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ASCIIdent: Difference between revisions

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Created page with " …………………………………………………………………….._„„„„„„„_<BR> ……………………………………………………………..."
(11 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<center><font size=5>An ASCIIdent is, quite simply, ASCII art gone horribly wrong. It is easily avoided by [ READING THE FUCKING MANUAL]. [[Diabeetus]], anyone?</font></center>
<center><font size=5>An ASCIIdent is, quite simply, ASCII art gone horribly wrong. It is easily avoided by [ READING THE FUCKING MANUAL]. [[Diabeetus]], anyone?</font></center>


Latest revision as of 04:26, 30 June 2011

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An ASCIIdent is, quite simply, ASCII art gone horribly wrong. It is easily avoided by READING THE FUCKING MANUAL. Diabeetus, anyone?

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