File talk:Schnookums - Article - Personal Gay Army Request To Take Down ED.png

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What the heck is going on?! LIATBuster30011 20:50, 12 July 2013 (EDT)

Schnookums is apparently ~very~ upset with me and is apparently running around online trying to "recruit haters" as it were...only instead everything is turning out wrong for him (big surprise) and instead he's inadvertently building a massive army of ED haters looking to troll/attack the site. --Onideus 21:16, 12 July 2013 (EDT)

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOOOLLLLLLLL Uberfukken 21:13, 12 July 2013 (EDT)

Hey Onideus the file is coming back is broken. It was working a second ago :/ Uberfukken 21:20, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS Uberfukken 21:22, 12 July 2013 (EDT)


How do you know beyond a resonable doubt that Schnookums posted that, and how is it a PA request to take down ED? --NekoArc 22:44, 12 July 2013 (EDT)

Who else would have posted it? It's a direct mirror of what he was posting HERE (and in other places). It doesn't make any logical sense that anyone else would have posted it and, if they had, they probably could have come up with some a LOT more incriminating/damaging than that.
And it wasn't (originally) a request to take down ED, it was a request for a PA to help him try and "get back" at me...but he lost control of the thread and it quickly degraded into a general hate page against ED itself, with one user even recommending that ED itself (not simply me) be trolled and attacked. --Onideus 22:52, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
So you're making assumptions and taking the internet too seriously. Got it. --NekoArc 22:56, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
No, I'm making a contention, not an assumption. Also, he's posting on 888Chan right now using his ED name and claiming that he was the one who made the posts. If you have some evidence to the CONTRARY, by all means, provide it, otherwise you're merely providing pointless, unfounded conjecture. There is a BIG difference between POSSIBILITY and would do well to figure out that difference. --Onideus 23:00, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Personal Army requests are banned, and that wasn't a personal army request due to it being information. You're the one still not only giving conjecture, but you're reaching. --NekoArc 23:09, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Your need to try and defend your little butt buddy is admirable, but at this point you really are just chasing your proverbial furry tail. --Onideus 23:20, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Excuse me Onideus, no one hates ED or wants to take down ED. They just hate YOU because you're a massive shitlord who bought his way into sysop status and uses said status to trollshield and get on his high horse. On and you're a babyfur. Yiff in hell. --VladimirLenin 23:11, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
I'mma just gonna put this right nyah:
Also, claiming I "bought my way into ED". LOLWUT I only made like TWO donations to ED and both were less than a thousand dollars. That's hardly buying your way into anything, aside from maybe a cheap hooker on the sunset strip. It's not about restoration or uploads either, cause I was doing that WAAAAY before I was ever a mod. No, I was made a mod simply because I don't take anything seriously online...least of all myself. As such I can't get upset, angry, biased or clouded with emotional insecurities even in the slightest. I also only believe in readily banning spam artists, which generally makes me the most lenient mod on the site. Even people who try and blank articles I often give second chances or try and talk them out of it before ever even considering the ban hammer. --Onideus 23:19, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Yeah you don't take the internet seriously and that's why you're going around trying to do damage control to cover your happy meal ass, right? --VladimirLenin 23:22, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Funny, isn't that what *YOUR* doing? Projection! It's not just a fun, big word to say slowly and feel yer lips jiggle! :D
--Onideus 23:23, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Actually, the only people I know of currently that hates ED and wants to take down ED is LifeInACamp and WeatherManKevin because their articles exposing them for the lulz. The rest of the list can be found on the Taking Down ED page. Also, I do not know that Sysop Onideus is that terrible. It appears that it's all a feud so far. LIATBuster30011 23:44, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
For anyone who might actually be interested in knowing the true nature of myself online, I present this old gem I mined on out of Google's Usenet archive, circa 2007:
Generally, anything you read about me online that's negative/hateful/disgusting is either a forgery, an attempt to "get back" at me for something, or some form of trolling in which I basically took existing traits/interests and then skewed them all out of proportion in an overly sordid manner. Sorta like the adult baby thing. While I'm ~technically~ speaking NOT an adult baby I *AM* a "Little" (an adult kid if you will). And while not ~actually~ a furry, I do very much enjoy "cute things" especially cute art, of which a lot of furry art falls into (especially the Disney esque type stuffs). So I guess you could say I'm a "furry tourist" in a manner of speaking.
All of these negative perceptions are *VERY* important though, for a number reasons. Partially as a means of proving that, as a troll/flame artists I would *NEVER* do to anyone what I wouldn't be willing to do to myself...thusly proving that I'm in it for the "lulz" and not because I'm an angry snit who simply wants to attack other people/places/things (as many are). It also serves as a kind of bait, in that I believe very firmly in the notion of "do unto others" anyone who attempts to use such material as a means of attacking me in some way is effectively openly inviting me to initiate similar, reflective attacks against them, often in the form of fauxpic making:
On a personal level it's also very important to me as it represents effectively destroying my own ego, taking on roles and forms like that of a furry and an adult baby, basically painting myself up in the most humiliating and degrading of forms possible as proof that I have a complete inability to take ANYTHING online seriously...least of all myself. It represents, to me, a significant achievement in my quest for self actualization and transcendentalism. At this point, I can ~be~ anything I want, anytime I want, to anyone I want, without fear, without remorse or regret, without embarrassment, the entire world and all of its communities, interests, fetishes and fixations are now my personal playthings to do with as I like. --Onideus 04:15, 13 July 2013 (EDT)


