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Comment on Hagars update and why it was reverted.
Comment on Hagars update and why it was reverted.
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Latest revision as of 02:26, 9 January 2012

This is blatant defamation. Either the page goes or I contact the police. I've already made contact with the police and I will happily have them track who has set this up. Your IP will be reorded and you are stalking me (in real life) so either this page goes or I report you to the police and have you arrested for stalking, defamation and unwanted attention. Same with the admins of this site, either they disallow this page or I will have the police deal to them too. OI BITCH STFU.

I'm going to the police tomorrow. I can't get to the station now, but if this page is still up in the morning, I'm sure the police would be very interested to see it. I'm not joking. You've had your chance. I'm going to the police.

  • Request denied, you should ask nicely next time. --Beefcake 13:57, 30 September 2011 (CEST)

Please remove the page, or I will report you to the police tomorrow. As I say, it's gone too far - stalking, photographing me without my consent, breaching my privacy. I'm going to the police tomorrow.

  • Ok, good luck in your further endeavors. --Beefcake 13:59, 30 September 2011 (CEST)
  • You were photographed in public (not a privacy violation) and 99% of the article is things you have said and summaries of forum threads. If you have a problem with anything being untrue I am more than willing to work with you to fix this. --Fromtheinternet 14:02, 30 September 2011 (CEST)

Wrong, you photographed me against my will. Not acceptable. nor is it acceptable to post personal private information about me. keep the stuff about idol, captive, the election campaign etc, but not where I work. That's too far. I will go to the police if you don't remove that.

liz shaw is a mongoloid!!!

Okay, you leave me no choice. I'm go to the police in the morning.

  • No offence Liz but the police are going to tell you to STFU and GTFO --Noteven 14:22, 30 September 2011 (CEST)

it's 'I'm going', lol you fail at using the present progressive tense lol.

Wrong, I spoke to them a couple of weeks ago, they said I needed to go into the station with the emails etc, and now that there is this page and more emails etc, plus photographs, the police will do something. You've been warned.

  • Which police station are you going to? Will inform your paparazzi to be there with their cameras. --Noteven 14:22, 30 September 2011 (CEST)
  • Liz, photographing in public is perfectly acceptable and doesn't need a release signed, please learn the law. Also, the information would be private if you had not told the world. I am not your friend on facebook or the forums or anything else, yet I managed to get this information. If you want something private, then keep it private. As I said, I am willing to work with you to resolve anything that is untrue (also, as ED is melodramatic, some of the drama will remain). If anything is blatantly false then let me know and it will be removed. Please be aware that when YOU make things public.. then you have removed your right to keep that private. --Fromtheinternet 14:17, 30 September 2011 (CEST)
  • You were photographed in public. This is not illegal, when in the public domain you waive a lot of 'privacy'. Likewise with the information you posted online, the internet is a public platform also. Surely you would've learned this from your previous employment problems where you blogged slander against your employers and were fired as a result. If you learned from lessons rather than blaming everyone else for your careless mistakes, life would go better for you. Of course, it would also help if you weren't an abrasive, self-centred little cow, who is universally abusive to friend and stranger alike --Piotr Kolsovic 14:24, 30 September 2011 (CEST)
  • Can you please start signing your posts with "--~~~~". It makes it much easier to follow. Also, your local police has no jurisdiction. --Beefcake 14:18, 30 September 2011 (CEST)
  • I'm not sure I can manage that --Piotr Kolsovic 14:21, 30 September 2011 (CEST)
  • How did your police visit go there Lizzie? --Noteven 01:49, 1 October 2011 (CEST)

I'm not referring to stuff posted on forums. I'm referring to PRIVATE STUFF ON MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK. If I wanted information to be public I would have made it public. Remove the stuff that you copied from my private profile. I rung the police last night and they want me to go into the station so this is your final, final chance to remove the stuff from my private Facebook page or I have no choice but to go into the police station. Photographing me against my will is stalking as well, so either that stops too or I go into the police. They were also very interested to know that I was receiving prank phone calls.

