Talk:Onideus Mad Hatter/Nobody give a fuck: Difference between revisions

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moving everything where he posted thoughts/suggestions about his article to its own subpage
moving everything where he posted thoughts/suggestions about his article to its own subpage
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:59, 9 November 2013



This article is not your personal shit box to crap all over with useless, unfunny gibberish and incoherent lames to try and make you feel better about getting your ass verbally blistered by me. This article needs to be TWO! Two...INSULTING!

Here's some examples of unfunny, shit post level editing from buttmad spergs:

If that's what your wanton additions look like, do yourself a HUGE fucking favor and WAIT for someone more talented and more creative than your lame ass to come along and add some new stuff FOR YOU. --Onideus 00:41, 21 July 2013 (EDT)

On another note, VANITY SHIT does not belong on this article either. You should not be talking about your dumbass in the third person, you should not be adding new content to the TOP OF THE ARTICLE, you should not be name-dropping yourself or any other inconsequential asshat that nobody gives a shit about. There's a reason this article has *MY* fuckin name in the title and *NOT* yours. People come and read this article because they want to hear about *ME* not you. If you want to spam your name all over something go do it on your user page, not this article. --Onideus 22:25, 7 August 2013 (EDT)

Yay, Current Address!

Thanks to Zaiger. I was considering adding it myself, but...well, the last time I tried putting it in (on the old ED), a bunch of retards frothingly accused me of putting in a fake address, claiming I was still living in Oregon. *epic face palm* I'm a little surprised no one has popped in here and accused Zaiger of being me. Hatter Addicts tend to see "me" wherever they look. Paranoid little fruitloops, that's fer sure. --Onideus 01:32, 3 August 2011 (UTC)

Which Is Better?

No Eyes
With Eyes

New Campaign

I'm starting a new lulzy campaign to randomly accuse people who don't like "Littles" or ABs of being PEDOPHILES! :D

On the basis that "Littles" and ABs are the direct polar opposite of pedos, as such, if you hate them, then by default you're effectively saying you ~like~ pedophiles. I just ~love~ sweeping generalizations, they're so much fun! :3


I figure I should probably put something up here (since there were like thousands of sites linking in to my domains (over 20 of them). At the current moment, putting my sites/domains back up online is uh...too expensive, basically. At a bare minimum it'll cost around $25 a month to get my stuff back up online and that's still leaving them open to DDoS attacks, where as I was originally only paying around $6 bucks a month. Basically it's just not worth it to me, considering I was just supplying content for others, there wasn't exactly much personal stuff up, or at least none that was overly relevant.

The attack on my server last year was...well, nearly beyond comparison. Whoever did it is either extraordinarily wealthy (likely either Chris Bolt or the RIAA/MPAA) or they've spent the last 10 years or so building their own private uber bot net. A bot net so huge it was shelling out over 1.8 MILLION packets PER SECOND for well over 24 hours...large enough to garner the attention of the FBI. The attack in fact was so incredibly massive it actually wiped out an entire data center and over 10,000 sites/domains *NOT* belonging to me at all. So whoever did it was basically so unbelievably butthurt that were willing to attack thousands upon thousands of others just to try and get to me...which is actually pretty common. Some of my more crazy fantards have even tried threatening my family and friends just to try and "get back" at me.

So anyway, for the time being they're all down. I'm sure that upsets the communities who relied on specific content and tools I had available, most notably the Character Sprite Generator, one of the more popular sites in my collection, but rest assured I am working on a way of getting them back up...but keep in mind I am a "Little" so procrastination comes ~real~ easy to me...well, it's not ~exactly~ procrastination, more like my "Little" side just outright refuses to do stuff, but it manifests as procrastination, so basically the same thing. It also doesn't help that my mind is in continual overdrive and I'm constantly getting new ideas and starting new projects and so forth. Instead of "writers block" I basically have "writers flood". It's like having a kind of ADHD in my thought process...too many ideas, too fast, not enough "me" to keep up with them all.

