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Latest revision as of 17:32, 11 September 2014

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Gotta love how he's STILL posting no real reviews or lets plays, but posts dozens of E3 shit that no one cares about. Spoony has officially lost what little spark of humor he had. -Nano 12:44, 18 June 2011 (UTC)

I know that the bees video is funny and all, but is it necessary to repeat it here when it's on Spoony's TGWTG's section already? Heiness 10:09, 3 July 2011 (UTC)

Depressed spoony needs his hugbox

To get people off his back about the delays, he now suddenly has severe depression (Which wouldn't at all be caused by eating junk food, never leaving the house, and getting no excercise). He's been milking it for all it's worth through his twitter.

What little chances there were of him ever really doing any funny works again are all-but gone. Whenever anyone asks why he never updates, expect him to mention that he's depressed somewhere and everyone will immediately jump to his defense. Awesome. -Nano

Modernizing the page

Perhaps we should work toward fixing this page to be a bit more modern. It still looks the same as it did before Oh Shiternet showed up. Plus a lot of shit has gone down since it was last updated (like him getting a fucking dog that's the co-host and getting drunk on camera) and we still have non-linked images. Deaddy

Pedophillia by his fans

Hi, I've been lurking somewhat on Spoony's forum so I could trololol them when I came across a thread about a member who had been absent.

Turns out they'd been busted for Pedophilia.

Pretty weird.

anyway, here are the screencaps of the post by the pedo in question, and the text of there posts where they discuss how their aspy obsession with 'progress bars' lead to them d/ling CP.

Here's the thread too:

Text of the posts

Post 1

This is darkdriver, and...yall want he charges pending?

Three counts of possession of child pornography, 1 count of distribution of child pornography.

Thing is, when my apartment was raided (because one 0of the people dropping various things on the Gnutella network is the local police think they have the nerve to say that I was exploiting children's suffering--like they're not), what they were looking for is not stuff downloaded off the Gnutella network/WinMX network/torrenting sites (which was all sorts of things for me, including rare songs, foreign movies, various hentai manga--all sorts of things that one could only get via computer)...

...but rather stuff I made. And they got it. All 37+ hours of videos I made...the edited footage and raw footage. And if yall want to see the edited footage, that's over at under the name "Trendy Indies". The local police were after pedophiles. That seems to be their thing. Practically every week has a pedophilia arrest by them in he paper and/or on the news. However, this time they caught a NEET who was just into downloading and uploading practically anything. Progress bars, progress bars, just give me the progress bars. See who has what. What are commons and what are rares? Trash the commons, trade up the rares, and see more progress bars, progress bars, progress bars.

I'm a recovering computer addict, and computer-only content piracy was one of the many things I did on my computer. Other things were:  using MS Word exclusively for writing...despite the fact that it took four times as long as working on my typewriter...  playing various videogames (when my computer was confiscated, I had 50 videogames installed on it)...  being online for 12-15 hours a day...  giving up my $1,000-a-month job to make comics review videos (wow, that 60-or-so cents I've earned since I quit has really helped)  spending hours just wasting time on the computer, from checking out webcomics from beginning to present day to watching review videos again and again to even clearing out the subforums here of old stale threads... At the time, I needed--NEEDED--to be on the computer. I don't need to anymore, thank goodness; nor do I want to.

...I wasn't kidding about progress bars. The video camera used progress bars. The editing software used progress bars. Blip and Youtube use progress bars. Heck, I even installed a new defrag program specifically because it used a progress bar. And the various torrenting software and access programs all use progress bars...I could have 30 or so progress bars going on with everything running, spending hours just watching them...watching them...

Am I despicable? In a certain sense, yes. Am I a pedophile? No, definitely not. That's why the D.A. hasn't charged me yet. He doesn't want to admit that the police made a mistake and caught a NEET in their pedophile net. Oh well...tomorrow: unemployment registration!

Post 2

This is darkdriver, here to clarify a bit.

