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What? This article needs moar actual lulzy comments from Tacky.
You can help by adding moar actual lulzy comments from Tacky.

TackyAnimationsX3 (moar like SuckyAnimations, ammirite? ) is an 18 year old Canadian faggot who loves to start e-drama and acts like an autistic toddler when she gets flamed. She also thinks she is a very talented animator, just like Chasethehedgehog is a great Ms paint user.

tacky is a very talented artist
File:Tacky is a teen ager.jpg

Tacky on ED

Tacky, a Canadian weeaboo cry baby, decided she was going to summon the forces of ED to guide her in her youtube fame. But When she realized no one on ED thought her furry mary sue named "Purity" was a great character, and that her videos weren't worth watching she was very butthurt. Unlike most ED pages, Tacky's wasn't funny at all and just overall gross. It was one of those shitty ones where you can't find it even if you search for it, so I'll save you the task and link it here. Tacky claimed it was not her and that she was totally innocent. Right, and Kenny Glenn likes his cat. She now thinks it's ho-larious someone has made a page about her, though with her ego, it probably just makes her feel better about herself at night. She LULZED at the fact LittlePoke didn't put an 'S' at the end of animations. Though, Tacky can't spell worth a shit because she "has" dyslexia.

tl;dr - Tacky isn't funny and can't spell

her boy friend better take care of her baby bump

Tacky's motherfucking life story

The following quote is taken from Tacky's website, just from the sheer length of it you can gather what a self absorbed lolcow this little tartlet is.


My name is Tacky Laskie, although my REAL name is Tamara, (Tah-Mair-Ah).And I live in a magical place called Canada. I’m 17-going-on-18, June 15th, and I'm highly excited about stepping into adult hood T~T. [Although I never did.] My passion in life is drawing, animation, solving world hunger, and world domination. I’m also what you would call a 'Bitch'.I'm not very fond of making peace with complete idiots just to save me the aggravation, and if I think you acting like an idiot, I’ll let you know without hesitation. I feel I'm one of the very few people out there who aren’t fake, and I very much understand that I'm hated by hundreds for this reason alone. Although this is true, I AM a VERY nice person, trust me. I get along with pretty much any one who has half a brain, and I make friends fairly easy. Please don't be scared of me~X3 I love to talk with fellow animators and artist of You tube and Deviantart,and share my novice [failing] art skill with the world wide web.~ And as you can tell, I love animating as well. For a very long time, (the past three years) I wanted to get into animating my story, Moth and the Man. But of course, I put it off and got distracted with other things. It wasn't until I almost died this year being diagnosed of a type 1 diabetic [and I'll use this fully in a fight as my ultimate defense] that I realized, if I want to do some thing, then the time for doing it is now. So, LITERALLY, as soon as I got out of the hospital, I started my frame work for my anime opening. And now it led me up to this point. I animate with my mouse, and my mouse alone. I DO NOT like tablets; personally, I think their tools of the devil. [So, I should try one I guess.] Using a mouse makes me feel more original, [though there are tons that do it better] and I've been creating art [if you can call it that] with it for six years. Why give up some thing that works? I'm very proud of my anidean I will /NOT/ stop working on it until it is complete. I pour my heart and soul into each frame, [damn, sad ain't it?] and strive for perfection under the time limit I set for myself. I know I could save myself a lot of time by drawing all of my frames in MS paint, but easy is boring. It’s time for some one to step out of the box and rebel against this boring cycle too many young animators are in. This is why I chose to NOT make a magical girl amine’s think choosing to make a magical girl would be a mistake for me, because in all honesty, is there such thing as an 'original magical girl famine series' any more?...I think not, [because that's the fad that's begun] from what I've seen produced so far. But do NOT get me wrong, I in no way, shape or form am calling animators who make these amines unoriginal or boring. Do NOT get offended T~T [I'll make you so later].I'm simply saying that that path is not for me. And making a more serious, original themed anime seems to be the wiser choice. Although in my opinion it's much harder to animate, easy is BORING. So let's all step out of the box together >: D! [But if you do I'll attempt to kill you.]

tl;dr Tacky is better than everybody



Fanimeworld community and Tacky

Fan- anime; fanime GET IT?

Fanimeworld is summed up just by that. Weeaboos drawing up pseudo-anime shows, to be canceled, unfinished, lacking humanoid proportions, however these are 14 year olds who really shouldn't be on the internet anyway. Tacky on the other hand is 18 and for some reason still draws as badly if not worse than these 14 year olds and demands that they accept her for just that. When all of the community didn't suck her giant throbbing e-penis she decided to try and get ED to be her own personal army

It's pretty sad when even a forum consisting of preteens thinks you're the loser

A stamp Tacky made after the sucking of her e-cock was denyed

Tacky wanted anon to troll the 14 year olds, attention whores, and the niggers within the community when they refused to listen and only to spare the ones that kissed her ass 24/7.

It’s hard for Tacky to believe, but there are people better than her, and most of them are Japanese and niggers .

The drama started when a twenny bopper made a thread asking why Tacky didn't like her (see images below). This may seem like no subject to create a thread over, and it isn't really but everyone assured this girl Tacky was just a bit hard-headed and she doesn't always get along with people. Tacky was somehow informed of this and flew off the handle like Janice Dickinson high on America's Next Top Model. She claimed they had made fun of her DIABETUS and called her an outright bitch. Look at the images below to see how much Tacky loves making a moutain out of a mole hill.


Okay then...

Tacky met the love of her life on Neopets when she was twelve, and role playing. His name is Mike or some shit like that and he's an american fatass from New York. According to what you can see in her journal, her boyfriend is most likely Irish, a dead beat, a fat ugly baby daddy, lazy, and did I mention ugly? Apparently they will be spending the summer together for 10 days at her house and most of the rest of the summer in his native state of New York. So get ready for a bit more interesting journals on how she's planning to have another abortion and how she's gonna pay for the baby if she decides to keep it. Most likely she decided to keep sucking this guy's dick over the internet because she knows he can support her financially since she never seems to get a god honest job and probably doesn't plan to go to college (due to the baby issue) and the fact he lives near her.

TL;DR - Tacky is a slut who needs money

Moth and the Man

Tacky's fananime is awkward mixture of good and fail, the good being Youtube wont load it half the time.

Her original character, “Purity”, is a moth fairy queen with flesh colored sticks for limbs and an angsty past where she's the last of her kind or something.

Purity is a very complicated, and deeply emotional fairy”


The story is basically about Purity who falls in love with a fag that looks like her ex-boyfriend and then all the drama starts and she has to stop a war between the insect fairies and humans while avoiding another fairy queen who wants to rape her... or something like that. She only uploaded Part 1 of the 1st episode on Youtube before putting the whole thing on hold.

Typical Tacky Comebacks

Actually cunt, -insert lawls here-


I like sex in my mouth ._.'




Sorry, I couldn't read that because -you misspelled, your a weeaboo, your a furry, your a lesbo-


Black trash is smelly :(


Your white trash


I know how -insert lies here- work...


I'm prettier


Your ugly


Your fat


Your stupid


I have a REAL boyfriend


But I have DIABETES!






You can't animate


I can animate better than you


I can trace and still give credit, all i want


Theme song by ED singers

Gallery of Drama

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

See Also

External Links

TackyAnimationsX3 is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

TackyAnimationsX3 is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal