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{{Notice|See: [[Lulz Map|Comedy Map]], [[IDIFTL]], [[The Comprehensive Theory of Lulz|The Comprehensive Theory of Comedy]]}}
#REDIRECT [[Lulz]]
[[Image:LULZ_birth.png|thumb|Scientists have carbon dated the first use of '''comedy''' to [[Jameth]].]]
[[File:Lulisdick.png|thumb|right|So you came here for the Comedy? the Dutch claim [[penis|otherwise]].]]
[[Image:White_pages_lulz.png|thumb|[[Ohio]] has the highest concentration of comedy in America.]]
[[Image:No_lulz.png|thumb|There are, however, no comedy to be found in [[Hollywood]]. [[Jews|We all know why that is.]]]]
[[Image:Mark being a script sperm.jpg|thumb|I did it for the comedy]]
[[Image:Corruptionoflulz.jpg|thumb|On ur shipments, corruptin ur comedy.]]
[[Image:Lolzturtle.gif|thumb|The infamous comedy [[I_Like_Turtles|turtle]].]]
[[Image:Lulz warrior turtle.jpg|thumb|200px|The infamous comedy turtle in first stage battlemode.]]
[[Image:Lulz Turtle Liekz Mudkipz.gif|thumb|200px|The infamous comedy turtle rapes a [[So i herd u liek mudkip|Mudkip]].]]
[[Image:Lulz Mech Turtle.jpg|thumb|200px|The infamous comedy turtle in his final and most comedyy form.]]
[[Image:LulzyBobby.gif|thumb|200px|[[Hank Hill|''King of the Hill'''s]] Bobby enjoys the comedy.]]
[[Image:Antilolzturtle.gif|thumb|200px|The [[anti-lulz|anti-comedy]] turtle. LOLWUT!?]]
[[Image:Olde Time Lulz.gif|thumb|200px|Ye olde time comedy turtle.]]
[[Image:Lulzturtlehentai1.gif|thumb|200px|Comedy rare turtle [[porn|pr0n]].]]
[[Image:LOLZZZZ.jpg|thumb|200px|The Teenage Mutant Lolz Turtles (TMLT)]]
[[Image:Lulzturtlepower.png|thumb|200px|Yet again [[Rule 34| Rule 34]].]]
In the beginning was the [[Comedy]], and the [[Comedy]] was with God, and the [[Comedy]] was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all [[trolling]]s were made; without him nothing was [[trolled]] that has been [[trolled]]. In him was [[drama]], and that [[drama]] was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the [[anti-lulz|darkness]], and the [[anti-lulz|darkness]] has not overcome it.|Gospel of John
'''comedy''' is a corruption of ''L U L Z'', which stands for "'''█▄ █▄█ █▄ ▀█▄''' is a corruption of ''L O L''", signifying laughter at someone else's expense (from the [[German]] concept of "[[Holocaust|Schadenfreude]]"). This makes it inherently superior to [[lolcats|lesser forms of humor]]. [[Anonymous]] gets big comedy from pulling [[random]] pranks. The pranks are always posted on the internet. Just as the element of [[Buttsex|surprise]] transforms the [[Secks|physical act of love]] into [[rape|something beautiful]], the [[Butthurt|anguish]] of a laughed-at victim transforms [[lol]] into comedy, making it longer, girthier, and [[ED:LULZ|more pleasurable]].  Comedy is engaged in by [[Brenda Williams|Internet users]] who have witnessed one major economic/environmental/political disaster too many, and who thus view a state of voluntary, gleeful sociopathy over the world's current apocalyptic state, as superior to being continually [[emo]].
You're driving on a two lane highway, listening to music and whatshit, and suddenly, you see two people go in front of you and box you in, going at a shocking 20 miles an hour on a 60 mile an hour lane, forcing everyone to get in your way.  The [[asshole]] in front of you decides to pull a prank and slams on his brakes.  You cannot react in time and [[Buttsex|rear-end]] his car.  He speeds off in his stupid lunchbox and the other guy takes an exit.  Luckily, you get the guy's license plate (U42-6MN, Tampa, FL).  You look up his information through the DMV, find his address, and launch your assault.  [[spongebob|Every waking moment of his life will become a swirling torment of pain and misery.]]  He will begin to look before opening the shower curtain, because half the time, you will be there with a knife in hand.  He will not cross the road because you will be there waiting to run him over.  He will not cook with salt because he thinks you laced it with cyanide.  His life, terrorized. For the comedy.  Win.
