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{{achtung|[[Chris-chan|SHE WANTS TO FUCK A MOTHER FUCKER]]}}
[[File:crack whore of course.png|thumb|The [[crack]] whore in her natural state.]]
'''Ariana W. Raykotto''' (b. April 17, 2005) is a [[Retarded]] [[high school]] [[dropout]] [[attention whore]] that decided to attempt to make "[[Hahaha no|music]]". Out of all the retarded things she has done she decided to tell an entire [[Discord]] server [[Sick fuck|she wanted to have sex with an]] [[Chris-chan|Autistic manchild tranny]] and that she wasn't kidding about it either despite looking like a [[tranny]] herself. She then proceeded to get mad at people in said server for [[No shit|making fun of her for it]]. Despite having less subscribers than a just-made [[JewTube|YouTube]] account she thinks her music is the holy grail of ear candy and acts like a full-blown fucking celebrity, going as far as making fake paparazzi photos of herself. She even made herself a fucking wikia to [[inflation|inflate]] her own [[ego]].

== The Beginning ==
There was a time that Mrs. Motherfuckerlover was a normal human and then she did one talent show in [[2015]] and she went all fucking autistic. Their she met some shitty soundcloud rapper who [[rape|raped]] her or some shit.
==Her "music" career==
In 2021 she somehow got a record deal (probably with a Russian bootleg label) and released the worst album ever, since then she has released multiple albums full of stolen music covers downloaded with YTMP3 and [[Frostwire]].
== Getting hard nipples over Chris-chan ==
[[File:Screenshot 2023-09-21 223241.png|thumb|THIS IS WHAT ARIANA ACTUALLY BELIEVES]]
She decided it would be a good idea to tell a bunch of [[Discord|Dicksword]] [[neckbeards]] that she wanted to have sex with the mother fucking [[incest|mother fucker]] [[tranny]] [[Chris-chan]] and that a few days later she "[[masturbate|flicked the bean]]" to him drinking his own [[cum]]. She even said she plans on fucking contacting him and then dressed up as him.
=== The attention whore ===
There is an attention whore that decided to fuck with mostly Ariana Raycunto but other members of the CWCki Server too. He is the one that leaked the fact she said she wanted to fuck Chris-chan.
==Concert scam==
In September 2022 she posted links to a "[[Bullshit|website where you can buy tickets to her concert]]" and to nobodies surprise after you bought tickets they never fucking came and the "stadium" she said they were being held at didn't fucking exist. And then in October 2022 shes gonna start selling the fucking tickets again, scamming more fucking people. The again to buy one of her tickets you'd have to be a [[retard]] because no shit it's a scam she can't even actually sing, even if it were real all she'd do is sit up there and play a stolen song off her fucking phone.
==Ariana's reaction to her ED page==
[[File:Screenshot 2023-09-21 225345.png|thumb|[[Bubba|Somebody]] [[Rape|poked her too hard]].]]
Ariana blew up like a [[Hitler|1930s]] [[Jew]] in [[Nazis|Germany]] when she saw her ED page, first she [[loser|cried]] then she ranted to her non-existent [[Twitter]] [[simps|fans]]. Ariana has not denied the claims she is a [[tranny]] lover and has even suggested she is proud of her love for [[Chris-chan|autistic manchildren trannies]]!
===Ariana is scared of ED===
According to a friend of Ariana's that is secretly filling us at ED in, she decided to close down her [[wikia]] due to fear she would get "[[dox|doxxed]] on [[Kiwi Farms|the farms]]". Which she probably fucking will be, it's what she deserves anyways. Check it out for [[you|yourself]] you [[retard]]. []
==Her abomination of a "website"==
After downloading [[Netscape]] on her [[Windows XP]] computer because she's [[poor]] she saw it had a website editor and thought "I MUSICIAN. MUSICIAN NEED WEBSITE." and coded up the [[lie|beautifully]] [[fact|ugly]] '''Raykotto World''' website, nice name I know. Again because she's poor she couldn't afford to buy a domain so she put it on fucking [[Geocities|Neocities]] a.k.a. Geocities 2 of all places, again very "professional". The website is better than it was before, so I can't imagine what it was [[suicide|before]]. But hey Raykotto finally caught up with tha modern timez, or at least as modern as [[2008]]. Her website just barely qualifies as [[Web 2.0]], if anything it's Web 1.9. But it's better than her former website, which was 100% plain text a.k.a. [[outdated|Web 0.5]], remember Web 2.0 came out [[old|16 years ago]], and this garbage plain text no links barebones website was introduced in January.. [[2023]]. At this "'''Raykotto World'''" [[piracy|you can pay her]] [[Frostwire|for stolen music]], buy her [[truth|scam]] [[lie|concert tickets]], watch her [[shit|shitty]] [[MTV|music videos]] in a tiny ass embed player from fucking [[BitView]], and thats it.
