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[[File:LoveShyBill.jpg|thumb|right|Typical Love-shy]]

"Love-shy" is a [[special]] term for [[Asspie|social anxiety disorder]], a massive [[victim complex]], and a [[Obvious|possible]] hatred of all women. It's not recognized as a legitimate diagnosis by anyone except for [[L. Ron Hubbard|Dr. Brian Gilmartin]], who's a fucking idiot relegated to teaching college out in [[Unabomber|rural Montana]] since his crazy book about this shit got him fired.
People who call themselves "Love-shy" are making an excuse for [[Assburgers|why no human being wants to talk to them]], let alone fuck them. "Love-Shy" men avoid all possibility of rejection, because they have ceased any attempt to relate to other humans. This allows them to stay exactly the same, but thanks to [ Love-Shy], they get attention and pity from strangers on the internet which makes up for the fact that real people don't like them.
==Love Shy: The Book==
[[File:Gilmartin.png|thumb|right|This guy wants to help you not be a virgin anymore]]
In 1987 Dr. Brian Gilmartin interviewed 300 extremely shy men, [[You|adult virgins]], or something about their hopes, dreams, fears, and [[aspierations|aspirations]]. Although Social Anxiety Disorder, shyness, social phobias, depression, Asspurger's syndrome, autism, and a whole slew of other non-imaginary psychological conditions are recognized and treatable, Dr. Gilmartin thought up a new term for their neurotic bullshit: Love-shyness.
Gilmartin suggested that none of the Love-shies' problems were their fault: their virginity was caused by [[the man|society]], [[parents|mom and dad]], [[handegg|football]], [[eugenics|genetics]], and [[new age|astrology]]. Gilmartin denied that the [[drug|antidote]] to this problem was: 1.) talking to other human beings and 2.) seeking help from therapists, psychologists, or psychiatrists. Instead of a logical and sane path to not failing at life, he suggested that football be outlawed because football teams were [[taliban|guerrilla training camps]] for bullies, that shy people should get [[mr. hands|helper animals]] like blind people, that sex selection by aborting male fetuses could help shy men cope with fatherhood by not having to raise boys, and that shy people should become militant activists and picket with signs that literally described them as cowards.
In his research Gilmartin had also found [[Sick fuck|sick fucks]] who fucked department store [[Realdoll|manikins]], [[Bestiality|dogs]], and [[Scat|their own shit]]:
<blockquote>"Specifically, from the time this man had been a child he had always
had a strong sexual fascination with his bowel movements, especially
when they "come out real long and soft". And on those occasions when
he had a bowel movement of the "right" feeling and texture—an event
which he claimed happened only about once every couple of months—
he would become "uncontrollably aroused" from a sexual standpoint.
Using vegetable oil "to enhance the effect", he would roll the bowel
movement around in his hands, sometimes for several hours; and he
would enjoy several ejaculations while in the process of doing this. He
would save his "nicer poopoos" in plastic bags, sometimes for several
days. And at several points during this time span he would pick his
bowel movement out of the plastic bag and begin getting sexually
recharged again. During the course of this behavior he would fantasize
being with a "really beautiful young girl" who had "long hair and a
pretty face" and who "also liked long, soft, beautiful oozie-
===Love Shy: The Other Book===
[[Image:LSTalmer.jpg|thumb|right|Talmer Shockley]]
Talmer [[Cock|Shockley]] ,wrote a book called The Love-shy [[Porn|Survival Guide]], which got him fired from his job as a [[Lie|"high tech researcher"]]. He has also diagnosed himself with [[Assburgers|Asperger's]]. The Love-shy Survival Guide apparently says you should become [[Chris-chan]] or something by boosting your "attractiveness sphere."
Talmer has a [ website] where he offers [[Common knowledge|semi-decent advice]], like brushing your teeth, having a job and not living in a [[Basement dweller|disgusting cave]] full of [[Plastic crap|garbage]] if you ever want to have sex with women. He tells you to fuck up your life a little more by finding a therapist who believes that "Love Shy" is a real disorder, and to wave the book in her face if she doesn't believe you. "She" being the operative word, for this must be a female therapist. Apparently, talking to a girl they like terrifies Love-Shy men, yet they have no trouble whatsoever telling their [[Shit nobody cares about|darkest secrets]] to a chick [[shrink|shrink]]. Talmer then suggests that you get the therapist to diagnose you with lots of other stuff so you can be even more special and have more things to baww about.
==[[yes|Am I Love-Shy?]]==
Are you:
* A virgin?
* Afraid of showering?
* A frequenter of /b/?
* Boiling over with hatred for women?
* Friendless?
* Convinced that it's not you who's at fault, but society?
If you have answered yes to more than one of these questions, you are indeed [[dying alone|love shy]]. It is now time for you to [[kill yourself|take the necessary actions to solve the problem]], but if you are too cowardly then you can always join the Love Shy forum!