what's up in here? --Andrés (talkplx) 23:45, 12 July 2013 (EDT)

Dramaz! Entertaining ones! *passes the popcorn*
--Onideus 23:47, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
I'm trying to fix your mess, although i don't give enough fucks. --Andrés (talkplx) 23:54, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
I don't think anyone gives enough fucks in any particular direction, quite frankly. *shrugs*
--Onideus 00:01, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
And the drama is clogging up the RC. Please stop. Thanks. LIATBuster30011 23:59, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
You want to stop doing what the site was designed to do? LOLWUT? --Onideus 00:01, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
He got banned on FurAffinity and is apparently busy with creating a clone of their website. Mipsus 00:02, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
Actually they stopped trying to ban me on FurAffinity quite a number of years ago. My current account is quite intact and very much not banned at all...which is really saying quite a lot considering some of my "fun" on that what I did to that one girl, the one I got "my" baby fursona from (okay, okay, I STOLE it).
Also I never seriously tried to make a clone of the site, although I ~did~ create what LOOKED like an attempt to do so and even bought a domain name for it...which coincidentally caused an epic LULZplosion on FA and its boards which were so epic they even managed to fork the site owners themselves on out of the woodwork to join in. ^__^
--Onideus 00:06, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
For the lulz I bet. Gotta go, it was nice to see you again. I'm your #1 fan. Mipsus 00:13, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
I like turtles. Atomicnumber27 05:15, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
"I ~did~ create what LOOKED like an attempt to do so and even bought a domain name for it"
k. Zyklon 06:25, 13 July 2013 (EDT)
The trick was that if you decompiled the Flash banner it contained text saying that the site was all just bullshit. I always include "control messages" in all my trolling endeavors. Way back "in the day", on Usenet, I most often made them in off the wall groups with little to no traffic. I would usually make posts using my name sdrawkcab and then the actual message would be encoded in simple ROT13 in order to avoid any easy detection via searching. That way I could run around and make all sorts of crazy, kooky, insane posts while always having proof that they were bullshit. One of my favorites was when I went around claiming to be a vampire and started trolling all these goth groups and accusing them of giving REAL vampires and creatures of the night a bad name, kept asking them to stop and kept belittling them for "not being goth enough". It caused some pretty epic shit storms of hilarity! --Onideus 00:26, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
Found one!
Uh...looks like I used Base64 encoding...or this might have been one where I used a random combination of different encoding. Like sometimes I'd convert to ROT13, then Base64, then ROT17, then Oct8, then Base64 again, etc, etc...and did so for a random number of times, which essentially created a kind of simple combination lock encoding scheme. Oh the cleverness of me! :D
--Onideus 00:44, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
This one is actually real simple, it's just Base64 and then ROT13, original messages is as follows:
Someone claiming to be Michele Devereaux aka Reaper called me and said they created LadyC, provided quite detailed information, logs, and even coding examples of said bot and wanted to participate in a trollie with me, by having me go around claiming to have invented teh chat bot and then she would jump in and start fighitng and then all hell would break loose and hilarity would then ensue.
There is some doubt in my mind about the nature of all this, especially considering the involvement of numerous Petitmorte regs. I'll play along, for now, but I'll most likely introduce my own agenda at some point in order to counterflip any negative intentions that might exist.
This post serves as a control for my trolling stance.
Fun stuffs! --Onideus 00:49, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
Which band of the autism spectrum makes one think they need Ulillillian feats of pointless rigor to prove they're a troll? JEWS 14:14, 15 July 2013 (EDT)
Oh it's all apart of the "game" makes things more interesting. You Generation Barney rejects...I wouldn't really expect you to appreciate the subtlety of the art. Your generation is more the "Leroy Jenkins" type...running in half cocked and screaming like an elegance or rhyme or reasoning at're simply an idiot who wants to rage attack random shit that makes you buttmad. You're not in it for the "game" at all, you simply want to try and "get back" at people/places/things. Pretty pathetic on the whole I'm afraid. --Onideus 00:31, 16 July 2013 (EDT)
I'm not sure what any of that sperging has to do with my question. JEWS 01:17, 16 July 2013 (EDT)