===Raykotto v. Dreamwatch Records Ltd.===
'''Raykotto and others v. Dreamwatch Records Limited''' ([[2022]]) was the most [[retarded]] [[lawsuit]] known to [[Encyclopedia Dramatica|us]].Ariana Ray[[cunt]]o decided to sue her [[scam|record label]] for [[No shit|re-releasing her music]] "without [[useless|her permission]]". Just to prove the [[Government]] is [[fucked]] she won the god damn case.
===Raykotto v. Jey Music Entertainment UK Ltd. et al.===
Fuck the other lawsuit we mentioned, this is the most [[retarded]] [[pointless]] waste of [[tax]] money known to [[shit|Planet Earth]]. '''Raykotto v. JCNA UK Music Limited''' ([[2023]]) was the time Ariana Raykotto decided to be the [[attention whore]] she is and sue her new record label for re-releasing her bands music and "not giving her [[suicide|career]] enough [[attention]]", this time she lost the case thank [[god]].
===Raykotto v. Closet Records, Inc. et al.===
[[Encyclopedia Dramatica|We]] caused this [[retarded]] [[fag]]faced [[tranny]][[Chris-chan|loving]] [[whore]] to get what she deserved, a.k.a. dropped by her 3rd record label. Basically after her record company found out she wanted to [[sick fuck|fuck]] [[Chris-chan]] they told her after she releases her upcoming 4th [[garbage|album]] she would be released from her contract with them, which wasn't supposed to expire until 2027. The [[bitch]] got her [[mangina]] twisted and sued her record company. '''Raykotto v. Closet Records, Inc., Closet Records Ltd. and Closet Records GmbH''' ([[2023]]) is a soon-closing lawsuit, basically the summary is after her fourth [[piece of shit]] "album" is released she will be transferred to her new unsuspecting record company ''SBI Records Ltd.'', they have no idea [[what the fuck]] they're getting themselves into.
==Scam cellphone brand==
[[File:catis - Copy.png|thumb|[[loser|0 Notifications]]]]
The '''Motori Catis''' is a scam [[cellphone]] created by Ariana Raycunto, it looks like it could be from [[2013|ten years ago]] and it doesn't even run [[Android]], instead it runs a proprietary type of [[Linux]] developed just for this [[piece of shit]] and other soon to come Motori pieces of shit called '''Motori UI'''. The name '''Motori''' is an obvious copy of '''Motorola''' which may explain why it's just as useful as [[you|your]] old ass Motorola flipphone from [[2006]]. And it's only available in [[Canada]] under some start-up carrier thing called [[scam|Universal Wireless]]. The only known photo of the phone [[this looks shopped|looks shopped]] as hell. The [[JewTube|YouTube]] account of Motori was discovered which shows the operating system in action, with only 4 functions. So high tech!
==External links==
{{yt|@|ArianaRaykotto|Ariana Raykotto Channel}}
{{yt|@|MotoriMobile|Motori Channel}}
*[ Say your "opinions about her dating choices" to her face!]
*[ Her dumpster fire of a website! WARNING: Eye Bleach Will Be Needed]
{{why is there an article}}
{{Dying Alone}}
{{Web 2.0}}
{{Social Media}}
{{ytseries|title=Ariana Raykotto}}
[[Category:How Not To Live]]

Revision as of 23:03, 27 September 2023