This is your final warning, and just to be clear again, either remove stuff that came from my private Facebook profile or I'm going to the police station tonight.

  • You did make information public, by posting it on facebook. Facebook is public, not private. The 'privacy' settings are not 'private' in a legal sense, it's just a title used by facebook to describe restricting visibility. Are you not a savvy enough investigative new-media journalist to realise this? Likewise public photography is not stalking. Photography on a private residence may be. You're simply butt-hurt that your constant crowing about how great you are is actually coming back to bite you in the ass. Only things you have said can and have been used to piss you off --Piotr Kolsovic 07:14, 1 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Please goto the police already Liz. Also, as I've said before, I'm willing to discuss this. Feel free to jump on the ED IRC server, channel #ed. We'll be more than willing to cater to any reasonable requests. Also, as was pointed out, when you post something publicly, it becomes public. I'm still quite amazed that you know you have a mole and yet are still exchanging private information in public.(hint. You added me a LONG time ago and I never post, going on a witch hunt really isn't helping anyone except losing you friends, which I do sorta find amusing. It is unlikely you will find my mole account, its been there for many many months) --Fromtheinternet 07:48, 1 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Don't be such a coptease! --Piotr Kolsovic 08:38, 1 October 2011 (CEST)

As you wish. I was hoping we could sort this without the police but as you wish, I will go to the police on Monday.

Make sure to do it early in the morning, give them a good laugh to start off the day. 09:00, 1 October 2011 (CEST)
  • You could always just build a bridge and get over it. It doesn't even have to go all the way to australia --Piotr Kolsovic 09:11, 1 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Liz, I am still waiting to discuss this with you on IRC. If you REALLY wanted to 'sort it out' as you suggested, then why are you not trying ? Also, Monday ? why did you call in to cancel your work shift today 'because you were going to the police' and then didn't actually go ? If I were your employer then that would be grounds for dismissal. --Fromtheinternet 09:23, 1 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Fromtheinternet, I don't think she has any friends at her job so she should be pretty safe from them seeing her letting them down because she's too fucking lazy to keep to her commitments.
Makes me wonder what her FABULOUS new 'media' job is gonna think of her showing up late because she spent too long chucking a hissy at the police station.
(While we're at it, her job is a 'media' job because she listens to talkback radio... I guess this means taxi drivers work in media too) --Piotr Kolsovic 12:47, 1 October 2011 (CEST)

All I'm saying is remove the IRL section. That's what's not okay on this page and that was never posted on facebook. I'm giving you half an hour now and then I'm biking to the police station. FYI, I don't work weekends in my media job.

"As you wish. I was hoping we could sort this without the police but as you wish, I will go to the police on Monday." Monday is not in the weekend. If you weren't a C student you'd probably know that. You'll also find you just shared information about your comings and goings on a public platform yet again. You do this to yourself, you do, that's why it really hurts is you do it to yourself, just you, you and no-one else. You do it to yourself... now play us the chorus on your guitar with the one chord you know --Piotr Kolsovic 12:47, 1 October 2011 (CEST)

  • Liz, I'm still waiting to discuss this with you on IRC. There are many ways to get there detailed in the link above, and the ED admins are on there as well (they are currently the only ones that can alter your page). I take it your offer of 'trying to sort this out' was really all bluster and you actually have no intention of this. Your loss. --Fromtheinternet 13:30, 1 October 2011 (CEST)

I did. At one stage. I don't now. Not now that I'm stalked in real life.

Stalked in real life? Inflated sense of self-importance much? So tell me, which of the hundreds of thousands of people you've pissed off by being a complete asshole is your stalker? You have delusions of adequacy

Liz, do you have an email you can be contacted at? 05:37, 2 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Did the police tell you you've got a FUCKONH ATTITUDE like the time you parked in a no-parking zone for over two hours and got towed as a result? You should probably stop stalking the police, they probably don't like having their time wasted by some silly paranoid bint. Or just keep kicking and screaming about how your carelessness and callousness is everyone's fault but yours, I'm sure that'll work --Piotr Kolsovic 08:52, 2 October 2011 (CEST)

The police are investing the matter as is my telephone provider.

