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But her most important accomplishment is spending the last four years running an [[MRA|"anti-feminism"]] blog on tumblr which she constantly has to shut down out of butthurt because she is being trolled by feminists instead of trolling them. With her hysterical behavior and made up stories about being raped, "Monica" shows that she is exactly the same as the people that she is against and proves, once and for all, that whether you're pro-feminist or anti-feminist, if you use, tumblr you're still a fucking retard.
But her most important accomplishment is spending the last four years running an [[MRA|"anti-feminism"]] blog on tumblr which she constantly has to shut down out of butthurt because she is being trolled by feminists instead of trolling them. With her hysterical behavior and made up stories about being raped, "Monica" shows that she is exactly the same as the people that she is against and proves, once and for all, that whether you're pro-feminist or anti-feminist, if you use, tumblr you're still a fucking retard.
==On Tumblr==
As tumblr became synonymous with batshit feminist, it also became filled with "anti-feminist" and "anti-sjws". But do not mistake these people for trolls, they are the most boring, tedious and stupid people you could imagine, sucking the lulz out of something as funny as pissing off feminazis and replacing it with dull self righteousness and humorless brow-beating.
One such anti-feminist is Eve, and while most of them are only slightly better than MRAs, Eve is much, much worse.<br />
Eve has become known on tumblr for her constant whining, and one-woman harassment campaigns that begin whenever someone says something to her that she doesn't like and she vows eternal vengeance, and end when she shuts down her blog for the millionth time. Eve has been known to spend days, weeks, months and perhaps even years spamming people with her insane demands and allegedly even harassing people she knows IRL because they disagree with her opinions.
In essence, she's just a feminist. Although believing in the opposite thing that they do, she acts exactly the same as every histrionic tumblr feminist ever.
====Doxing and Getting Doxd====

==Retard Vs. ED Forums==
==Retard Vs. ED Forums==

Revision as of 02:40, 28 February 2015

This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
You can help by posting their nude pix or spamming their talk page.

List of "triggers" for easy trolling
NameDumblr Feminist (she changes names every other day)

Dumblr Feminist (aka MissMisanthropy, Egalitarian Eagle, CrimsonRegret, anewwaytobleed, HoffyBunny, NothingIsSetInStone, TrustNo1sLies, bensonownsmyovaries, deathtotealeoni, vonsnortsenburg, tamedinsanity, WaxAngelWings and over 9,000 other usernames that all sound like something a 13 year old girl on LiveJournal would come up with) fake name Monica Olivia Edwards, real name Eve R Habat, is a hideously ugly Cleveland resident who somehow works as an "exotic dancer" and "professional dominatrix", all of which are just code words for prostitute.

Her exploits on the internet go far and wide, starting with constant slapfight on various fandoms, pretending to be a lesbian for attention while writing a LOTR worth of rape fanfics about Hannibal, David Bowie and Hugh Laurie before jerking off to them, and ending with a recent visit to our own EDF2 that ended with threats of calling the police on us.

But her most important accomplishment is spending the last four years running an "anti-feminism" blog on tumblr which she constantly has to shut down out of butthurt because she is being trolled by feminists instead of trolling them. With her hysterical behavior and made up stories about being raped, "Monica" shows that she is exactly the same as the people that she is against and proves, once and for all, that whether you're pro-feminist or anti-feminist, if you use, tumblr you're still a fucking retard.

Retard Vs. ED Forums

The problem with extremists is that they usually become so extreme they end up being exactly like the people they oppose just with an opposite set of values. There seems to be very few actual moderates this day and age so…whatever. I give up on trying to combat them, maybe just find the people who use logic from now on.


—Dumblr Feminist about EDF2, Failing to see the irony

In what must have been her most ill-advised move to date, Dumblr joined the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums.
After making her introductory thread she headed over to our Tumblr subforum to share with us her tribulations in fighting the feminist scum online, expecting to get ass-pats and internet street cred.

The OP

Needless to say, it did not go down like that. After about 5 posts responding to her sob story told her how pathetic it is she has been doing this for 4 years now and is getting trolled by feminists on tumblr, and that honestly no one cares, she BAWWWleted her OP. That would have been the end of that had she not begun frantically looking for the "delete you account" button, which does not exists. This having failed, she posted a thread on ED's reddit

And then proceeded to spam the report system, marking posts that offended her (including that of one of the moderators) as "Harassment". For this she was swiftly moved to the user group "Faggots" by said moderator, which automatically sends a warning the her inbox from the mod in question.

Misunderstanding this as an attempt to open a dialog, Dumblr began demanding her account be removed and spamming the inbox of every staff member that came online (the response to which was "Post your tits", promising them that she will "continue to harass [you]" until her demands are met, mistaking the ED forums for the thin-skinned tumblerettes she is used to, and not realizing that we are perhaps the wrong people to try an harass.

The BAWtism was so comical that even the admins joined in, removing anything she can do to cause trouble without actually banning her and responding to her threats to DMCA us with "kill yourself". Meanwhile, the rest of the users on the forum spammed her tumblr inbox with over 150 messages telling her she look like a meth addict and should jump off a bridge. They also began looking up her other activities online, discovering exactly who she is, her other account, a hilarious attempt at writing a book and the fact that this is not the first community where he attempts to find allies have backfired.

Eventually, realizing that the negotiations have broken down, she left, shut down her blog again for a day and came back with the option to send thing to her inbox removed.

EDF2 Adventure About missing Pics
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DumblerFem Talking to the Saff

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