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They can work any tool/machine [[Idiot|if they read the instructions]]. They´re good at acting in the moment without planning but bad at long term commitments. [[Idiot|They prefer actions over words.]]
They can work any tool/machine [[Idiot|if they read the instructions]]. They´re good at acting in the moment without planning but bad at long term commitments. [[Idiot|They prefer actions over words.]]
ISTPs are content to let others live according to their own rules, as long as the favor is reciprocated, and they endure reasonable impositions without complaint
ISTPs are content to let others live according to their own rules, as long as the favor is reciprocated, and they [[Idiot|endure reasonable impositions without complaint.]]

Percentage male: 7%
Percentage male: 7%

Revision as of 01:32, 17 April 2011

Well, shit, it all makes sense now!

This acronym secretly stands for Massively Boring Talking Idiots. People who make their living consulting other people on how to be MBTI will, of course, deny this fervently.

The purpose of MBTI is to assign everyone letters which they will not understand, so that the Global Masonic Conspiricy can more easily decide who to assign to the gulags, and who to simply kill outright.

What the Letters Mean


If you can't understand what the fuck the top means you have no chance.



Afraid of change. Just bought their first computer/fucked.

Percentage male: 54%

Percentage female: 53%


The Supervisor

They memorize stupid facts like baseball statistics, then look at you retarded when you bring up something that hasn't been in existence for at least 100 years. They have a lot of respect for authority, and they put a lot of value to titles, ranks and positions. Their appearance is very neat and a bit conservative. They won’t look very different from what’s average, but they do care a lot about how they look.

Percentage male: 23%

Percentage female: 13%


The Provider

They like to talk about their feelings and to give their opinion about everything that is happening around them. They have a strong image about how things should be and about what’s right or wrong. They usually live by those values and expect other people to do the same. They’re extremely thin skinned (sensitive), and they become very illogical when you have seriously hurt their feelings. This can result in drastic actions from their side, like ending friendships or ending deals.

Percentage male: 10%

Percentage female: 25%


The Protector

Same as above, except that they'll typically have less friends and are prone to shutting the fuck up. They don’t like surprises and trying new things.They often like cooking, gardening or painting.

Percentage male: 5%

Percentage female: 10%


The Inspector

They have no friends and typically walk way to fast. They only care about money, are prone to disagreeing with anyone who comes up with a new idea, and use a scale of 1 to 100 to quantify how much they love someone. They hate taking any kind of risk, even though they are often found in the army. They also have incredible powers of concentration and determination.

Percentage male: 16%

Percentage female: 5%



Don't expect anything they say or do to make sense, don't expect them to care about doing or saying things that make sense, and if possible, flee and never look back.

Percentage male: 31%

Percentage female: 23%



Typical asshole, prone to break INFP's hearts. A natural salesman who typically has no fucking idea what he's talking about, but does it with a huge smile. Found in malls and politics. Don't let your girlfriend talk to an ESTP, or he fucks her within two days.

Percentage male: 11%

Percentage female: 3%



They are easy distracted and don´t like to make plans or think about the future. In fact, they usually have the attention span of a goldfish. Because they learn more by doing than by studying or reading, they tend to rush into things, traditional schools can be difficult for them. They are natural performers who like to entertain people. Boxxy and basically every porn star.

Percentage male: 8%

Percentage female: 12%



They are likely to have some kind of active artistic hobby like drawing, painting or playing an instrument. Though not inclined to debate or necessarily even air their views, their values are very important to them. Known for creating retarded trends.

Percentage male: 5%

Percentage female: 6%



They can work any tool/machine if they read the instructions. They´re good at acting in the moment without planning but bad at long term commitments. They prefer actions over words. ISTPs are content to let others live according to their own rules, as long as the favor is reciprocated, and they endure reasonable impositions without complaint.

Percentage male: 7%

Percentage female: 2%



They think that aids is a product of gmo, and most of the time end up in their mom's basement or under a causeway.

Percentage male: 9%

Percentage female: 21%



The typical cult leader. That dude who somehow gets it, prone to not doing anything, but still being loved by everyone. They are great communicators and are tactful and diplomatic in social interactions, but thy are often bad at making decisions based on logic. They often have dark thoughts when alone.

Percentage male: 4%

Percentage female: 6%



Very similar to the ESFP couterpart, except that they are slightly more intelligent and actually do something instead of just bitching. They often have an original dressing style. They don’t like criticism and try to solve problems by talking about their feelings. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations, and are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow-up or attention to detail.

Percentage male: 2%

Percentage female: 7%



Best personality type you can be, especially if male.They take almost everything personally and are very easily hurt. Prone to wearing the rose colored glasses and getting constantly taken advantage of as a girl, or being a permavirgin as a guy. Thy are not stupid, however they are also not ver realistic and practical. Typically able to read the otherwise indecipherable bullshit documentation of computer scientists and engineers, good for them.

Percentage male: 2%

Percentage female: 5%



They are very vulnerable and complex individuals. They tend to be sensitive, with a great depth of personality. They are intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even to themselves. They have an orderly view toward the world, but are internally arranged in a complex way that only they can understand. You know you are an INFJ when you are trying to get over a someone by deleting their number out your phone, but writing the number on a slip of paper and hiding it just in case.

Percentage male: 1%

Percentage female: 3%



Inventer of the internet.

Percentage male: 16%

Percentage female: 3%



Congrats you are an asshole, you are really good at manipulating people and lieing is easy for you. As a teenager you probably had sex a lot and had a bunch of SPs following you around, if anyone fucked with you you gave them the axe, this most likely carried on into your adult years where you continued to treat people who were superior to you as if they were god and those below you like shit.

Percentage male: 4%

Percentage female: 1%



The most introverted of all Es, probably the only profile that doesn't suck. They are a looser untill highschool/college most of the time, when they finally figured out that most people are sheep. Especially to sensors, ENTPs often seem unrealistic. Sadly there are more sensors that intuitives out there, but evoultion will fix that soon.

Percentage male: 5%

Percentage female: 1%



They catoragize everything and waste time looking at shit that doesn't matter. They plot to take over the world and hate everyone, even as a child. They have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism. Most likely to be manipulated by an ENTJ or kill everyone in their sector at work, or become an hero (after INFJ, who was just killed by an ENTJ).

Percentage male: 4%

Percentage female: less than 1%



1/2 of all INTPs are liberal hippies who smoke weed and live in their mothers basement, the other half are scientists and engineers who are generally completely underappreciated, and get their hats stolen by birds while daydreaming all the time. INTPs have some things in common with INFPs, but INTPs are better than INFPs in every imaginable way, and also in several ways that aren't imaginable. However, his type will soon go extinct anyway, due to their inability to talk to anyone.

Percentage male: 3%

Percentage female: less than 1%

Further "Reading"

See Also

