Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/August 17, 2024

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Susan Wojcicki

The late 2010s had become a horrible time for teh internets. Rampant corruption reached up into several large mainstream websites and internet monopolies. Being a monopoly with a lack of competition, it became no surprise when YouTube happened to become one of these eexamples. Susan Wojcicki was a horrible excuse of a CEO, a puppet taking orders from the corrupt cuntpany known as Alphabet/Google. She was infamously known for her part in fucking up the already fucked-up platform known as JewTube and making the site even worse. Susan Wojcicki served as an example on how not to be a CEO, and a case study on why crazy people shouldn't be allowed to have jobs, let alone lead a company.

On August 9, 2024, Susan got BTFO by cancer that she'd been battling for 2 years.


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