At this point most of my attention is centered on getting a book or two published, so presumably once I finish that I'll try and center my attention back to web stuff.

--Onideus 21:31, 30 June 2012 (EDT)

New (relevant) Content

Slight correction, that should be: AnonIB - Drama Chan

Drama Chan I guess is like the sub-board (kinda like /b/ I guess). I have copies of all the threads (10 pages of them). I forget exactly how it played off, but I believe I started invectively poking at them, got them to "discover" all my stuff and then I started saying/doing something about green beans (similar to the $4,000 hat claim/troll) which then incited/kicked off all the "bean related" images and so forth.

There's a similar form like that from SASS (Something Awful Sycophant Squad) relating to otters...I think with that they realized nothing they could say would actually bother me and that I was just using them for entertainment, so they responded by flooding every thread I was in with pictures of cute otters. --Onideus 03:29, 7 June 2013 (EDT)

Quality Materials For Addition

This section is for stuff I've found (or stuff others have found) on me that's actually funny/insulting that lackwits and lessers can add when they're feeling flustered and butthurt...rather than their own vanity/shit posting that is.

First up is a piece done by Seneca and republished by CodeHappy (names have been stripped out of it):

It's from, rather ~was~ from PoE and is one of the *VERY* few uber hilarious gems that were salvaged before the sites destruction. --Onideus 03:35, 20 August 2013 (EDT)


Technically they haven't yet actually banned the ~entire~ IP range, just one of them. I was planning on posting again tonight, sometime in the AM (when the main/banning mods are least active), that way I can cause the greatest amount of "fun". The trick is, once you get the main mods to ~hate~ you and to want to ban you on sight...then you keep on making new accounts, but you go around helping other people out and being really nice/supportive, that way, when they ban you again and burn everyone's posts it winds up making them like the spawn of Hitler himself and deals drastic blows to their overall PR, building up resentment towards the site and the admins and effectively causing large scale cracks in their business endeavors. Best part is...I can just keep doing it over and over and over and over...LOL...well, at least up until the point they decide to ban the ~entire~ CenturyLink IP range, which in turn fucks around 10 MILLION+ potential site visitors and deals a crippling blow to their user traffic. ^__^

--Onideus 20:48, 28 August 2013 (EDT)

Who Is The Retard Putting This Shit In?

This crap:

It's like...rambling, stupid ass, incoherent nonsenses from that stupid nigger faggot who shot himself in the head (Raymond Dixon). --Onideus 23:08, 20 July 2013 (EDT)

By the by, the "girl" Mara who is referenced in that fumbling incoherent rambling...yeah...this was her TEN YEARS AGO...
She's basically TWICE my age...which kind of makes her a pedophile all things considered...especially given that she was sending me (and pretty well anyone else) titty pictures of her "glory days" (her mid twenties)...this was back when I underage (~17 years old). I didn't much like her online slut routine though, so at the time I went around calling her the "Group Whore", "Lopsided" and various other colorful names that greatly infuriated a number of people...that (now dead) stupid ass nigger Rikijo(ke) being one of them (the one who wrote the above idiocy). --Onideus 17:20, 19 August 2013 (EDT)

Where do you think this goes?

Any ideas? ••General Niggerson Page me. 21:40, 7 August 2013 (EDT)
Probably shouldn't be added. I mean, technically when they obliterated my FaceBook account they wound up burning roughly a QUARTER MILLION posts...meaning that there are now a quarter million of those messages littered throughout FB. Seems pretty silly to just post ONE of them...not to mention the fact that I've been banned from nearly everywhere at some point. Hell on DA alone I've had THOUSANDS of banned accounts. On other sites like FA I've had several dozen. I'm pretty well the most censored person on the whole of the Internet when you get right down to it...but that's not really funny/insulting, so unless you could find some way of spinning it, then it probably doesn't really belong. --Onideus 22:13, 7 August 2013 (EDT)