Liz, you probably ignore all sane messages, but I have repeatedly tried to help you, yet you refuse to give me any means to do so. It seems like you like all of this attention, so I'll make sure that you get it. 09:53, 2 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Oh come on Liz, we all know you didn't go to the police today, it's raining. You hate being outside when it's cold, i hardly believe you'd bike all the way to cook st in the rain. --Noteven 10:05, 2 October 2011 (CEST)
  • The police are investing the matter? Fantastic. How much money are they giving us? --Piotr Kolsovic 10:29, 2 October 2011 (CEST)


  • Great, the cops are fucking around on Facebook instead of solving crimes and breaking up domestic disputes. You realise that people would like you if you were a good person, right? You should try that --Piotr Kolsovic 11:10, 2 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Mods, is there any way to add pictures to the gallery now it has been locked ? (we are not too sure if she is saying they like giving or taking, but yeah) - I've uploaded and added a link here but I guess this isn't really the place ? --Fromtheinternet 13:15, 2 October 2011 (CEST)

You are mentally unstable. Now please seek mental help. This is total defamation and the more you post the more ammunition you are giving me to build a case against you.

Once again Liz, is there any way to contact you offsite and discuss this civilly? 05:23, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

I've made my position clear, please remove my work info. I don't care if the rest stays. Do what you want with the rest but remove that info and this is the last you'll hear from me on this site.

Ok, nobody takes you seriously and nobody cares. You obviously want the attention because you refuse to speak with ED staff in private. Go ahead and cry me a river. The articles will be on the main page tomorrow btw. 05:34, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

Excuse me, I emailed ED staff over a week ago. I never got a reply so that is a total lie and you are not ED staff. I did my research and I know for a fact that ED do not remove stuff. Do the right thing, remove that personal info and we can call this quits.

Lol, Garrett said that you tried emailing him and that "you weren't even worth a reply". They all have better things to do than waste time on your invalid complaints. The best thing you can do is get on IRC and speak with all of the staff online, or just have a private convo with one of us willing to take the time. 05:42, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
 Liz, because I refuse to post on your facebook wall for fear of revealing myself, I shall do-so here as I know you read it. You are currently on a futile search for the 'person' (which has now become two or three, from china, Australia and New Zealand, all from New Zealand, maybe using skype, or maybe not that can or cant be traced by your telco (Telecom NZ)) that is 'stalking' you. Let me help you out with a possible list of potential stalkers to choose from. I fall under at least one of the following categories. I'm sure everyone else pranking and photographing and annoying you does also. 
 * People on a number of forums you have annoyed over the last few years
 - GP Forums
 - NZ Games
 - Something Awful
 - Craccum
 - the entirety of punkas
 - Plenty of others
 * People on your campaign page (1500 or so) that had you 'liked' so they could argue or follow your insanity
 * Everyone you censored or blocked on the campaign page for no good reason* Everyone you reported to facebook for saying something you simply disagreed with and got their accounts deleted
 * Christchurch (yes, the entire city)
 * Otago University
 * Canterbury University Law School Orbiter people
 * Disabled People
 * Islamic people
 * Asian People
 * Anyone that has seen you try to fit your fatass into a skirt 6 sizes too small for you
 * Pregnant Woman who support breastfeeding
 * Gay people
 * People with religious beliefs
 * The NZ Police
 Based on that, you have managed to annoy almost half the planet Liz, do you really think you only have 'two stalkers' ? Maybe if you stopped annoying people then they would leave you alone. Also, being too lazy to take the police advice and change your phone number ? Well, I guess you fail there. --Fromtheinternet 06:59, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

You are psycho and mentally unstable, please seek mental help immediately and leave me alone. This is beyond a joke and you are sick in the head.

