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After finding about this creep I found Crafty and asked her about the situation and she told me everything. I asked her to write it down so I could post it here, so here's the story of the Insane Stalker.

About a year ago, there was an issue with a guy on DeviantArt called Killie1. Of course it’s still going on but let me tell you how this insanity started.

An artist by the name xannador created a comic series based of Spyro the Dragon, mainly the TLOS series but in this version, the heroic dragon was evil.

So what did Killie do? Well, he got pissed off that his favourite video game character was evil and started to complain on the pages, eventually turning from an annoying butthurt troll into a full on stalker.

Of course, this resulted in him being blocked from said artist’s content(aka he couldn’t talk to them anymore) however he started to create multiple accounts and continued his butthurt rampage, demanding the comic be deleted and even asking the fans on the comic to help him ‘hack’ xannador’s account to delete said comic.

Xannador gets so fed up, they make a journal calling him out on it and everyone who gave them advice on Killie was contacted by the parasite.

He can’t spell for shit, trust me it takes a few minutes to translate what he says into english, that’s how bad it is.

Even when being told no and being blocked, he still kept this up, targeting people who he thought could get the account and comic shut down.

This is where Crafty comes in here, she was one of the people who gave Xannador advice and at the time she was part of a community group to help others, so he contacted her and she immediately said no and blocked him.

He then made another account and got random strangers to send her notes asking her to unblock him. Again she said no and filled the people in on what he was doing.

How he followed Xannador and called their sister a bitch for drawing fanart of their comic, for posting journals attacking others, then quickly editing them to look like the victim once he got busted. And yes, this was basically a rinse and repeat for him until he’d delete the journals then create new accounts and pretend that he’s someone else but it’s insanely obvious that it’s him.

So things calmed down until a few months ago when a friend informed Crafty that Killie was looking for assassins and hackers to kill her for free(I know, pathetic right?) So she made an account on tumblr and confronted him.

He immediately deleted it, shut down his account and made a new one, still making death and hack threats towards her. She reported him and made a call out journal on tumblr before tumblr shut down his account but he made another and kept doing this.

Apparently he still didn’t learn his lesson and stalked her to Skype, trying to ask for forgiveness. While she was talking to him, he made it painfully obvious he didn’t give a shit and wasn’t listening to a single word said, so she never forgave him, gave him another serve, then blocked him.

Killie made new DeviantArt accounts again with threats and again, was caught before he went quiet again.

Then she started to receive emails from him, still begging for forgiveness. She blocked him and deleted said emails.

Killie has this habit of causing drama, then turning tail and acting innocent when caught before trying to say sorry without meaning it and then crawl off to another website to try and gather people to attack her and others but continuously fails again and again.

And yes, he hasn’t just targeted Crafty, he’s targeted several users across tumblr, DeviantArt, YouTube and possibly other websites but those users have asked to remain anonymous.

Then he started to contact Crafty’s family, spreading lies and trying to cause home drama, however his shitty spelling and the fact that he’s a complete stranger instantly blew his cover and was blocked.

And what did Crafty do for him to flip out? She called him out on his shit and spread a journal to warn others(yes he targets people who don’t know him) and he constantly demands the journals be removed so he can play his sick game again but those journals on DeviantArt will forever remain up to purge the scourge that is Killie, for his never-ending lies, his pathetic attacks on people who never did anything to him and for constantly stalking several people online, literally spending hours searching for a person’s personal details because he has no life to worry about.

He does live with his mother and does claim to be disabled but from someone who has spent a lot of time with disabled individuals, it is a known fact that they do not use their disability purposely as a shield.

Blocking and ignoring doesn’t work with this insane stalker, talking reason doesn’t work and Killie has never spoken a word of truth. He has proven again and again that he can never be trusted, he is malicious, obsessed and mentally unstable.

From how many people he targeted, a lot did retaliate and find out his real name: Dylan Wuyts and that he lives in Belgium. His profile pictures usually feature dragons, wolves and you can instantly tell him from his horrific spelling. (As seen when he spells “Crafty” as “Grafty”)

He targets individuals who know how he plays his sick game and will continually harass them and anyone they know if they try to stop him, then run off butthurt when all the people he’s attacked come back swinging.

Basically his reputation on DeviantArt is ruined because of his own stupidity over a comic, his unhealthy obsession with a purple dragon and his own arrogance.

From so many users who were targeted, we can all tell you that he will never be forgiven and you should not trust him unless you want a leech stuck to your back who will stab you when you’re not looking. Everyone has requested to not be named except those who's call out journals are listed below and more will be added if anyone else steps forward."

Inderp gave me permission to add their callout journal: