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Latest revision as of 20:03, 21 May 2013

Welcome, Rofohater

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TKN Bot 23:14, 11 May 2013 (EDT)


you realize that's a man, right? -hipcrime 02:23, 13 May 2013 (EDT)

it seems to me that you are trying to write an attack article. Unless they are really caused drama to make you write it. ••General Niggerson Page me. 03:30, 13 May 2013 (EDT)

Hey, Snits

What the fuck are you doing? I've got multiple people sending me enraged messages about how the person who made this page is making DEATH THREATS towards that true? And, if so, are you the doorknob doing it? Not sure if how old you are, but uh, let me let you in on a little secret...threatening children...that's pretty well one ~the~ quickest ways to get yer dumb ass arrested, boy lemme tell ya! I don't know all of what you've been doing, quite frankly I don't think I ~want~ to know, but if yer fuckin better stop...reaaaal fast. --Onideus 18:56, 17 May 2013 (EDT)

What? Utter bullshit. it is probably [RoFo]'s bitesizebaby telling lies again. Pls post the emails here. Rofohater 00:09, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
Most of it is all really, really, REALLY fucking long actually. They included like whole fucking LOGS with them as "evidence" I guess. I haven't had time to sift through it all yet, but the parts I ~did~ see included one particular crazed nut job verbally attacking someone's kid. Didn't see any death threats in the few parts I went over, but they were certainly workin the fuck up to it. And it ~wasn't~ trolling, it was outright deranged fucking behavior of the highest if I find out who it is...I'll probably make *THEM* an hope that it isn't you. --Onideus 00:15, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
There is a guy on RoFo that harasses people and makes threats - Parrot - he does harass bitesizebaby and he seems to know her name, kid's name and some other stuff. Parrot is batshit crazy. But so is BSB. Me, I'm just trying to document all this stuff and have a few lulz...Rofohater 00:34, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
Please notify me or Onideus if Parrot's invading your article again. ••General Niggerson Page me. 00:52, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
In regards to if this user made death threats or not, if it didn't happen on the wiki then who gives a damn. Should these claims be valid they should be investigated by IRL authorities and not us. I laughed. 03:39, 19 May 2013 (EDT)
Primarily in that ED could be held directly or indirectly responsible and we generally don't want to make a giant beaming target out of ourselves for law enforcement, feds and the like...and doing things like threatening children (or allowing an open platform for it)...that's one of their "hot buttons" so to speak. They'll literally go out of their way and start ~looking~ for every last way they can nail us and they won't be afraid to try and twist any existing law around to get what they want. It's ESPECIALLY dangerous in situations like this where you're dealing with a *REAL* nut ball who just might *ACT* on his threats. It's one thing if it's been done in an overly sarcastic and satirical manner...but the shit I, no that guy was balls up freakin CRAZY! We're talkin Emmet Gulley level crazy here, not the kind of crazy you want to let running loose on ED in any manner whatsoever. --Onideus 14:37, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
So to be clear:
  • You're an expert who can authenticate evidence from outside sources.
  • And you can guarantee that nobody modified chat logs or whatever in any kinds of way. Everyone knows that has never happened before.
</sarcasm>However, since I am not such a badass, I'm going to stick to what happens on the wiki. Should a person feel that real life laws have been broken then RL authorities should be contacted IMO.
Actually forgot all of the above this conversation has wandered deep into serious territory. If something illegal actually does happen on Encyclopedia Dramatica then I will report it to an admin. 15:20, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
It is possible to fake logs and the like, yes, which is why you should be diligent, check sources, weigh the evidence, etc, etc...however in cases where you have a half dozen different, very real, people sending you messages about some nth level nut job and are including a mass of links and HUNDREDS (if not thousands) of lines of logs and include relevant back links proving their source...yeeeaaaah...not really something you an just "ignore", especially if said nut job (that parrot guy) is openly running around posting shit on yer wiki all the while running around threatening to kill people's children. Basically...use your best judgement and if things aren't especially clear that confer with others on the wiki to determine the best course of action. Best course of action in this case was to burn off all the nut jobs addition to this article. --Onideus 15:31, 21 May 2013 (EDT)

/!\ Warning /!\

A reminding for myself. Carry on. 15:34, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
Threatening kids can get you to jail, LIAT, if this is actually you. Beware of that you autistic fuck. ••General Niggerson Page me. 15:49, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
Even just ~joking~ about it can actually get you arrested. There was an incident last year where this guy just ~joked~ about killing this one celebrities kid on a radio show and he was arrested within hours of doing it. They only held him for like 24 hours, but even just ~joking~ about it is a generally stupid idea. It's like showing up an airport and "joking" that you have a bomb. --Onideus 16:03, 21 May 2013 (EDT)


Why would you spend all that time creating an article and then ask for it to be deleted? Mr.Jonzz 03:13, 19 May 2013 (EDT)

it's shit. please flush it :) Rofohater 03:16, 19 May 2013 (EDT)
someone removed the delete notice and banned me :/ Cab you still please delete the article? Thank you. Rofohater 03:44, 19 May 2013 (EDT)
Yeah I did. After reviewing the article if I think it is shit I will put the notices back. Otherwise it stays. 03:45, 19 May 2013 (EDT)