File talk:MichaeldsuarezLeakGomi.jpg

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Why you so accountable and own up to leaking so as to inhibit future ability to leak? Also I don't understand this whole 300 club thing. Hopefully a future article can explain . Tymec 10:18, 25 April 2012 (EDT)

File:Michaeldsuarez300ClubLeak.png – See post #5 by herschelkrustofshy:

My understanding is that there is presently no automatic promotion to the 300 Club, and has not been for some time. I seriously doubt that Gomi or Somey put him in there, so we should begin asking who else -- furnished the material MS.

I didn't leak the posts anonymously because I wanted to be the only person blamed for the leaks. I didn't want innocent WR users, some of whom are pretty friendly, to be blamed for the leaks. That's also why I explained how it happened. --JuniusThaddeus 12:33, 25 April 2012 (EDT)