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One slaughters an entire island, shocking the world just to get a point. Meanwhile, the other with the liberty of exercising free speech speaks up against Islam without physically harming anyone. Great logic, leftards!
The Holodomor Genocide was a dark historical event when the Commies left millions to starve which they don't teach in schools. Yet again, another proof that Cultural Marxists control the minds of young. "We don't need no thought control" ~ Roger Waters - The Wall: Another Brick in the Wall pt.2

UAF or Unite Against Fascism, More commonly known as The Great Unwashed, Unemployed Arse-licking Fairies or Ugly Ass Faggots are a British leftarded group of mostly penniless student cultural marxists who have given up on studying art and dedicated their shitty lives to stop the "racist" EDL (English Defense League) from defending their own country from masses of invading Sand Niggers like Anjem Choudary who is currently public enemy #1 in all of London and other political groups such as the British National Party. The UAF are best described as uneducated red communists who believe the Nazis were the only evil people ever to exist in the world yet they keep themselves ignorant about the genocides committed and concentration camps established by Communist dictators.

Despite the fact UAF are anti-Fascist, they are more Nazi-like than their opposition and gain popularity spooning their garbage into most homes via the Israeli Ministry Of Propaganda and universities forcing it at such force you feel as if you personally are discriminating someone if you are a white heterosexual male.

No one can expect anything logical from a bunch of deluded fucktards. The UAF is already a huge failure by only considering the fact that even dead people were able to troll them:

The Fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists


—Winston Churchill speaking the truth

Member Base

Spotting This Breed

  1. Long wavy hair on head, under armpits, legs, pelvic area, and facial for both men and women.
  2. Outfits consist of earthy colors, t-shirts advertising some cause or person, ANYTHING MADE OUT OF RECYCLED MATERIAL.
  3. Seen constantly trying to debate and push their "superior" idea's on people who don't really give a fuck. Sometimes resulting in aggravated person harming the annoying parasite.
  4. Smells bag
  5. Not white

Main Issues

Fundamental Beliefs

UAF love to play the 'victim' game; in leftist thought, everyone is always oppressing someone or something, usually males, heterosexuals, whites, Christians. According to the UAF there is always an oppressor lurking in every corner. Everyone who disagrees with this is just an "oppressive white racist sexist homophobic xenophobic right-wing christian extremist/fundamentalist fascist imperialist NAAAAAAAZZZZZIIIIIIII !!!1!!11!111oneoneoneeleven".

And they believe, on the flip side, that no one should ever have the right to call liberal views what they are - "garbage".

Education and Member Base Building

The UAF begin their brainwashing at most colleges and universities, teaching students into thinking that white, male nationals are evil and that diversity (unless it's diversity of opinion) is to be worshiped above anything.

Thanks to the pollution of universities, it is guaranteed this will be the last place normal people will find freedom of expression.

Opposing Fascism

By reading the organization's name, it's not hard to tell that this group is nothing more but a group of Marxists who recruit a group of crackhead hippies into hardcore Antifas who know nothing about history and will believe anything the Reds tell them. While being brainwashed to go against groups like EDL, the dumb sheep followers do not even realize the moral self-contradiction they commit when opposing Fascism for their crimes like the genocide for example. They are kept ignorant about the holocausts committed by the Soviets, especially the Holodomor Genocide in which millions were robbed from their food and left to starve to death which occurred in Ukraine before the war during the Industrialization and Militarization process of the USSR under Stalin's command who was a post-office and bank robber before becoming a dictator, just like, Muhammed was a Caravan Raider before he became a Prophet, killing thousands and millions of innocent Arabiabs. Oh wow. leftards! Do you still think Nazis were the only evil bad guys worth opposing to?

Fascism is an extreme right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with a totalitarian structure opposed to democracy.


—UAF explains how Fascism is opposed to democracy but fails to realize that Communism and Shariah are also totalitarian or oppressive structures opposed to democracy, thus proving why it would be recommended for them to abolish this social cancer which they created.

How to troll the UAF

These people like to act smart, so be smarter and prove them wrong with the following tricks:

  • Ask them why are they so against Fascism but allow Communist members. Wait for them trying to explain themselves, then interrupt them and tell the truth about the horrors committed by Communism.
    • The Holodomor Genocide
    • Gulags, or in other words, Siberian Concentration camps
    • Mao's Chinese mass-starvation
    • Remind them that Hitler went depressed and shot himself when he had finally realized he would have never ever be able to beat Stalin's score in which he was responsible for 20 million deaths just before the World War.
  • Ask them why they're so against EDL. Again, let them talk for awhile, then interrupt them again by asking why aren't they ever protesting against Anjem Choudary whenever he's outside exercising his hate preaching.
  • Walk up to them and just simply say "The Fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists" to their faces, but be sure to remind them that Winston Churchill said this.
  • When an irritating old lady somewhere in her 40's starts giving you out lectures, do the following:
    • Ask her "Why so Hillary?", and if doesn't get the message, then tell her "No shit your husband's cheating on you! You're so irritating!"
    • Tell her if it weren't for racist thugs like EDL, she will be rotting in a big black burqa in the next upcoming decades when Jizzlam takes over the streets with their yellow Shariah Controlled Zone posters.
  • Find the biggest idiot, uneducated and most retarded UAF member and have a video interview with him or her. After recording, put it on YouTube.
  • When they start shouting "You're not Welcome here in [insert name of city]", call them hypocrites for discriminating you for your political beliefs. As well as, tell them if they discriminate their own kind who disagrees with them then they're no better than those who discriminate minorities.