  • Hey Liz, thanks for the reply. It'd be really cool if you could append --~~~~ to the end of all of your posts so we can see it was you and what time you posted. Thanks. (As was pointed out by an admin up there), Just trying to keep the place looking tidy. --Fromtheinternet 07:26, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

What do you want? What do you want to achieve by being psycho and copying and pasting personal private information? If I know you in real life then how about we sort this out in real life and you tell me what you want. I'm sick of this and you are mentally unstable, please seek help and leave me alone and please delete me from Facebook. If you end it now I'll forget the whole damn thing ever happened. Otherwise, I'll go to the police again and again until you end up in jail.

  • Me ? But I'm not in New Zealand Liz, How will you going to the police actually get me locked up when you don't even know what country I am in ? Also, as pointed out - it is no longer private when you make it public yourself. But actually understanding concepts has never been your strong point has it ? And why would I delete you from facebook ? both your accounts are entertaining. (Oh, and before comparing friend lists for people on both, I have many troll accounts ;-) ) --Fromtheinternet 07:39, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
  • I suggest you go back to the police with the information you have. I'd love to see what they plan to do about it. Have fun with that. Hey, I might even see you there! --Noteven 07:44, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

What do you want? What have I ever done to you? As I say, you are mentally unstable so please leave me alone and we can forget about this whole thing, but just so I know you are on my friends list, what is my most recent status update on both accounts?

  • You've pissed off half of NZ dear Lizzie. I can't believe you haven't realised that. And I'm fairly sure any psychiatrist would be willing to pronounce YOU mentally unstable before ME. No point asking for hints Lizzie, do your own detective work. Or better yet, actually go to the police when you say you will --Noteven 07:51, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
  • And you're STILL not signing off your posts how you've been asked to. It's not that hard, honest. --Noteven 07:54, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

Exactly, you're not in my friends list because if you were you'd know that I have been to the police and you'd know that I have contacted Telecom. Never bluff a bluffer. If I wasn't in media I'd have become a cop. Nice try but as I say, you are mentally unstable and you need psychiatric help.

So that leads me to believe you are hacking into my Facebook which only someone who knows computers would be able to do and that narrows it down yet again. You posted a link to the rockfactory forum and once again that narrows it down to only about 5 people it could be. So I ask again, what exactly is it that you want?

  • I think you mistake me for someone that is at all interested in trying to help you hunt down who I am. You can go nuts deleting people, but you'll never know if you got me or not. And so, you'll simply start re-adding people again and will eventually add me back if you do manage to delete me. Have fun with your paranoia Liz, and I look forward to posting a lot more pictures of you out and about in Auckland for the world to enjoy. --Fromtheinternet 08:02, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

You are psycho and mentally ill and mentally unstable. Grow up. Leave me alone and stay the hell away from me. You are psycho and need to get a grip on reality. By taking pictures you are helping me find out who you are and turst me, I will. You're pathetic and a disgrace to the human race. FUCK OFF AND SEEK MENTAL HELP. YOU ARE SICK IN THE HEAD. GOODBYE.

  • Calm down Elizabeth. Sounds like you might be the one who needs mental help, you're getting a bit worked up there old chum. Do you know how many people in the world walk around taking pictures with camera phones? Like I said, you've pissed off half of NZ, you have no hope in hell of working out who I am. Am I one person or many? How will you ever know? --Noteven 08:16, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
  • From what I can see there's six people and a hambeast talking on this page, not just one person and a hambeast. You seem a bit paranoid and self-absorbed to believe you've got a stalker. Seriously. Are you sure you don't have Borderline Personality Disorder? Or Histrionic? Why do you constantly need to spin vast conspiracies that explain everything that annoys you? Why can't you simply accept that a lot of people simply do not like you because you're a horrible, self-centred little wretch who immediately screams and stamps her feet if things don't go her way? And as far as being a disgrace to the human race, Elizabeth Joan Shaw, at least none of us have ever advocated racial genocide as you have. If you want to know what we want, what EVERYONE who knows you wants? It's for you to stop being such a loathesome, hateful, stubborn imbecile, pull your head in and realize the sun does NOT shine out of your hairy arsehole. You are not as great as you tell yourself you are --Piotr Kolsovic 08:57, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
  • also, to help you track me down, I have six fingers on my left hand, speak Portuguese, and I argued with you in the pages of Craccum. I have red hair, and love dubstep. Even with all these clues you STILL won't find me
  • My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. --Noteven 09:17, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Oooh also if we're able to make demands, Elizabeth, we, the New Zealand taxpayers, want you to pay off your debts totalling well in excess of $100,000 rather than buying worthless shit and clothes you don't fit from Ebay's retarded cousin, TradeMe. Also, your 'image to maintain' that prevents you from buying in certain stores... why so proud when everything you buy is second hand? Get a clue, honey --Piotr Kolsovic 09:57, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

