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Latest revision as of 22:47, 17 August 2011

This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Actual picture of Bob
Siilverz's profile pic

Mandy (aka Bob) is an autistic gamer who founded the Clan of Girls (CoG) on Call of Duty 2. His most notable achievement in life is tricking all the basement dwelling 13-year-old boys on COD into believing he's actually a girl, which has resulted in the lulz discussed below.

Early life and success

On Christmas eve of 2010, Bob and his friends on Xfire were happily playing Call of Duty 2 when some fucktard got caught pretending to be a girl. Bob, being the brilliant e-genius that he is, immediately realized the full potential of this ploy given it is properly executed. He devised the following scheme:

  1. Pretend to be a girl on some e-landfill full of horny retards
  2. Have them be your personal slaves
  3. Record their fails and post on ED
  4. ???
  5. Profit!

This formula proved to be so successful that he continues his practices to this very day, with more lulz accumulating even as we speak.

Social implications

Because Xfire combined with COD make for such a wonderful social network, the response was immediate and overwhelming. Countless brave dicks marched into battle, heads held high, to compete for the title of Mandy's e-boyfriend. Many requested MSN, Skype or IRL contact details, yet only few succeeded, and their eulogy now lies here for all to see.

The reason behind Bob's success, however, remains a mystery to most scientists, although some argue it is due to Bob's dual personality and his secret desire to actually become a girl.

Despite his tremendous genius, there are some people who don't believe he's a girl. You'd think these are signs of intelligent life on the internet, but since that's impossible, the only viable explanation is that these people are 40-year-old virgins who couldn't recognize a girl if she rammed a dildo up their ass.


One of the most hilarious exploits is the webcam conversation with Siilverz, also known as Quentin Wozniak. It all happended one gloomy night of July 2011, when some horny kid informed Mandy he was prepared to masturbate in front of him/her over his webcam. Naturally, Bob instantely activated Hypercam to catch all of the lulz. However, the entire essence of the recording can be captured in this single frame:

I'm sure every single one of you is able to mentally reconstruct the rest of the video, as this is all that really happens. Siilverz is still hoping, in vain btw, to someday get laid by a real girl.


Of course, there are also screenshots from chats that the COD community had with Mandy. These barely scratch the surface, but should provide a decent idea of how naive Xfire as well as COD fucks are:

Note the shitty graphics. Together with the buggy engine and bullshit storyline, these make up the main reasons nevar to play COD2. Also, never mind the Dutch sentences in the chat. It's not a real language anyway.

See also