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Once upon a time on the internets there was a thirteen year old boy named Sk0t. He lived with his parents and siblings and worshipped at the altar of irc. Sk0t believed very strongly in his ability to hack just about anything and relished opportunities to show off his mad skilz. One night, while his parents were out, Sk0t and a sibling were stargazing through the light polluted haze of a certain city. His sibling dutifully pointed out that a neighborhood light post was a particular source of teh evil light pollution.

Upon realizing the truth of this unjust situation (and after receiving suitable moral support from his friends on irc) our hero bravely sallied forth to hack the offending post. Thus, Sk0t set about cutting into the base of the unit MacGuyver style, and promptly got pwned by the mass amounts of current flowing through the live electric cable (note: irl this is widely regarded as a bad idea). In addition to performing the last full measure of devotion required to win a Darwin Award, Sk0t, in his own small way, helped to further ingrain onto the national consciousness the useful phrase, "the badly charred body(ies) had to be identified through dental records".

Everyone else lived happily ever after. Except for his friends and the sibling who talked him into it. They must be having a rather tough time of it, what with all that soul crushing guilt and all. Oh well.

Here's the link to the irc chat log that contains Sk0t's final profound thoughts on this earth as well as the touching and thoughtful tributes made to him by his friends:

  • Note: Scholars of irc chat will recognize such tried and true phrases of "Get pics!" as well as more sobering, deeply emotional passages such as "omg I can't believe he's gone my hands are shaking " and “nite nite sk0t”. Truly the product of the poets of our times. Original Document

In addition, Sk0t’s 1999 Darwin Award nomination [1]



   NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Posted 9:55 a.m. August 13, 1999 -- A
   failed attempt at getting a better view of last night's Perseid meteor
   shower cost a Newport Beach man his life. 

   Scott Millet was electrocuted when he tried to cut wires in a street light so
   he could see the spectacle better through a telescope, reported CBS 2 News. 

   The 20-year-old apparently broke into the base of the city light pole and
   "used a tool to cut the main power cord," Newport Beach police Sgt.
   Mike McDermott told news wires. "As a result, he was electrocuted and
   was found to be unresponsive by responding paramedics." 

   It all happened around 1 a.m. outside the victim's home on the 1800
   block of Santiago Drive, said the television station. Millet died at a
   hospital a short time after the accident. 


   Electrocution in Newport Beach

   A young man was electrocuted in Newport Beach today when he
   allegedly tried to cut wires in a city light pole to darken the
   street so he could view a meteor shower through a telescope,
   police said. Scott Millett, 20, died at a hospital a short time after
   the 1 AM accident outside his home in the 1800 block of Santiago Drive,
   said Newport Beach police Sgt. Mike McDermott. 

   "He had been viewing a meteor shower through a telescope with
   family members in the street near his residence," McDermott
   said. "He decided that a nearby street light was hindering his
   viewing of the stars and he broke into the base of the city light
   pole, exposing the wiring. 

   "He then used a tool and attempted to cut the main power cord,"
   McDermott said. "As a result, he was electrocuted and was found to
   be unresponsive by responding paramedics."


   Scott Millett, 20, died at a hospital a short time after the
   1 a.m. accident outside his home in the 1800 block of
   Santiago Drive, said Newport Beach police Sgt. Mike McDermott. 
   He had been viewing a meteor shower through a
   telescope with family members in the street near his
   residence, McDermott said. He decided that a nearby
   street light was hindering his viewing of the stars and he
   broke into the base of the city light pole, exposing the wiring. 
   He then used a tool and attempted to cut the main
   power cord, McDermott said. As a result, he was
   electrocuted and was found to be unresponsive by
   responding paramedics.

[Internet Relay Chat LOGS From 8/12 and 8/13 ish]
[00:39] <skOt> omng skell
[00:39] <SKeLL> huh
[00:39] <skOt> u will fear whut im about to do
[00:39] <SKeLL> wha wha
[00:39] <SKeLL> heheh
[00:39] <skOt> im gunan hack a street light
[00:39] <skOt> its too damned briht
[00:39] <fudepen> hahah
[00:39] <SKeLL> WTF
[00:39] <skOt> and my sis wants it off
[00:39] <SKeLL> now?!?!?
[00:39] <skOt> so im gunan go unwire it
[00:39] * crash^ is gone^_(^_log^_/^_on, auto away after 30m^_)^_
[00:39] <skOt> :)
[00:39] <SKeLL> now?!?!?
[00:39] <SKeLL> now?!?!?
[00:39] <skOt> yes
[00:39] <skOt> now
[00:39] <SKeLL> now?!?!?
[00:39] <SKeLL> hahahah
[00:39] <fudepen> oh damn
[00:39] <SKeLL> get PICS!
[00:39] <skOt> brb
[00:39] <SKeLL> before and after!
[00:39] <SKeLL> get PICS!
[00:39] <SKeLL> before and after!
[00:39] <skOt> ill tell u if im succeslfull
[00:39] <SKeLL> before and after!
[00:39] <skOt> k
[00:39] <skOt> hehe
[00:39] <skOt> brb