The Love Shy forums are a containment zone for concentrated fail, where batshit insane fucktards run wild and talk about hating women, raping women, killing women, and [[George Sodini]], a 50-year-old virgin who they all think is awesome because he shot a bunch of women. Some of them like to write cool essays about [[rape]] or how [[God Hates Fags]]. They're universally butthurt about [[circumcision]] beyond all logic and reason, and a bunch of them are [[atheists]]. The moderators are worse. 110% of the Love-Shy forums are idiots bitching about their easily-solved personal problems instead of doing something about it. The more you read, the more obvious it becomes that none of them want to change.
Here's a brief rundown about the people who inhabit the Love-shy forum. They're racist, sexist homophobes, the lot of them, and they're deeply unpleasant people. The following are short summaries of who they are, why they in particular suck, and various information about their real identities.
===Witness the [[WTF|Glory]]===
Image:LSfsalexius.GIF|Don't laugh at LS you insensitive fuck
Image:LSnicesupport.PNG|thumb|Support for the Dating Challenged
Image:LSTLWbanned.PNG|Banned for Trolling!
Image:LSSeba1.PNG|What? There is no misogyny here.
File:Fschmidtrape.GIF|Fschmidt's essay on Rape.
Image:Ramm.jpg|Rammspieler; neckbeard, 30-year-old virgin, jobless wonder
Image:Lshomotime.png|Being Love Shy [[Jailhouse gay|turns you into a fag]]
Image:Lsmommyissues.png|Blame your mom for you being a virgin at 30!
Image:Lsnudity.png|Didn't see a naked woman until 33 (it was a stripper)
Image:Rammmanchild.png|30, asks mommy for permission to leave the house.
Image:Thismanis30.png|This 30 year old man thinks about school shootings all day.
Image:LSanontalk.PNG|Hey fellow Love-shys, maybe some pedofiles could help us out?
Image:LSDrealm.PNG|How is "rape" rape?
Image:LSECtoughguy.PNG|Tough guy
Image:LSEthnohomo.PNG|I don't hate them because they're gay, I hate them because they're ''gay''
Image:LSNewHopea5.PNG|Incel is just as bad as Rape
Image:LSPickya1.PNG|FUCK ME! or FUCK OFF!
Image:Mikeyjuly14,2.JPG|I may choose to end in a hail of bullets, and hopefully take some with me.
Image:Mikeyjuly14.JPG|And when I DO go postal, I will make Sodini look like a fucking rank amateur!
Image:Mikeyjuly13.JPG|Hope it would make her suffer until she died.
Image:LSMikey.GIF|Mikey's Painless methods of suicide in the Resources and Recovery forum
Image:LSMikeyrage.PNG|[[Rage| RAAAAAAGE!]]
Image:LSMikey10.GIF ‎ |To Women: I wish you death.
Image: LSMikeya1.PNG|It's not ME, it's YOU!
Image: LSMikeya2.PNG|Caps Lock.
Image: LSMikeya3.PNG|I want to be mentally ill.
Image: LSMikeya4.PNG|I'm a walking timebomb.
Image: LSMikeya5.PNG|I am actually a very nice guy, honestly.
Image:Ei2domination.GIF|How to sexually dominate a Woman
Image:LSei2one.GIF|"It's not traumatization and vicitmization, but enrichment and enjoyment."
Image:LSei2two.GIF |"You have conquered her body, soul, and mind -- she will love you for that."
Image:LSei2personal1.JPG|"mechanical-style masturbator with prostate massage attachement"
Image:LSei2personal2.JPG |"nearly 8 a day"
Image:LSei2fantasy.JPG|"I'll just think of it as an acquired taste"
Image:LSei2recovered.PNG|"If she's talking dirty, then be rough, make her your bitch, make her moan so she knows she's your bitch"
Image:LSei2tracker.PNG|This isn't creepy at all
Image:Lolmom1111.png|Mom won't let me hang out with my friends!
Image:Uwtbaaaw.png|If only I was COOL when I was 13 my life would kick ass right now!
Image:Uwtgaysong.png|Let's sing songs about us being virgins
Image:Killedmydogmasturbating.png|Dear Love Shy: I killed my dog by masturbating.
Image:LSjohnny1.GIF|There is a strong possibility I will end my life with a spree killing but I would not target women exclusively
Image:LSSociallya1.PNG|I have been overlooked by assholes and jerks
Image:LSSociallya3.PNG|Ban all non-losers!