I don't care that you don't like me, I have a problem with you stalking me and harrassing me. @Noteven, should I take that as a death threat that I can take to the police again? Actually no, I'm going back to the police tomorrow afternoon. You may not like me, but the difference between us is that I would never harrass someone nor would I ever stalk them, so fine, don't like me, but for someone who doesn't like me you're taking an awfully strong interest in my personal life and that is what makes you psychotic.

  • Lizard if you take that quote from a movie as a death threat you're dumber than I thought. Go back to the police, please, I beg you. Because it's going to be pretty hilarious when they laugh you out of the building. We'll alert the paparazzi to capture the look on your face. We do it for the lulz. --Noteven 11:34, 3 October 2011 (CEST)
  • I don't care that you don't like me -Yes you do ;) You google yourself for at least half an hour each day, it's been shown that you show up wherever your name is mentioned, and during your second abortion of a political campaign you had sock-puppet facebook accounts spamming the report function to shut down at least 7 pages set up for people to express their dismay at how incredibly stupid you and your policies are. Good news, because you're the gift that keeps on giving, the wellspring of stupid never dries up. You're going to the police to press charges against someone on the internet that you've never met, for the crime of recognizing a movie reference and responding with a line of dialogue from the film. Good work, I'm sure you can get them on copyright infringement or something --Piotr Kolsovic 11:42, 3 October 2011 (CEST)

Dear liz, perhaps we can make an arrangement. Could you join the ED chat room? We could work something out. You can join the ED IRC chat by clicking here: Explodingpiglets 03:21, 4 October 2011 (CEST)

Actually I have spoken to her via email and all she wanted removed was about three sentences detailing the location of her current job. I complied and all our problems are solved. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SPEAK WITH A SYSOP DIRECTLY INSTEAD OF CRYING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH IN PUBLIC. 03:33, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • She works on the corner of K-road and Day Street, you'll see her there most nights. She's gonna be a star --Piotr Kolsovic 03:47, 4 October 2011 (CEST)

You're right, that's my job, I work as a hooker on K Road *obvious sarcasm and obvious bull shit*. I never created sock puppet accounts. I reported the pages. I make no secret of that. They were abusive, they were defamatory, stuff that normal adults do not participate in. I also didn't find out about this page through googling. It was because someone emailed me the link to it. I could copy and paste the email if you don't believe me. I'm keeping records of EVERYTHING because the thing is, you're bound to slip up sooner or later. As is the person photographing me and by photographing me you're greatly narrowing down who it could be.

I really do suggest you seek mental help or you just email me like a rational adult and tell me why you hate me so much and why you've been stalking me for several years.

  • Surely by now Elizabeth, you realise that it's not one person at all, but more like 20-30 people ? people you have managed to piss off over the past decade. People you blatantly censored, people that you had facebook accounts suspended for simply disagreeing with your views and trying to discuss them with you like a rational person ? something you are quite obviously not. You DO realise that we have around 100 odd people now that know about our little 'photograph the hambeast' competition and that this is NOT illegal as all photos are of you in public ? Oh, and for a list of the people involved, look further up this page, I've tried to make it as exhaustive as possible just so you know what group(s) you have pissed off. Congratulations on making the front page as well by the way :-) (oh, and of course the cops can't do anything, we told you that a lot earlier, so pasting the obvious into your facebook isn't shedding light on anything) Enjoy your paranoia. --Fromtheinternet 05:43, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Also Lizard If your going to be fat at least have huge boobs and a big ass to go along with the fat. Your boobs and ass are tiny for a fat sea cow. CoffeePoweredPenguin 06:45, 4 October 2011 (CEST)

Hey, Just though I'd pop in to laugh at the fugly cunt that is Ms. Shaw. - Lt.

