Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/April 7, 2013: Difference between revisions

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Social Justice

The Internet has long been a haven for subhuman freak circuses and circle jerking. However, with the rise of feel good propaganda campaigns and rampant white guilt, various special snowflakes have begun to crawl out of the woodwork demanding their very own asspat. In a world where every blogger/facebook soapboaxer/and overly opinionated suburban white person feels they can change the world with a tweet a new phenomena has been born, the Social Justice Warrior. Social justice warriors are best described as a bunch of "activists" who sit around all day and bitch and moan about how everyone and everything is "racist / sexist / homophobic / transphobic / whorephobic / fatphobic / arachnophobic / bigoted / oppressive."


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