--------------- MANY HOURS GOING BY DURING THE NIGHT  ------------------

[04:57] *** bashy has joined #714
[05:16] <Fall0uT-> blah
[05:26] *** phloppy has joined #714
[05:26] <phloppy> anyone awake?
[05:26] <Fall0uT-> me
[05:26] <phloppy> SKOT DIED
[05:26] <Fall0uT-> i think i'm the only one
[05:26] <Fall0uT-> skots asleep
[05:26] <phloppy> eletrecuted
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> wtf
[05:27] <phloppy> can someone topic that?
[05:27] <phloppy> his mom just called me
[05:27] <phloppy> last night
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> no shit
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> are you shitting me
[05:27] <phloppy> she called this just min ago but it happend last night
[05:27] <phloppy> yeah
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> really
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> somehow i don't believe that
[05:27] <phloppy> let me reset my ip I will be right bck
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> being that i talked to him today
[05:27] <phloppy> its true she just clled me
[05:27] <Fall0uT-> like around 12:30 pm
[05:27] <phloppy> shes callilng agro right now
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> wait
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> shit
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> what happened ?
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> tell me
[05:28] <phloppy> he was helping her sister with her new telescope
[05:28] <phloppy> some street light was too bright so he went wire clipping
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> are you serious
[05:28] <phloppy> my hands are kinda shakey
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> thats not funny to talk about
[05:28] <Fall0uT-> are you serious
[05:28] <phloppy> no shit its not
[05:29] <phloppy> agro will probably be on soon
[05:29] <phloppy> I just gave her his number
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> the room is -t
[05:29] <Agro> hmmmmm
[05:29] <phloppy> there
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> afro
[05:29] <phloppy> hey bud
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> agro
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:29] <phloppy> ^_A^_gro: she called you too
[05:29] <Agro> I was sleeping
[05:29] <Agro> It seemed like I was still sleeping
[05:29] <phloppy> I know me too
[05:29] <Agro> it didnt seem real
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> my heart is beating like.. a million miles an hour
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> omg
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:29] <Fall0uT-> this can't be happening
[05:29] <phloppy> fuck I wish youd never come onlin agro.
[05:30] <phloppy> you were my final confirmation
[05:30] <Agro> sorry
[05:30] <phloppy> shit
[05:30] <Fall0uT-> no way
[05:30] <Agro> was anyone with him?
[05:30] <phloppy> this is soo fucked
[05:30] <Fall0uT-> omg
[05:30] <Fall0uT-> omg
[05:30] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:30] <phloppy> I cant stop crying
[05:30] <Fall0uT-> shit
[05:30] <phloppy> she said he wanted to turn that street light off Skot style
[05:31] <phloppy> those being my words
[05:31] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:31] <Fall0uT-> wait a minute
[05:31] <phloppy> I dont know what to do
[05:31] <phloppy> ^_A^_gro: can you change the topic?
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> what time was it
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> phloppy it's -t
[05:32] <phloppy> dunno
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> what time did it happen
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> cuz look
[05:32] <phloppy> she said last night
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <skOt> Gnight all
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <Fall0uT-> bleh
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <Fall0uT-> bye skot
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <blky> wh0rd.
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <fudepen> skOt: night nite, sleep tight don't let the bedie bugs bite
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> * fudepen pats skOt on the head and turns out the lights for skOt
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <Fall0uT-> i'm going to go for a little while
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> <Fall0uT-> bbl
[05:32] <Agro> phloppy: who told you
[05:32] <Fall0uT-> Session Close: Fri Aug 13 00:24:22 1999
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> see
[05:33] *** Fall0uT- was kicked by jAYdEE (flood^O)
[05:33] *** Fall0uT- has joined #714
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> friday
[05:33] <phloppy> shes in shock so it must have bin this morning
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> in the morning
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> no
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> no
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> dued
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> omg
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> is he in the hostpital
[05:33] <phloppy> look agro cant talk. he doesnt call me al iar
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> hospital
[05:33] <^joker^> ?
[05:33] <phloppy> hes GONE
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> i don't want to believe it
[05:33] <Fall0uT-> omg
[05:34] <phloppy> she said  'we lost skot last night,  please tell all his friends'
[05:34] <Fall0uT-> omg
[05:34] <^joker^> am i hearing this right?
[05:34] <Agro> yeah thats basically what was told to me
[05:34] <Fall0uT-> man
[05:34] <Agro> I would think SOMEONE would have to have been with him
[05:34] <Agro> like Jason or something
[05:34] <Agro> or skell
[05:35] <^joker^> this can not be right
[05:35] <Fall0uT-> its not
[05:35] <Fall0uT-> i don't believe it
[05:35] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:35] <Fall0uT-> shit
[05:35] <Fall0uT-> ugh
[05:37] <Agro> I was thinking if i went to sleep and woke up it wouldnt have hap
[05:37] <Agro> like a bad dream
[05:37] *** Fall0uT- changes topic to 'insert meaningful quote here,, i'm too shocked to say anything'
[05:37] <Fall0uT-> -t
[05:37] <Agro> because I am still zonked
[05:37] <Fall0uT-> i can't believe it
[05:37] <Fall0uT-> dued
[05:37] <Fall0uT-> i want to wake up
[05:37] <Fall0uT-> this isn't cool
[05:37] <Agro> phloppy: I may call you in a couple hours or not on my way to work
[05:38] <Agro> phloppy: probably not.
[05:38] *** phloppy changes topic to 'Skot passed away , his mom informed phloppy and agro @ 5:30am please dont change topic'
[05:38] <Fall0uT-> there you go
[05:38] <Fall0uT-> thanks
[05:38] <phloppy> ^_A^_gro: its ok. Going to call in myself. I cant focus like this. IF I cant focus I cant get shit done
[05:39] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:39] <Fall0uT-> dude
[05:39] <phloppy> sometimes I wish I had a braindead job
[05:39] <Fall0uT-> i can't believe this
[05:40] <^joker^> o.o
[05:40] <Agro> I will bbl on.
[05:40] <Agro> im goin.
[05:40] <phloppy> ok
[05:40] * Agro has returned. (ooh, that was fun...^_,^O 10h 46m 47s)
[05:40] <phloppy> go to work
[05:40] <^joker^> bye agro
[05:40] <Agro> no its not work time for a few hrs
[05:40] <phloppy> no need for you to lose 2 thigns
[05:40] <^joker^> phloppy she jes called
[05:40] <^joker^> ?
[05:40] <Agro> i am just going.
[05:40] <Agro> anyhow.
[05:40] * Agro is idle^_,^_ gon. ^_[^O^Bc^Ork^_(^Ol^_/^Oon p^_/^Ooff^_)]^O
[05:40] <Fall0uT-> shit
[05:40] <phloppy> chrissy bakc?
[05:40] <Fall0uT-> bye agro
[05:40] <Agro> not yet
[05:41] <Agro> tomarrow morning
[05:41] <Agro> i already calledher
[05:41] <phloppy> ^_A^_gro: give her a call
[05:41] <phloppy> k
[05:41] <Agro> she didnt believe me
[05:41] <phloppy> hehehe shes the optimistic one at least
[05:41] <Agro> i said "Girl, you honestly think I would be up this early and bother calling you??"
[05:41] <phloppy> hehehe
[05:41] <phloppy> I have to call rusty and let him know
[05:42] <Agro> wait till morning
[05:42] <phloppy> yah
[05:42] <phloppy> those guys at beach paint will want to know too
[05:42] <Agro> ok im gone
[05:42] <phloppy> take care
[05:42] <phloppy> I am going too
[05:42] <Agro> u2
[05:43] <Fall0uT-> fuck
[05:43] <Fall0uT-> i can't believe this
[05:43] * phloppy is idle: :[ Will give out funeral info for skot when I get them. Please leave a msg if you want to know ]: 
pager [on]
[05:43] <Fall0uT-> phloppy i want them
[05:43] <Fall0uT-> when you get em
[05:44] <phloppy> msg me your #
[05:44] <^joker^> phloppy the funeral takes place at a church right?
[05:44] <^joker^> & burial at cemetary?
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> phloppy did you get it
[05:45] <phloppy> yes
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> ok
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> shit
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> i have to go
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> i can't think
[05:45] <phloppy> me neither
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> i can't stop crying now
[05:45] <Fall0uT-> it just hit me
[05:45] <phloppy> ok monitor is too bright
[05:46] <phloppy> yah me too
[05:46] <phloppy> be back soon
[05:46] <phloppy> bye
[05:46] <Fall0uT-> see you later
[05:46] <Fall0uT-> i'm gonna go to
[05:46] <^joker^> im outta here...
[05:46] <Fall0uT-> bye joker
[05:46] <^joker^> bye
[05:46] *** Fall0uT- has quit IRC ([^_ai!^_] goodbye skot.. i'll miss you [^_ai!^_]^O)