The term comedy was coined by [[Jameth]], and is the only good reason to do anything, from [[troll]]ing to [[rape]]. After every action taken, you must make the epilogic [[dubious disclaimer]]: "[[IDIFTL|I did it for the comedy]]."  Sometimes you may see the word spelled as [[YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG|luls or lolz]], but only if you are reading something written by a [[faggot]]. [[PROTIP|Pro Tip]]: If you feel particularly [[douchebag|pretentious]], or if you're talking to Frasier, use the term "epicaricacy" instead of comedy.
comedy  Noun --- (lul-zz)
1. The act of entertaining oneself with the misfortune of others; an
agreeable occupation for the mind
2. Something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement,
esp. a performance of some kind.
3. The essence which can be derived from an epic win.
We did it for the comedy.
A corruption of lol.
Below is a conversation said to have been held between [[Jesus]] and [[Putin]]. Whether it is apochryphal is disputed by black person
Putin says:
what's the etymology of comedy
i know it's derived from lol
but how did it acquire the "u" and the "z"
Jesus says:
well first off
a semantic shift had been undertaken to coalesce 'lol' from an
abbreviation into a noun.
after the noun became established, multiple grammaticalisations
could be carried out, such as verbing, declining and such and such
however, the 'act' of 'lolling' became too equated with stupid
fucking faggots, so it came to be abandoned
and, by simple survival of the fittest, it is the pluralisation
'lols' that came to prominence
Putin says:
Jesus says:
once 'lols' became established, it underwent multiple
such as 'lawls', 'lalz', 'lolz' etc etc
until the canonical form 'comedy' became codified by the great
king Unbar of the Undernets*
Putin says:
oh man
Jesus says:
this was done in part to subdue the last of stupid fucking faggots
by building a wall of self-referential sarcasm
similar to the rift between the old and the new testament
whereby the christians are like 'comedy fuck jews, they're christians
who haven't evolved yet'
but at the same time they're like 'comedy we bow before jewish prophets
and we use jewish words like 'hallelujah''
so it is then to cover the embarassment of having grammaticalised an
internet abbreviation as stupid fucking faggots did
Putin says:
Jesus says:
and so it to sever all possible ties with them,
that the vulgarised form 'comedy', albeit unorthodox, has been assumed.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>This allegedly refers to either [[Ceiling Cat]] or the proverbial [[centipede filled vagina|テ盈inence Grise]] of the Internet, but there is disagreement between black person, see Neumann 1977 and Smith 2002 for further discussion.
Beginning as a plural variant of lol, Comedy was originally an exclamation but is now often just used as a noun meaning interesting or funny internet content.
According to [[Fox News|the media]], Comedy is a corruption of [[LOL]], which stands for laugh out loud. It is part of sekrit code used by [[anonymous|evil domestic terrorists]] in their attempt to ruin innocent peoples' lives. These terrorists, known as "[[Anonymous]]" get lots of "comedy" from staging "invasions" of [[Insane|children's websites]] such as [[Habbo Hotel]].
According to Mattathias Schwartz of the ''[[New York Times]]'', Comedy is "how [[troll]]s keeps score" and is defined as "the joy of disrupting another窶冱 emotional equilibrium". Given that comedy has been extensively covered by both FAWCKS NUUZ and the NYT, it would seem to be [[notable]]; however, it is only accorded one small section of the [[Wikipedia]] article on [[Lol]].
Senior Dramacrats believe comedy originally came from trolls on [[LiveJournal]], where it was then spread by [[usi|our very own website]]. The chans would pick it up later, proving the unifying ability of comedy, as detailed below.
Comedy is the one unifying force in the world. Those experiencing it are bonded mentally and emotionally. It is the [[funny|greatest experience you will ever have]]. Your first 'comedy' is akin to achieving your first orgasm, only magnified. If one is truly experiencing the comedy, they will be invulnerable to all attack. Comedy is known to show other life lessons by any means necessary, such as [[Agentmike|to not download CP, especially under the alias you use for everything else]] and to [[Peppermintpatti|not]] [[Tawneelynne|be]] [[Bravesgirl5|an]] [[attention whore]].
Using comedy in your spoken vocabulary also makes [[you]] a [[faggot]], and increases the likelihood that [[you]] will [[truth|never get laid]].
