> before i put you in my human centipede with your mouth attached to kat's ass
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:36:42] <Mal-Mal> and rob attached to yours
[2012/Jan/26 - 03:36:54] <Mal-Mal> lmao
[2012/Jan/26 - 04:06:16] <Mal-Mal> bah
[2012/Jan/26 - 04:06:26] <Mal-Mal> everyone missed my last stab at Kat and Rob
[2012/Jan/26 - 04:06:27] <Mal-Mal> that sucks
[2012/Jan/26 - 04:06:29] <Mal-Mal> well
[2012/Jan/26 - 04:06:35] <Mal-Mal> I am not going to be doing that anymore

The Internet is Serious Business

On Monday June 25th, 2012, he had clearly seen his ED page here and decided to throw a fit on an IRC network owned by a friend of mine. The little baby fit can be summed up into a few short floods including messages such as these in the channel:

[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <Al`Capone> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <casimir> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <Animals> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <Skorchir> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <c0her3nt> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <junt> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <Capn_pipp> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <Loto_> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <harun79> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:03:02] <deceit-> XNITE IS A FUCKING PANDA NIGGER LOVING SPASTICS THAT AINT GOT NO HOME LL!lloolo!lo!lOLOLo!lo!lo!loLOL!ol!ol

And several PM's prior to channel flooding, such as these one:

[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from harun79} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from Skorchir} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from Capn_pipp} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from Al`Capone} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from Animals} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from c0her3nt} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from Loto_} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from junt} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from nohomo} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?
[2012/Jun/25 - 21:00:02] -Private Message- {from n0thing} [19:03:10] U THINK U FUCKING OWN ME?

AND PRIOR TO ALL THIS! The Only reason I noticed that this was going on, was because it was brought to my attention a previous flood was going on with messages such as the following, at which Point I was not online to capture the whole flood/attack.