Murdoch Murdoch: Difference between revisions

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{{notice|''Not to be confused with a [[Rupert Murdoch|similarly-named]] far-right propagandist who also peddles childish nonsense to paying dupes''}}
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[[File:Murdoch Murdoch main cast.jpeg|thumb|right]]
'''Murdoch Murdoch''' are a group of [[Millennials|millenial]] [[virgin|virgins]] who make [[lulz|lulzy]] [[hentai|animated]] [[white nationalism|huWhite identitarian]] comedy videos using crudely cut out content from stock images and throwing in random memes.
The plot of most episodes usually revolves around how the main cast is dealing with a certain [[jew]] or [[nigger]] related problem they have to overcome resulting in yet another vidya shoah followed by their [[Basement_Dweller|loyal fans]] reuploading their content back on [[jewtube]].
[[File:Murdoch chan van gogh.jpeg|thumb|Murdoch-chan]]
[[File:William_Luther_Pierce.jpg|thumb|right|Dr. William Luther Pierce]]
== Characters ==
A squeeky little faggot in his early thirties who identifies [[WTF|both as a nazi and a lolbertarian]].
Despite identifying both as a [[nazi|fascist]] and a [[Libertarian|lolbertarian]], he likes to racemix with [[AZN|hapas]], smonks [[weed]], watches [[anime]] and loves to play his little videogames.
===Dr. Murdoch{{Nazi}}===
The [[genius|brains]] of the 3 Murdochs who [[masturbation|jacks off]] to [[Lauren Southern]] in like every fucking episode since Nice Guy National socialism.
He is [[bullshit|such a fucking genius]] that he even invented a [[curechan|cure]] for [[aids]][[ebola|bola]] when his butt-buddy Murdoch contracted aids from fucking hookers with his new pal [[Bill Clinton|Slick Willy]].
In that one scene where Murdoch wakes up in the hospital after being cured, the nurse tells Dr. Murdoch that he could save many [[nigger|black]] [[BLM|lives]] and [[fag|gays]] from aids with his new found cure. After that he [[hilarious|dropped the test tube with the cure in it on the floor]] followed by him saying [[oops]]
===Murdoch Chan{{Nazi}}===
Murdoch Chan is a totally crazy hardcore [[whore|bitch]] ready to gas the kikes race war now at any moment.
Murdoch Chan hates Murdoch for being a weeboa faggot vidya addict degenerate who keeps trying to hit on her.
[[OL]] she gets constantly harassed by thirsty [[indians|internet fans]] who want their face to become her seat.
She's in her mid 20's and still a virgin having a way too fucking high standard when it comes to how she likes her men.
In order for you to fuck her, you have to have a <s>one big pack</s> six pack, willing to make at least 10 white children, no premarital sex, never masturbated before, never eaten [[soyboy|soy]] willingly or not, never waken up on a saturday afternoon to watch cartoon and eat cereal and [[at least 100|466]] other requirements that are absolutely insane even for your average purity spiraling [[alt right|stormfag]].
/r/The_Donald is THE incarnation of [[reddit|redditfags]] who support [[echo|(((]][[Donald Drumpf|Trump]][[Coincidence_Detector|)))]] and have [[ZERG RUSH|flooded]] [[pol|/pol/]] and the [[kekistan]] meme ruining both the image board and the meme that is an analogy for [[white genocide]].
The dumbass fanatically supports [[israel|(((our greatest ally)))]], loves [[milo|based faggots]], [[Ben_Shapiro|(((based kikes)))]] and based [[nigger|black guys]] as long they wear trump hats, FUCKING BASED!!!!11
Everytime r/t_d shows any kind of support for based (((kikes))), faggots and niggers, the [[bert and ernie|rubber ducky]] [[Gavin McInnes|he shoved up his ass in solidarity with faggots who died by]] [[Islam|mudslime]] hands, makes a squeeky noise adding [[comedy|comedic]] effect.
Despite being the civic cuck that he is, his near [[holocaust|six]] [[over 9000|gorillion]] subscriber count made him powerful enough to [[BTFO]] both [[Spez|/u/spez]] and [[Mark_Zuckerberg|(((Mark Zuckerberg)))]] saving his stormfag friends from Censorship squad.
===Dr. William L. Pierce{{Nazi}}===
It must have come to a shock when [[you]] found out your favorite [[teacher]] Dr. William L. Pierce left teaching [[physics]] and started being the biggest stormfag that has ever set foot upon this entire fucking planet.
He is the chairman of the [[National_Alliance]] until he died of [[cancer|assburgers]] but mysteriously came back to life since he's a [[meme]] and memes never die.