First off, here's how I would get into my pirating cycle each time after the first time (which was just finding out it exists and seeing what's on it--back in 2006): 1. hear about some song I really want 2. try to get it via iTunes (I had conversion software, so I could change them to mp3's) 3. if I can't get it via iTunes, go to either the ---wire site or WinMX site and download their network-accessing software 4. ...while I'm there, check out the weird porn (voyeurism, bestiality, fetish, whatever struck a whim at the time) 5. see all the headings with the forbidden words 6. give in to curiosity and see if those things are the same thing I saw the first time back in 2006 or if they've finally been removed and replaced with "legit" porn or dummy pics 7. by this time I have a lot of progress bars, so do anything for more progress bars to watch (while deleting most of the stuff downloaded as soon as it's downloaded and uploading most of the rest to see what people had and what kind of people really frequent these networks) 8. when the piracy eats up too much bandwidth and I'm bored with it, delete the network access program, drag-and-drop the small files containing downloaded and incomplete stuff from that network, and focus on whatever I'm doing now that catches my fancy

Thing is, this last time I had editing software, so I decided to try out some tricks on that stuff. As I said before, despicable, yes, but to me it was no different than learning to airbrush on an old shirt you're going to throw away. I practiced on various things I downloaded so I could perfect it for my videos (and, in regards to image editing software, so I could make extra material for my rpg campaign--like a bestiary based entire on Archon creatures, or print out my own Magic card stickers so I could make my own M:tG cards--both of which I did an excellent job doing, by the way).

Ever since I was a kid, I always had a problem with curiosity. "What's that thing on the teacher's desk?" "What happens if I pull down the fire alarm?" Things like that. Didn't really get into trouble--since I was a little kid then--but getting older hasn't helped me get a hold of my curiosity. Whenever I got into my piracy cycle, my curiosity got me started, and progress bars would hypnotize me for hours--and, since Cox Communications doesn't block access to the software or the network it accesses (despite its very illegality), nor do search engines block one from getting access to the software...I figured that, though it's illegal, no one actually gives two shits about it. Didn't think that the illegal networks were being maintained by the government for "trawling" purposes. The search warrant the local police executed was looking for a specific video--one on which I had practiced split-second editing for removing things. I practiced on others adding things from different videos and transition effects and speed effects--and I'm talking about all sorts of porn, from that stuff to voyeur videos to bestiality videos and so on. Pretty much with this last attack of piracy I was putting the things I downloaded to some use in using it as practice for my editing software.

So among the stuff on the computer were child porn videos with scenes removed, a dressing room video that was split into two videos, a sharking video spliced together from 7 different sharking videos, and a bestiality video from other bestiality videos with certain scenes slowed down...and the 37 raw and edited "Trendy Indies" videos. Heck, if the police hadn't raided when they did, I'd probably still be doing that: downloading whatever weird porn looked interesting, seeing if it had multiple scenes, and practicing editing tricks on that stuff so I could add more editing tricks to my review videos.

Now, the local police were a bit creative, let's say, when it came to confiscating stuff from my apartment. Among the things they took was a box of printed-out lolicon scanlations and futanari scanlations...and one volume of a collection of 'tiajuana bibles' that Fantagraphics publishes under their Eros imprint. All that was listed as "box of child pornography" on the part of the search warrant where they list what they confiscated. (They apparently missed the volume with a story of Little Orphan Annie being mounted by Sandy.) They found so little to take at the apartment that they not only got creative...they also got frustrated and petty. My set of consoles near the TV was unplugged and tossed across the room. Some of my toy collection was tossed into my closet--and heavy hardcover books tossed atop them. (Fortunately they were new Transformers, designed to snap together again if they come apart.) I hope they're enjoying my "Trendy Indies" reviews.

Well, didn't go to the unemployment place today--but that's because I don't know exactly where it is. I'll look it up on Google maps. When I get home today, I'll call about getting some form of rent subsidy from this other government agency my friend told me about. (If that doesn't work out, one more month of rent, and then I'll be evicted. Hello, sleeping bag and abandoned house!)

Really though...maintaining the networks for trawling purposes instead of just shutting them down to stop the flow of such things. I didn't think the government would take an active hand in such instigation, I really didn't. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm not being charged: the D.A. doesn't want a jury to find out the government is maintaining such networks when they say they're "trying to shut them down"....

I'm sure this could be of use in updating the page. Have fun with it.

Ha ha oh wow!