  • You're kind of right that it's someone in Auckland. It's actually many people in Auckland. And many people in other parts of the country too for that matter. But do you realise that in order to actually have a stalker, you have to have someone following you? Not just randomly taking photos of you if they happen to see you in town. --Noteven 07:05, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Elizabeth, Just in reply to your post on facebook stating I just got an email from someone saying that the page that was created is now on the main page of that website. Only someone involved would know that information, so I could potentially go to the police again with the accusation that it's them and to investigate the matter. You DO realise that there is more than one person reading ED right ? And quite possibly more than one person reading ED, that knows you ? The fact that it was on the front page was also posted to nzgames today as well. You'll probably find many people that read ED, read nzgames and are on facebook. This pool of people is quite possibly larger than 1. Your investigative skills really suck arse. --Fromtheinternet 07:37, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • @Liz - This is what happens when you do enough attention whoring to catch the eye of ED and brand you worthy to have your own article, then bitch and moan about it and threaten to get the Cyberpolice to backtrace IPs. The last time that was threatened consequences were never the same again. Zenihd Rol 07:42, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Also Liz, just incase you didn't realise, you are not actually a size 8. It will be years before you manage to fit these. (I was just concerned you know, have you ever thought of actually going to a shop to try stuff on before buying it ? you'll save money in the long run.) --Fromtheinternet 08:18, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Man the harpoons. --Myth
  • You're right, that's my job, I work as a hooker on K Road *obvious sarcasm and obvious bull shit*. You see, Elizabeth, when it's obvious sarcasm and bullshit, you don't have to signpost it (if you have to point it out, then it's not obvious is it?). Much like my comment that you're a street worker. I didn't have to point out it was bullshit, everyone knows it's untrue, a priori. Because, you know, it's only a job if people are willing to pay for it.
  • Next point to consider, having multiple personal Facebook accounts active for the sole purpose of thrashing the report button is sad and pathetic, and completely at odds with your 'moral highground' of discussing things like rational adults... which time and time again you've proven yourself incapable of. For what it's worth, when you say of an idiot "That person is an idiot", this is neither abusive or defamatory. This is statement of fact. And Elizabeth, you are an idiot, the very worst sort: One that will never learn. And while I'm at it, normal adults don't advocate racial genocide in earnest or excuse statutory rape, and they sure as fuck don't get their friends to officiate their marriage to the city of Auckland. Seriously, WTF? And YOU'RE calling others crazy?
  • Rounding off my trifecta: Those in glass houses should not throw stones, and those who are patently delusional should not be accusing others of being mentally ill. YOU are the one entertaining delusions of being stalked just because a bunch of people hate what a vain, self-important, incompetent rancid cockbag you are. YOU are the one who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder (my guess would be something along the lines of Borderline Personality Disorder, but hey, YOU'RE the expert because you can selectively read what you want to from Wikipedia, right? Ignore what the trained professionals say). But whatever, go to the police with the great crime of being called out for being an asshole whenever you're an asshole to people. You're never going to change, which is bad for you, and amusing as fuck for the world at large --Piotr Kolsovic 10:07, 4 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Ok Lizman we have set up a court date for you in International Court in Sydney for crimes against the internets (very serious charges). Your court date is October 22nd at 10 am. To procede with this trial we will need a picture of you at the police station. CoffeePoweredPenguin 01:04, 5 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Haven't seen you around auckland central police station lately Liztard, Y U NO report your "stalker" to the police some more? --Noteven 05:43, 5 October 2011 (CEST)
  • Noteve, after getting laughed outta the cop station, Inspector Batshit's trying to solve this SUPER SERIOUS CRIME herself. Go go batshit speculation! --Piotr Kolsovic 09:17, 5 October 2011 (CEST)

