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Contact an admin on Discord or EDF if you want an account. Also fuck bots.
If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.User:Zaiger/MysteryBot/functions
MysteryBot assists with administrative and security tasks and is the Nuclear revert of legend personified. Robotified. Whatever. He is maintained by WhiteMystery. MysteryBot uses the DotNetWikiBot Framework to interface with the site. If he does something stupid please send WhiteMystery a message so he can log the problem and adjust the way the program works. Thank you.
Current Functionality
- Welcoming new users. (command: welcome)
- Repairing double redirects. (command: fixdredir)
- Deleting broken redirects. (command: fixbredir)
- Category enforcement. (command: enforcecats)
- Pulls list of allowed categories from User:MysteryBot/allowedcats.
- Hard-coded minimum of allowed categories that can only be changed by restarting the bot, to prevent exploits.
- Dead end fixing. (command: fixdeadend)
- Pulls list of links to generate from User:MysteryBot/goodlinks.
- Generate Upcoming Content Summary. (command: upcoming)
- Pulls list of content to summarize from User:MysteryBot/upcoming.
- Find/replace on or remove a link, template or category. (see the commands REMOVE and REPLACE)
- Global rollback via the Rollback+ module. (see the command RBPLUS)
- Security sweep. (command: security)
- Ignores all sysops and users on User:MysteryBot/ignorelist.
- Automatically protects all pages that meet the criteria on User:MysteryBot/autoprotect.
- Automatically cleans up some types of broken and double redirects upon creation.
- Automatically detects and attempts to roll back certain types of vandalism.
- Blocks suspected vandals based on criteria established by the administrators; substitutes the text of User:MysteryBot/banmessage.
- Sliding ban window based on the severity of the vandalism.
- Aggressive mode. (command: aggressive)
- Reduced vandalism banning threshold.
- Proxy and exploit blocking upon registration.
- Destroys all humans.
- Reminders
- Pulls the list of notifications to send from Encyclopedia Dramatica:Reminders
- Daily Reminder: <Daily User="X" Target="Y" Modulus="Z" />
- Weekly Reminder: <Weekly User="X" Target="Y" Day="Z" />
- Monthly Reminder: <Monthly User="X" Target="Y" Day="Z" />
Current Status
Command Interface
Sysops can interact with and give commands to MysteryBot by saving the page User:MysteryBot/command with one of the following. Wait for an acknowledgement (page will change to FINISHED) before sending another command. He checks the page every 10 seconds independent of all other actions.
- SHUTDOWN - Emergency shutdown if the bot is misbehaving.
- PAUSE - Keeps the bot running but prevents it from taking action. Remember to turn this off when you're done!
- ENABLE X - Enables one of the bot's tasks, replacing X with one of the (command: X) values from the list above.
- DISABLE X - Disables one of the bot's tasks, replacing X with one of the (command: X) values from the list above.
- REMOVE X - Removes all instances of X, where X is <Link>targetpage</Link> or <Template>templatename</Template> or <Category>categoryname</Category>.
- Example: REMOVE <Template>deletedtemplate</Template>
- REPLACE X WITH Y - Replaces all instances of X, where X is <Link>targetpage</Link> or <Template>templatename</Template> or <Category>categoryname</Category> and Y is <Value>replacementtext</Value>. The replacement value for links is cleartext, so you have to include wiki markup if you want to substitute another link or template. The replacement value for templates and categories is automatically added as a template or category, respectively.
- Example: REPLACE <Link>naughtyword</Link> WITH <Value>cleanword</Value>
- INSERT X AT Y CRITERIA Z - Inserts the text, link, category, or template specified by X at the top of bottom of the page, specified by Y, based on any of the criteria specified in Z.
- X is a single value that can be one of: <Text>text to insert</Text>, <Link>link to insert</Link>, <Category>category to insert</Category>, or <Template>template to insert</Template>. You can include piped parameters in templates.
- Y is a single value that can be one of: <Location>Top</Location> or <Location>Bottom</Location>.
- Z is one or more values that can be any mix of: <Link>page to which all pages that link here should be tagged</Link>, <Category>category from which all pages should be tagged</Category> or <Template>template to which all pages that contain this should be tagged</Template>.
- Example: INSERT <Template>subject|da</Template> AT <Location>Top</Location> CRITERIA <Category>DeviantART</Category>
- RBPLUS USERS X SOURCE Y - Performs a global rollback on one or more users contributions or a list of pages, undoing all contributions by one or more users. X is a one or more users, with each name surrounded by the <User> tag:
- <User>Username1</User> <User>Username2</User>
- Y is one or more sources, surrounded by the <Page> or <Contribs> tags:
- <Page>Pagename</Page> <Contribs>Username</Contribs>
- A sample command to undo all of Vandal1 and Vandal2's contributions would be:
- RBPLUS USERS <User>Vandal1</User> <User>Vandal2</User> SOURCE <Contribs>Vandal1</Contribs> <Contribs>Vandal2</Contribs>
- If you want to undo a vandal's new page spam, add the flag FLUSHNP to the end of the command:
- RBPLUS USERS <User>Vandal</User> SOURCE <Contribs>Vandal</Contribs> FLUSHNP
Note: Enabling or disabling a task won't cause a task in progress to stop or cause a disabled task to fire immediately upon activation. The bot will simply perform or not perform the task on its regularly maintenance cycle.