*[[You|''You]] [[fail|cannot]] [[moralfag|understand]] [[For great justice|the complex]] [[Ftw|motivations]] [[anonymous|of anonymous.'']] [[faggot|''Faggot.'']]
*''We will come together to strengthen our intelligence capabilities to know the plans of [[You|terrorists]] before they act and to find the comedy before they [[strike]].''
*''Typical result of comedy [[overdose]].''
==IRL comedy==
*fo0bar saw a California car with a COMEDY license plate driving in [[Reno]].  Surrender your secrets to me!
*[[User:Amnesiac|Amnesiac]] found out that London Underground calls itself "LUL" internally. The precise amount of comedy generated by this discovery is unknown, but presumed to be [[unfunny|quite low]].
==Further developments==
===The beginning===
{{quote|Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be comedy," and there was comedy. God saw that the comedy was good, and He separated the comedy from the anti-comedy. God called the comedy "'''Encyclopedia Dramatica'''," and the anti-comedy he called "[[Uncyclopedia]]." And there was pr0n, and there was pedophiles 窶・the first internets.|Genesis - The Bible}}
===Ancient version===
In ancient times they referred to comedy as lvlz as in:
<augustus> Byzantivm was pvvnd this morning.
<nerva> lvlz
An early scholar of comedy was the Roman poet Lucretius, who described the phenomenon [[at least one hundred years ago]]:
{{squote|It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves abovt, to watch from the shore the strvggles of another.<br><br>LVLZ|Romans loev Schadenfreude}}
=== Modern Times===
# Ask not what your comedy can do for you, but what you can do for your comedy. - John F. Kennedy.
# We have nothing to fear, but Comedy itself - Franklin D. Roosevelt
# I did it for the comedy - Jack Ruby
# The comedy squared is equal to the butthurt of the recipient squared multiplied by the value of the prank squared. - Pythagoras.
n. to be completely engulfed in hilarity; can also mean a completely uniform lol. Example:
<mike> n00bs are stupid
<dan> lol
<bob> lol
<alf> lol
<mike> totacomedy
===The comedy scale===
The Comedy Scale, currently in development by [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] staff, will be used to rate everything [[OTI]] on a simple scale of Comedy. The Comedy Scale will vary between [[Uncyclopedia|0]] and [[Encyclopedia Dramatica|Over 9,000]]. A prototype has been released by a fan of Teh Comedy.[[File:lulzometer.jpg|200px|thumb|left|The prototype Comedy-O-Meter]]
===The Comedy Equation===
Founded by an AnonymousTip, the Comedy Equation can be used to build up Comedy in a numerical fashion which in turn may be used to boast about how big of an [[asshole]] [[you]] are.
The Equation is as follows:
Comedy = (C+R)-r*(M/Q)
C = Comedy
R = Victim's rage
r = Your rage
M = Your material
Q = Quality of the material
All variables are based on a scale 1-10.
[[Frunz]] is the complete opposite of comedy. See also [[anti-comedy]].
===Limits of comedy===
No matter how comedyy [[you]] think something is, it has a chance of being [[anti-comedy]] or just plain wrong:
{{quote|Some times not even the comedy are worth looking at fuckloads of weird [[furry]] [[pornography]].|[[User:Einsidler|Einsidler]]}}
{{quote|yes they are|[[you]]}}
==Fun fact==
The word "lul" means [[cock]] in the [[Dutch]] language, so whenever someone says "I did it for the comedy" they are quite literally saying "I did it for the cock."
==Random shit==
<center>{{fv|Comedy|background-color: indigo;|font-weight: bold;|<youtube>ZHPcSHAPSz0</youtube>|<youtube>qPwEA7oXZpw</youtube>|<youtube>zcOeOeZaqhw</youtube>|<youtube>sZOY5_JBCE0</youtube>|<youtube>lVUs5Qq4_EE</youtube>|<youtube>Rao0pmgRLh0</youtube>|<youtube>uJyQT8zxgJs</youtube>|<youtube>P0ZUE430mkI</youtube>}}</center>
==Comedy in different languages==
* [[English]] - <i>[[Comedy]]</i>
* [[British]] - <i> Lawlz </i>
* [[American]] - <i>[[Comedy|HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH]]</i>
* [[Canadian]] - Lol eh?