Right, I'm sure the police aren't pressing charges because "[he's] a NEET." Due process is painfully slow but in the end he'll get slammed, probably by a large black man in the shower. Bass (Talk) 17:45, 3 April 2012 (EDT)

Slightly old news but...

Looks like the English Skeletor finally found out that he got a mention in this article Hitmonchan 19:20, 20 May 2012 (EDT)

The /vg/ 8 million Get: caused by Spoony's asshattery

Not even joking. If someone checks /vg/ fast enough or hopes the thread it's in enters Chanarchive, a Spoony general caused what may be the first get in five years that didn't suck. So, there's one more achievement for the faggot. - 00:22, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

Hi there, loving the work on this page everyone. Keep it up, the lulz truly are epic.

As to why I am here, someone I know made this fanart of Spoony's meltdown where he calls himself the King of the Internet, which honestly, is only a matter of time at this stage. Don't know if anyone wants to throw it up on the page, but it is free for use if anyone wants to use it or otherwise may require it.


LordKat blames Spoony for not being successful

LordKat's overly-long rant.

I didn't know where to place this in the article - Ratte

Spoony's actual reason for leaving

According to Spoony's commentary on "To Boldly Flee", in the first part, his actual reason for leaving has to do with financial aspects. He left because he felt that he wasn't getting enough hits due to his partnership with Channel Awesome, that it was a once sided-deal.

Izme 06:42, 24 January 2013 (EST) Implying

Died vidays

{{fv|Busy Street|background-color: white;|font-weight: bold;
<center>'''Ban Me Spoony'''</center>
<center>'''YOU LOST THE GAME GET B& MOTHER FUCKER!'''</center>
<center>'''Another Banning spree by Spoony'''</center>
<center>'''Make all donations in the rear.'''</center>
<center>'''The perfect summary of every NC video made.'''</center>
<center>'''Wise advice about The Mashable Awards.'''</center>
<center>'''Spoony Green Screen Fun 1'''</center>
<center>'''Spoony Green Screen Fun 2'''</center>
<center>'''Yes we need more crossover videos, Spoony.'''</center>
<center>'''You're going down Spoony!'''</center>

<center>'''A summary of every video Spoony makes about Wrestling.'''</center>


CobaltCat 16:35, 23 July 2014 (EDT)

Spoony's Patreon bullshit.

I can't believe this lazy fuck. Spoony makes almost five grand a month off Patreon; nearly as much Tom Siddell, who actually works for a living; and he hasn't even attempted to meet his milestone goals or improve his product. His store doesn't sell any DVDs, his costumes haven't improved at all, and he hasn't even added a green screen to his Counter Monkey videos. It's not like he's never used one before, he's just that much more of a lazy faggot as of 2014. Most of his videos are still fucking unedited, untimed V-Logs, and it's a safe bet that movie'll amount to nothing when this walking buttplug passes over five grand in a few weeks.

I know it's not exactly breaking news that Noah Antwiler's a piece of shit, but this is disgusting. He's earning more in a year from sitting on his ass doing verifiable jack shit than the average working household in the town he lives in earns by actually working for a living. Sure it's not that much money. Many even in Spoony's field earn much more, but few earn that much while working less.

As much as it disgusts me that faggots like PewDiePie can earn millions from being a dingleberry who plays video games on Youtube, at least he keeps a schedule and puts in time to make his unwatchable dogshit. At least he puts up videos that were actually edited more than once every three months.

How can someone so shitty at life still make it out fine no matter how many times they fail? What farm animal does Noah Antwiler have to fuck on tape to flush his career down the toilet permanently?--Troll 4 Life 23:50, 10 September 2014 (EDT)

If you think that's bad, look at Darksydephil. You might kill yourself in anger when looking him up, though. Killerratte 03:27, 11 September 2014 (EDT)
Think this warrants a section on Spoony's page? There's a lot to go into. All his donators are listed for anyone to see. It shows how long they've been donating, how many times, and weather or not they're a fucking furfag on their page. Even his first contributor hasn't been around for more than a few months. There's a decent chance a good number of these people don't even know how much of a fucking tard their benefactor is.
With any luck, it'll inspire a trolling of his Patreon donators, they'll start dropping, and this lazy fuck might be forced to look for a job that requires actual work.--Troll 4 Life 13:16, 11 September 2014 (EDT)