Talk:Moot: Difference between revisions

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imported>Tim the Insufferable
Dis nigga right hur
imported>Tim the Insufferable
Dis nigga right hur
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Latest revision as of 21:42, 2 February 2015

Gonna feature this later maybe, but currently needs a major overhaul.-- Talk to me|Contribs 13:50, 28 September 2013 (EDT)

Moot confirms he's just retarded

After many conspiracy theories and speculation, moot came out recently and showed that he's actually just retarded.

--Duster 15:52, 8 December 2014 (EST)

Will you FailGate dipshits stop contaminating everything?

Nobody cares about you or your shitty little Scinetology v2.0. The cuck meme hasn't been funny in months, and I'm starting to think you idiots actually genuinely believe moot somehow got cucked irl. But nevermind that, moot leaving 4chan is a huge event in internet history (history which ED was partially created to document), event which should be properly written about and not be given 2 paragraphs full of unfunny insults. If you'd actually bothered to listen to his stream you'd realize he had a really good reason to expel GG from his website. He's still an idiot for not speaking bluntly and stating his reasons in the stickie, but still.

You faggots are the reason that ED - as it stands now - has a positive view on GG instead of its default hatred for all things unfunny. And GG is certainly not funny. It's a bunch of redditors getting upset about something happening on the internet. The serious business catchphrase was created specifically for people like you.

inb4 moralfag, sjw, jew, etc.

Believe it or not, most of 4chan (outside /b/ and /pol/, of course) is sick and tired of your bs. We went on cripplechan and we saw what a cancerous place it is. It feels like a bunch of newfigs who just came from ED and are now sitting on their ass all day thinking "oh gees guys, what other dank new meme can we create today??". It's like an unironic version of /s4s/. It's either that or misguided retards trying recreate the "glory days" of /b/ raiding, confusing "hate for lulz's sake" with "hate for internet points' sake".

inb4 sounds like you're the mad one

I'm mad at your ED vandalism the same way I'm mad at furry threads not getting insta-deleted from /b/ nowadays.

TheYeIIowDucK 17:59, 29 January 2015 (EST)

If you are unhappy with the way something reads, instead of bitching and moaning why don't you do something about it. ~Oblique 19:33, 29 January 2015 (EST)
Who is moot? CobaltCat 00:28, 30 January 2015 (EST)
Can we get you a tampon, Sweetie? Cause it sounds like you need one. ED isn't just about documentation, it's about drama and inciting drama. Right now SJWs produce the greatest level of drama lulz, so obviously the GG article is going to be more positive, simply to infuriate the SJWs in order to get them to spaz out and provide more entertainment. On the flip side, the pro-GG kids are pretty anti-climatic, most have thick skin and aren't bothered by much of anything, least of all some article on ED bad mouthing them. And in line with that the moot article is obviously quite good just the way that it is... I mean it's so effective it's attracting spastic little moot fantards like you into whining all over the talk page. :D
--U Mad Bro 01:32, 30 January 2015 (EST)
Right. Anyone who calls ED a shill or a sellout etc for siding with GamerGate is simply providing more entertainment for the lot of us. It's great how we can profit in traffic and donations by documenting your tears and exposing the bitch side of internet figureheads like moot. Hey, at least you openly admitted you were mad at the end. Admitting it is the first step! :> Vermin   01:48, 30 January 2015 (EST)
  • kek oddguy 05:53, 30 January 2015 (EST)
Where are these "SJW tears" and "lulz" you speak of? Because so far all I've seen is a bunch of super-serious radfems and super-serious MRAs fighting over inconsequential shit that everyone will forget in 5 years. And both sides decide to drag in stuff that has no stake in your poo-flinging, stuff like video games, 4chan and the national fucking media. This isn't lulz, this is an embarrassment to everyone involved. TheYeIIowDucK 06:30, 30 January 2015 (EST)
So GamerGate is not about video games, but about the battle versus radfems and MRAs, and that battle is somehow less important than some retard leaving a website, nobody cares about anymore. He didn't close the website down or anything. From a user's perspective, nothing should change. A few senior volunteers—including 4chan's lead developer, managing moderator, and server administrator—have stepped up to ensure a smooth transition over the coming weeks. - Cuckold Poole CobaltCat 06:58, 30 January 2015 (EST)
That battle is the fucking definition of shit nobody cares about. It's almost as bad as PC vs consoles "debates". And if you seriously think moot is "some retarded nobody cares about anymore" you're clearly new around here. Hell, even if you're right and nobody cares about moot, then you should know even less people care about FailGate.TheYeIIowDucK 13:09, 2 February 2015 (EST)
You sound really mad. But if you really are that obsessed over m00t's tiny dick, then why the fuck aren't you writing shit about it? Nobody is stopping you. CobaltCat 14:24, 2 February 2015 (EST)
No, OP is right, GG is a cancer that due to you faggots insisting on covering every single thing no matter how small and insignificant, has probably permanently effected ED's reputation
fuck all of you involved --Likeicare 06:14, 30 January 2015 (EST) who is not happy about this
you faggots insisting on covering every single thing no matter how small and insignificant



We haven't covered your dick, Chris. CobaltCat 06:29, 30 January 2015 (EST)
Technically we have...
Evidence of Chris sucking GG cock
Where are these "SJW tears" and "lulz" you speak of?


  • lol here they are. oddguy 07:57, 30 January 2015 (EST)

Written like a true, brain-washed SJW. Congrats, YellowCuck, you're a weak-minded sucker and an embarrassment to mankind. When the feminism movement dies in 5 years, you'll feel stupid for shelling out so much of your welfare money to their Patreon funds. We've been documenting feminism and social justice since before GamerGate, we simply turned up the heat when they did. So pls cry more cus your tears here are delish! :> Vermin   10:55, 30 January 2015 (EST)
  • SJWs are the new lolcows, like YouTube vloggers before them. SJWs are involved in GamerGate. ED covers lolcows. You getting the connection yet? --Mantequilla (talk) 14:06, 2 February 2015 (EST)

YellowDuck, you do realise furry threads have beed getting insta deleted left and right and their users banned for the past month right? It's been going on since late December of 2014. Some mod has been dishing out 2 month long bans on everyone in fur threads on the account of "Circlejerk Garbage", but the problem is that the large majority of furry posters on /b/ have dynamic IP's and bans mean nothing to them. The end result is that this certain mod in question has been throwing an unending "ban tantrum" for the good part of a month now. But a lot of furries are fucking stupid and like to rub their dynamic IP's in the moderators/janitors faces which only acts to heighten their aggression. The threads are still there, they just don't last that long. The INSUFFERABLE Tim (talk) 20:40, 2 February 2015 (UTC)