* [[Australian]] - <i> ridgey didge!</i>
* [[Nazi|German]] - <i>Schadenfreude</i>
* [[French]] - <i>lテゥlz</i>
* Finnish - <i>reps</i>
* Estonian - <i>kahjurõõm</i>
* Sweedish - <i>lテカlz</i>
* Dutch - Piemel
* Arab - <i>ههههههههههههتهههههخههههههععهههههههتتههههههكهههه</i>
* Jew - <i>ラ慵勉慵</i>
* Greek - <i>マπアホエホケマπシマ狐</i>
* Hindi - <i>爨ェ爨ー爨ェ爭€爨。爨シ爨ィ-爨ー爨、爨ソ</i>
* [[Hungary|Hungarian]] - <i>káröröm</i>  (Schadenfreude)
* [[Japanese]] - <i>wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww</i>
* [[Chinese]] - [[File:Lulz-Cantonese.jpg]]
* [[Russian]] - <i>ミ嶢セミサ / [[Trololo]]</i>
* [[Italian]] - <i>Sadismo</i>
* Norweigian - <i>Sadisme</i>
* Spanish - <i>Casi me cago</i>
* Czech - <i>Sofistikovanテ。 zlテ。 sranda</i>
* Croatian - <i>Sadizam</i>
* Slovak - <i>Vテ。トセaナ・ sa</i>
* Slovenian - <i>Sadizem</i>
* Polish - <i>O kurwa!</i> / <i>Beka w chuj</i>
* Romanian - <i>caterincト・or mテ「ナ」ト</i>
* Turkish - <i> haha kop!</i>
* Vietnamese - <i>Tao làm vì cái comedy</i>
* Serbian - <i>ミ。ミーミエミクミキミーミシ</i>
* Portuguese - <i>Risosz</i>
* Estonian - <i>Lテオlz</i>
* Yiddish - <i>ラ慵蹟クラ</i>
* Thai - <i>犧金クイ犧扉クエ犧ェ犧。犹</i> and 555555555
* Belarusian - <i>ミ・ミーz-ム・ーz-ム・ーz</i>
* Pig latin - <i>ulz-lay</i>
* [[Dutch]] - <del><i>Lol</i> (This predates [[B|/b/]], and even the [[internet|internets]].)</del> Forgot about "Leedvermaak" eh?
* [[Denmark|Danish]] - LOL!
* Macedonian - <i> Seir </i>
* Indonesian - <i>wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk</i>
* Malaysian - <i>WAKENABEB</i>
* [[4chan|Chanisian]] - <i>trocomedyulzulzulzulz</i>
==The Lulls==
Phonetically, the English pronunciation of comedy is also homonymous to the word "lulls", which has Quantum Deep Significance and stands for the fact that no matter how hilarious any gags happen to be, they will eventually become unfunny if repeated too often, at the wrong times, and/or  by the wrong people. When this occurs, the comedy can effectively become the "lulls" in the humor continuum...which open up into gaping, sucking holes leading to the Anti-Comedy. ''You never know when the comedy will suddenly let you down - and the only way to not be at risk for that occurring is to ensure that the comedy never truly matter to you.''  What would happen if the tables turned and the comedy stopped being funny because the laughing-with turned to the laughing-at, and you became the target?  The moment this begins to matter to you, all hope for you becomes lost.  Therefore, it has to not matter, ALL.
This shit was actually just made up by some asshat lawn gnome trying to pass itself off as a troll, and  thus must be completely disregarded by your awareness, RIGHT NOW.
==Guaranteed comedy==
* [ A fatty raging at ED] - laughing at, but not with, [[fat]] kids is always comedyy. >[[antilulz|anticomedy|This shit is not comedy worthy]]
* [ Pterodactyl Sex]
* [ Caseypedia] - a [[Casey Serin|deep well]] of delicious, thirst-quenching schadenfreude. [[Pepe|Feels good man]].
{{cg|lulzery|lulzgallery|center|<gallery perrow=4>
Image:Icwutudidthar.jpg|he sees wut u did thar
Image:lulzturtlehentai2.jpg|[[Porn]] can be comedyy.
Image:lulzspanish.jpg|Even the Spaniards have adopted comedy into their tongue.
Image:Wikipedialulz.png|The anti-username bot never fails to impress.
Image:Megannolulz.png|Attention whores like [[MeganSpeaks]] doesn't believe in comedy, but she will soon enough...
</gallery>|<gallery perrow=4>
Image:TOWlulz.png|excuse me?