Image:LSLykos1.JPG |The Unabomber's protege's Manifesto, part 1
Image:LSLykos2.JPG |The Unabomber's protege's Manifesto, part 2
===Words of [[Batshit|Wisdom]]===
<center>{{frame|{{morphquote|mqtest4|background-color: white;|font-weight: bold;|One day, a loveshy man will not be content with gunning down a few women.|  Mikey|if you are attractive, good sperm, then it's not rape.|e_i-2|to be raped, that's the gift of [[Typo|ulitmate]] control, complete dominance and complete submission.|e_i-2|Both of these cultures are patriarchal and anti-feminist.|Fschmidt|The only reason that a man pursues an American women is for sex.|Fschmidt|only make rape illegal if it is unprovoked|Fschmidt|rape is quite simply about filling a biological need|Fschmidt|They deserve to raped, I cannot concern myself with the pain|Fschmidt|a woman cannot say no. A no from a woman could be reported|Coby|a husband needs to be legally allowed to hit his wife|Mesian|Yes, in fact I do admire Cho, The Columbine Duo, George Sodini|Rammspieler|kill all women and replace them with female type androids|SociallyInept|killing women, and making a political statemnt can be very effective|SociallyInept|Women need to learn that being crul to men will have physical consequences.|SociallyInept|}}|color=white}}</center>
==Know Your Love Shys==
[ '''Emptyinside'''] (later renamed himself "'''e_i'''" to look edgy or something) is a [[Canada|Canadian]] moderator on Love Shy who stalks women at The University of Vancouver and keeps notepad documents detailing their every movement. He masturbates 6-7 times a day, keeps detailed files of how he does it, and sees nothing weird about that, and prefers masturbation to having friends. He describes himself as [[Fat|5'8" and 230 lbs]] and wears [[Pedophile|Transitions lenses]]. Once bought a $1500 necklace for his stalker crush, but just keeps it in a drawer next to him while he masturbates. Has detailed dreams about raping this woman and likes to tell people about it on the Internets. (As of now he has actually en masse edited all his posts!)
===Eduard Limonov===
[ '''Rammspieler'''] is a 30-year-old man in love with the [[Columbine]] shooters who listens to [[goth]] music all day and runs a shitty [[Maddox]] style website where he signs half of his posts as "Doom" and posts videos of himself threatening people with a toy gun. His sister had to help him with the video because Rammspieler is too incompetent to aim a video camera (let alone a gun). He has been on four dates in his entire life, and is "terrified of all human contact." He is also Puerto Rican and hates Puerto Ricans. He changed his account name to "Arthur Schopenhauer" and "Eduard Limonov" because he is paranoid. So here's a screencap of his Facebook page and his IP address, obtained when he tried to [[retard|anonymously vandalize]] the now-defunct Love-shy Wiki to remove the picture on the right. Fun facts: Rammspieler has never held a [[unemployed|job]] and dropped out of college after 7 years of doing jack shit. He feels emasculated because he lives with him mom, sister and grandmother and his only release is listening to a shitty German novelty metal band from the 90s.
'''Fschmidt''', real name Franklin Richard Schmidt, is a 49-year-old man who writes essays about rape where he compares rapists to Robin Hood says that American women are WORSE THAN THE [[Nazi|NAZIS]] and deserve to be raped. He posts this under Fschmidt on the forums and co-founded a company called NexTag in 1998, an internet company whose "business model didn't make sense". His other hobby is [ doxxing the shit out of himself] by putting his home address on the internet. He runs his own forums called the CoAlpha Brotherhood, which suggests that fat losers try to seduce married women. Is married to Lina H Schmidt, a former Mexican who only married this huge piece of shit for a green card and does not love him. Before he got married he would blow all his dot-com money on hookers every week. Claims to have moved to El Paso, but is probably lying about this. He likes to post that he's "[[Internet tough guy|not afraid to fight people IRL]]" but if you call him on this he will come up with a bullshit excuse like moving out of the country. He admits on Love-shy that if he ever actually fought someone he would secretly bring mace because he's [[Fat|unable to defend himself]].
'''Just Jack''', (later renamed himself "'''Advanced'''" to try to be cool). Just Jack has the noble ambition of topping Michael Jackson as a walking, talking, plastic-surgery-scarred human disaster. This guy's real problem is body dysmorphic disorder (where you believe you're ugly despite what anyone says and all evidence to the contrary), and being a goddamn Otakin (where he wants to be a character from fucking anime). Plastic surgery forum enthusiasts have also diagnosed him with Histrionic Personality Disorder. Has put a lot of thought into this and has a list of 7-12 plastic surgeries, and apparently has this all budgeted and partially saved up for. Has already had a nose job, and has a list of plastic surgeons in the US and Southeast Asia who don't give a fuck if you kick in the door and scream, "turn me into Sailor Moon!" On Love-shy, he makes up long, crazy stories where he verbally confronts or fights people, but still can't get the girl in his fantasies. You know how after you're pissed off at someone, an hour later you come up with the perfect, biting comeback (or just yelling "fuck" a lot) that you could have said but didn't? Just Jack posts that shit like it actually happened, giving the impression that his life is full of him kicking ass and calling people COCKWHORES. Has 1,000 posts on a plastic surgery forum, where people who really, really like plastic surgery say he's crazy. And a couple of them give him names of doctors. Uses his encyclopedic knowledge of plastic surgery for good, rather than evil, by being a fairly productive and useful poster on this forum. Usually posts as "e3323" but doxes himself by invariably posting his contact info everywhere he goes and links back to his other accounts. Was called e3323 on Love-shy for a brief period, but Rammspieler banned this as a duplicate account because he really likes banning people that much, as it's the closest thing to real authority (...or a job) that he'll ever do.
==The simple solution==
Whores, my friend. Whores. Not "cam whores" or "attention whores". Whores. The real thing. Just be careful to make a budget and stick to it.
[ The site]
[ Love shy catch]
{{Dying Alone}}

Revision as of 18:53, 16 April 2011