When he tried to shoot up an anime convention because Murdoch was trying to fuck a [[AZN|hapa]], the three Murdochs turned into race betraying shills and [[holocaust|gassed]] [[The_Donald|based god]] Dr. Pierce for being an annoying faggot when he blamed the [[jews]] for not adding pickles to his Taco.
Since Dr. Pierce is a meme, he just came back to life a second time to aid Murdoch and Dr. Murdoch in saving Murdoch Chan and the [[White_Nationalism|white race]].
When the series took a shitty [[Star Wars]] Spin-off, [[Paul_Joseph_Watson]] killed Dr. Pierce because he fucking hates Race_Realism, yet again, he's a meme and [[jesus|came back to life]].
===Lauren Southern{{Jew}}===
She is a journalist of alt-lite Rebel Media Dr. Murdoch and other alt-reich faggots have the hots for.
In the series, she first appears in the episode; 'Nice Guy National Socialism' where Dr. Murdoch meets her at a free speech rally, to find her calling out [[antifa]] for being [[bullshit|da real fascists]].
In fact she is actually jewish and promotes racemixing by fucking her monkey looking based black guy in a Trump hat in order to make [[The Jewnited States of Americunts]] a beige racemixed civic nationalist utopia. Even her black boyfriend '''FUCKING BASED''' encouraged Dr. Murdoch to racemix with his nigger sistas resulting in him 'inadvertently' killing the ape.
===Kristoffer Shekelstein & Michael Goldberg{{Jew}}===
Communist Laurel and Hardy, since Kristoffer Shekelstein (the fat one) and Michael Goldberg (the thin one), are two complete idiots who try to fight fascism in any way possible, even if it means beating up a 90 year old lady to death, hiding her body under their bed, having a study mate over only to find out she has been missing and when she looked under the bed, where a strange smell came from, Kristoffer Shekelstein smashed her brains in and rapes her dead body afterwards all for the sole reason the old bitch was wearing a trump hat.
==Murdoch Murdoch Videos==
<table align="center" style="text-align:center">
<td>'''Starring Main Characters'''</td>
<td>'''Miscelaneous episodes'''</td>
{|style="margin:0 auto"
|{{videoframe|Starring Main Characters|background:white;text-align:center|font-weight:bold
|<youtube>JD_dgqwmQsM</youtube><br>Revenge of the Murdochs
|<youtube>K8SgmZFrs7A</youtube><br>The Murdoch Diaries
|<youtube>EXufrZmOcl4</youtube><br>Pure 100 Bavarian Phenotype
|<youtube>GlBrfKQ04yk</youtube><br>Hwite Knights
|<youtube>1cMEbiYoua4</youtube><br>Nice Guy National Socialist
|<youtube>B31aIbzOq9Y</youtube><br>THE ALT LIGHT STRIKES BACK hate speech edit
|<youtube>yXMeRueheSY</youtube><br>Immortality through delicious t shirt money
|<youtube>LMZjJh2BHGs</youtube><br>Get yer hands off muh vidya
|<youtube>DDZmayv6xMc</youtube><br>Speak Freely
|<youtube>oA-n8OO8MeA</youtube><br>Shameless Promotion for the NPI 2016 Fall Conference
|<youtube>gs2_6tjc90M</youtube><br>The Cruel Fate of Kekistan
|<youtube>3lFFwAod9QI</youtube><br>Galaxy MM88
|<youtube>874iAyukGkM</youtube><br>Vampire Hunter M
|<youtube>vEkV_q6VVMo</youtube><br>Dr Murdoch's no good very bad week
|<youtube>TCpiiDFwTco</youtube><br>Sargon the Afraid
|<youtube>0xcf07kPfII</youtube><br>How To Act In A Crisis
|<youtube>XLm8IQSAoSA</youtube><br>Border Runners 3 The Embrownening}}
{|style="margin:0 auto"
|{{videoframe|Miscelaneous episodes|background:white;text-align:center|font-weight:bold
|<youtube>HrqP7ywuP_g</youtube><br>Episode 1 The reddit cuck discovers pol
|<youtube>eGVt-MR3l4w</youtube><br>Episode 2 Nigel's Dream
|<youtube>fvfWPdhivqo</youtube><br>Episode 3 The Orbiter
|<youtube>bNi34vJ0hiQ</youtube><br>Episode 4 Return of the Swede
