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Revision as of 08:48, 5 March 2022

Hello there, Prykez. Welcome to your Sandbox!

The sandbox is a great place for You to practice and improve your wiki markup and general editing skills.

Please take note anyone can still edit your Sandbox. You shouldn't worry that much about that and on the bright side, it encourages collaboration and improvement.

  • If you accidentally deleted what you worked on, do not worry! Check your page history in order to retrieve your previous work!
  • You may do whatever you want here, but do not turn this page into a redirect or remove this template, it would be counterintuitive.
  • To Admins/EDitors: This page should not be locked at any time.

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This is how Jews blind their targets before stealing their money.

Ra1nb0wK1tty101, (AKA: The Fag Patrol OC) is a 20-year old toxic sperglord who hails from the slums of deviantart. The only real thing's she's known for is being a massive bitch, her sub-par art, and her (and I use this with VERY HEAVY italics,) "Singing." She proclaims herself to be a "super talented artist, singer, seamstress, voice actress, comedian, and gamer." on her JewTube channel description. A video of one of her cover's can be found down below for your suffering. It should also be noted that Ra1nb0w appears to be christian and a few of her artworks incorporate this in some fashion.



The seizure-inducing OC herself.

Not much is known about who she is or why she's on the Interwebz, but one can assume that she just wanted to share her hobbies with the world (no matter how bad she may be at them). A considerable quantity of her work appears to have very little to no effort put into it, as frequent use of the circle tool appears to be an extremely common trait in most of her works. In some instances, she actually puts some lighting and shading into her works, and they surprisingly come out looking halfway decent, but this isn't very common. most of the time she actually does that, it's probably for a album cover or something along those lines.


smexi af.

This story has already been told thousands of times, and I'm certainly not going to repeat it now. A document showcasing Ra1nb0w's toxic antics can be found here.

A collection of some of the horrid art Ra1nb0w K1tty 101 has produced

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

hao 2 extract free lulz from Ra1nb0w K1tty 101

  • Tell her that her art is shit.
  • Tell her that her singing is shit.
  • Have an OC Who's design is far more complex than anything that her feeble mind can even think of producing.
  • Show any coherence whatsoever.
  • Be a far more talented artist. Watch her block you when you tell her how much her art sucks.
  • Have more subs than her on JewTube, Watch as she falls into a fake depression in a attempt to gain sympathy from her loyal fanbase.
  • Tell her that her OC Is a faggot.