Image:Poster75531972.jpg|Even [[Metallica|Dave Mustaine]] did it for the comedy
Image:Japanlul.jpg|Japanese researchers state that there is no such thing as comedy in the rain. Cute propaganda is used to spread this observation.
Image:Urbandict.jpg|lolz on [[urbandictionary]].
Image:lulzgraph.JPG|Comedy = is why we do anything at all
Image:I_detect_lulz.jpg|Maximillian detects comedy.
Image:Niagaralulz.png窶旨How comedy get into [[Canadia]].
Image:Stormfrontlulz.jpg|Comedy are so despicable that even [[Purelily|white supremacists]] can't stand them.
Image:Fox_lulz.png|[[Anonymous]] does [[Fox]] News for teh comedy.
Image:Divineangel_lolcow.jpg|[[DivineAngel|A typical lolcow]].
Image:Russianlulz.JPG|[[Russian]] comedy.
Image:Gearsofwardomcolegaycomedy.jpg|[[Gears of War|Gay]] comedy
Image:Alienlulz.jpg|Aliens have come to keep the earth from destruction from the nuclear missiles and the comedy
Image:Lulzapalooza0001.jpg|The seas will turn read and the comedy will walk among the living
Image:Lulzforcepush.gif|feel the power of the comedy [[star wars|side]]
Image:Howdoilol.jpg|How do I shot Phil Shuman??1
Image:The_lulz_motivation.jpg|Comedy Did [[WTC]]!!!
Image:Lulz-LaughOutLoud.gif|Thank you FOX, I would never have figured it out.
Image:TMLT.jpg|A more recent sighting.
Image:lolzcookbook.jpg|A comprehensive guide for making comedy.
Image:ultimate_EvLulz.jpg|The Evil UmbreLOL corporation.
Image:Mahlulz.jpg|ED and its comedy.
Image:Lulz_Corruption.jpg|Comedy, [[In before X|in before]] being [[Capitalism|corrupted]].
Image:chillicheezelulz.jpg|Comedy come flavored in spices, packaged, and preserved for all eternity(not really).
Image:Lolcorruption.png|"COMEDY TEH GAME" (Still in production)
Image:Rapidshare got teh lulz.jpg
Image:ency.jpg|How not to generate comedy
Image:Hahaha-lulz.jpg|Misusage of comedy
Image:Ha_ha_you're_dead.jpg|[[You're/Your|You're]] average, everyday comedy.
Image:Moarlulz.jpg|WE NEED MOAR COMEDY
Image:TMNT Michaelangelo Stare.jpg|I see what you did for the comedy there.
Image:Avg_believes_in_lulz.jpg|AVG loves the comedy
Image:Doitforthem.jpg|We do it for them.
Image:Furdielulz.png|SIEG COMEDY
Image:Funny_shiz.jpg|A fine example of doing it for the comedy (note the pwnage factor is over 9,000).
Image:Lulzsnack.jpg|OM NOM NOM
Image:Lulz.jpg|The comedy
Image:Steve for teh comedy.jpg|Steve does it for the comedy.
Image:Mikeytard.jpg|When there's [[win|uber-comedy]] to be had, your face ends up like this.
==See also==
*[[idiftl|I did it for the comedy]]
*[[|Lulz Map|Comedy Map]] - Check here for a location of notable comedyy events!
*[[For the evulz|Evulz]]
*[[Heppum's Razor]]
*[[Lulz News Network|Comedy News Network]]
*[[The Comprehensive Theory of Lulz|The Comprehensive Theory of Comedy]]
== External links ==
* {{UkrED|Лулзи|UkrDramatica's article on COMEDY}}
* {{KYM|memes/i-did-it-for-the-comedy|KYM on COMEDY}}
* []
* []
* []
* [ Comedy.FM]
* [ Comedy]
* [ Fox 11 report on comedy]
* [ Critical analysis of comedy]
* [ Moar Comedy Turtle Porn]
* [ Even the academics know about teh comedy]
{{Timeline|Featured article September 20 & September 21, [[2013]]|[[404 Girl]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[HappyCabbie]]}}
{{Timeline|Featured article February 2, [[2009]]|[[ED:101]]|[[{{PAGENAME}}]]|[[Islam Is The Light]]}}
[[Category:Internets Phenomena]][[Category:Drama-generating techniques]]
<div style="position:fixed;bottom:0;right:0">[[Image:Awesome_face_bigger.png|70px|link=]] </div>

Latest revision as of 10:36, 14 May 2018

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