|<youtube>j-uAxjImM04</youtube><br>Episode 5 brave
|<youtube>1apVKL-978w</youtube><br>Episode 6 Ellen Pao's gift to pol
|<youtube>fnQ4P_fTVXg</youtube><br>Episode 7 The Ghost of Stonewall Jackson
|<youtube>oYNMGfp_lvU</youtube><br>Episode 8 Flight 800 000
|<youtube>-13lRnQFQuk</youtube><br>Episode 9 J Js Interracial Art That's Perfectly Acceptable To Be Put On YouTube
|<youtube>slhesLZTqPM</youtube><br>Episode 10 When My Brothers Finally Wake Up
|<youtube>1LRHQl4Ix8w</youtube><br>Episode 11 Mandell's milk
|<youtube>81eIHsZG464</youtube><br>Episode 12 The Art of the Red Pill
|<youtube>KPdFf4d8YJw</youtube><br>Episode 14 Progressives Night Out
|<youtube>1FS9YR95_z4</youtube><br>Episode 15 Hold Back The Night
|<youtube>PkVClM6bWYo</youtube><br>Anti Fascist Action
|<youtube>9EAFSHaDHEY</youtube><br>They Sleep, We Live
|<youtube>z8WkytLUFOM</youtube><br>This Machine Kills Hippies
|<youtube>MEmg6HF35PU</youtube><br>Race War, Us Against Them
|<youtube>37r4YIW8LBk</youtube><br>Murdoch Halloween Special 1
|<youtube>Iu2qbJbnCtc</youtube><br>No way, San Jose
|<youtube>MUwTBzrUnhk</youtube><br>The Last Son of the West
|<youtube>ynZBUfcOYko</youtube><br>Murdoch's Christmas Special 1
== Video List ==
[[File:MurdochChan Absolute waifu.png|thumb|right]]‎
[[File:Virgin_pussy.png|thumb|Virgin pussy best pussy]]
Oldest to newest
* Episode 1: The reddit cuck discovers /pol/
* Episode 2: Nigel's Dream
* Episode 3: The Orbiter
* Episode 4: Return of the Swede
* Episode 5: #brave
* Race War, Us Against Them
* My Name is Aids Skrillex
* Episode 6: Ellen Pao's gift to /pol/
* Episode 7: The Ghost of Stonewall Jackson
* Episode 8: Flight 800-000
* Episode 9: J.J.'s Interracial Art That's Perfectly Acceptable To Be Put On YouTube
* Episode 10: When My Brothers Finally Wake Up
* Episode 11: Mandell's milk
* Episode 12: The Art of the Red Pill
* Episode 13: Prep The Bull
* Murdoch Halloween Special #1
* Episode 14: Progressives Night Out
* <s>Episode 15 Hold Back The Night</s>  ([ Donald Trump: Let's Make America Great Again Theme Song])
* The Last Son of the West
* Murdoch's Christmas Special 1
* This Machine Kills Hippies
* 2016
* Back to the Faggot
* <s>Trudeau's Diversityathon</s> [ mirror'd]
* The Murdoch Diaries
* Shills
* Pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype
* Revelations
* They Sleep, We Live
* Revenge of the Murdochs
* No way, San Jose
* Hwite Knights
* Anti-Fascist Action
* Vampires
* Meme Magic
* Shameless Promotion for the NPI 2016 Fall Conference
* Obama's Legacy
* The Great Meme War of 2016
* THE ALT/LIGHT STRIKES BACK (hate speech edit)
* A Kangz Carol
* Your Heroes Journey
* Fatherland (Take 2)
* <s>The Last Stand of Implicit Whiteness</s>
* The Greatest Generation
* All For Love
* Nice Guy National Socialist
* Metamorphosis
* Immortality through delicious t shirt money
* Speak Freely
* The Ghosts of America
* Vampire Hunter M
Since their main channel was repeatedly [[rape|buttfucked]] by [[Jewtube]] and their [[Censorship|censorship]], Murdoch Murdoch has moved over to and made announcement videos on their main channel, which also got [[DELET_THIS|deleted]] even though it did not contain any [[Racism|hate speech]] in it, for the following episodes:
* Galaxy MM88
* Dr Murdoch's no good very bad week
* Sargon the Afraid
* Border Runners 3 The Embrownening
* How To Act In A Crisis
== External links ==
Official Murdoch Murdoch accounts
*[ Murdoch Murdoch channel] on [[YouTube]]
*[ Murdoch Murdoch 2] second YouTube channel
* [ Reddit /altright/ AMA]
* [ Murdoch Murdoch] on
== Video Archives ==
* [] on CheekyVideos Archive

Revision as of 04:02, 30 April 2018

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