04:27 PM 2000-09-13

[16:16] <a7j3a1x> quick.
[16:16] <a7j3a1x> What color is yellow?
[16:19] <Moneo>
[16:19] <a7j3a1x> No.
[16:19] <a7j3a1x> i meant mirc color.
[16:19] <a7j3a1x> i just re-read sk0t.log.
[16:23] <Moneo> hahah
[16:23] <a7j3a1x> ahahaha.
[16:23] <a7j3a1x> they tried to retaliate.
[16:23] <a7j3a1x> with this flood bots. :P
[16:24] <Moneo> Wha?
[16:24] <a7j3a1x> #714.
[16:24] <phillip> hahahahaha
[16:32] <Liquid---> what's #714?
[16:33] <phillip> street light hacking group  :P

3:06 AM 2000-12-15

<minja> I remember when that happened. :P
<minja> And me and #sleepers made fun of his friends. :P
<minja> That was definitely one of the coolest things to ever happen on IRC. :P
<Revolver> We're going to hell.

skOt is [email protected] * [8/13/99 1am] we are all gunna miss you brother
skOt using [] IRC Services
skot End of /WHOIS list.
sk0t is [email protected] * [8/13/99 1am] we are all gunna miss you brother
sk0t using [] IRC Services
sk0t End of /WHOIS list.

See Also