Look Liz. Either you love this attention and are not going to do anything about it or you are seriously retarded. Why would you continue to fuel the preverbal fire unless unconsciously you have some kind of sick perversion for this type of exposure. My advice is to discontinue your communications on this page, facebook, forums and basically the whole internet. Go to the police if you see fitting (as far as I can see you have no real claim to injustice) and just lay low. You have been a target of internet lulz for a number of years, let me just tell you YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. This is my humble opinion take it or leave it. --Runeralulz 07:04, 6 October 2011 (CEST)

  • Hi, Liz, don’t you think it’s rather obvious that there is more than one person replying to you? And reading this discussion page? Your page is very popular in my office right now – a few of us followed your Political Campaign on Facebook as well. Every single one of us had half of their relevant posts deleted and blocked from your campaign page. And let’s be honest, Elizabeth, you deleted these posts because they either a) proved that you are wrong or b) contained questions which you didn’t want to answer. Is that an adult-like behavior? (sometimes you remind me of an ostridge who hides his head in the sand and thinks he is safe without realizing his butt is sticking up in the air). Just realize finally that all of these groups were created because of YOUR crazy censorship. Quite frankly, I have joined those groups as I was way too frustrated with your censorship policies. The only abuse that I saw on these pages was from you, my dear Lizzie. Unfortunately, Facebook Admins did not bother actually reading the posts, before deleting them (and the pages) otherwise they would’ve realized that all racist, and lets be honest here, just dumb comments were made by you. You just need to grow up, honey, and as it was said before, realize that the sun doesn’t shine out of your hairy arsehole! --Ham Makes Me Sick 23:13, 6 October 2011 (CEST)

Come on, Liz, you finally got what you’ve always wanted – you’re (in)famous. — TheHerbalGerbil(TALK|STALK), 13:57, 11 October 2011 (CEST)

  • Wowzers, it just never stops. -- Jenza 20:15, 29 October 2011 (CEST)

Liz page here,i was made a friend on her facebook

and a email from the dog,shes going to the cops on monday,where have i seen that before???

 Liz Shaw
 Hi Nick,
 I see you're taking screenshots and making defamatory comments on Kam Talent's page. Could you please remove these or I will have no choice but to report you to the police for this falls under the category of cyber bullying and defamation. I'm not sure how familiar you are with defamation legislation in NZ but you should know that comments posted online that defame a person's character can invoke a legal process.
 If you do not remove these posts on Kam Talent's page within 48 hours (4pm Monday the 12th of September 2011), I will be reporting you to the Auckland Central police and having your IP tracked and logged.
 Thank you in advance for your co-operation in resolving this matter.
 Liz Shaw
 September 10Nick Peel
 what ever as you can see none of the comments are mine they are your words that you wrote,so go tell the cop's you are no happy with your own word that you said.
 September 10Liz Shaw
 Do you really want me to go to the police about this cyber bullying and defamation? I'm not joking when I say that I will. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. Please remove those posts from Kam Talent's page or I will go to the police on Monday.
 September 10Nick Peel
 i have hundreds of your post's that you wrote,lots of bullying from you to other people including hate speech,as i said they are your comments.
 September 10Liz Shaw
 As I say Nick, I'm not with Kam Talent but please remove the posts from that page.
 September 12Nick Peel
 Dear old piss flap's shaw,oh dear kam must have taken them down.That sucks 
 --Not a fan 06:46, 14 November 2011 (CET)not a fan
  • Hey Hägar the Horrible, The latest threat to run to the police (As of Jan 2012) was on December 30th. This was over her bike supposedly being vandalised by her internet stalker. I've reverted your change and zaiger suggested I tell you to fuck off. but I'm too nice to do that :-) --Fromtheinternet 03:26, 9 January 2012 (CET)