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User:Zaiger/My Little Pony

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Aspergers couples also love MLP, especially Twilight and Fluttershy.
"As a person with Asperger syndrome, I learned more about theory of mind, friendships and social interactions from this season than I had in the previous 31 years of life."
What MLP fans fap to.
A quick comparison between ponyfags and furfags.
Forever alone.
How ponyfags spend their free time.

My Little Pony: Friendship is magic is a big gay pink clusterfuck of a television show directed at little girls with the attention span of a dog with an arse full of crack. The show is also surrounded by various plastic crap in the shape of grinning flowery ponies, hand carved by the finest diseased Chinese orphans HASBRO can enslave. It was your average bullshit children's show until it gained an unnaturally large following of fat greasy basement dwellers all desperate to gain some semblance of their childhood by desperately obsessing over a childrens show about magical faggot ponies. Self-labeled as the dreaded Brony, these mongoloid fucktards have created billions of unfunny image macros and a few half-arsed forced memes, vomiting it over every inch of the interbutts whilst they masturbate furiously to a small plastic figurine of Pinkie Pie.


Show concept summed up in a nutshell.
Copypasta of no talent.
Ponyfags are just furfags in denial.

It was during early 2010 that a the great hipster demon Lauren Faust thought it would be a really great idea to revive the My Little Pony television show, and transform it into the small flowery bowl of ballbag sweat it is today. Faust decided to put the ponies in a place called Equestria which literally translates from Latin into something about horse fucking or some shit. The Ponies are all wimmmins and run the entire society, which basically means that all of Equestria is a gigantic kitchen, and if it isn't- god save those ponies. The show basically revolves around a purple pony called Twilight Sparkle dicking about with all the other ponies and learning about friendship and happiness and how to properly stroke the shaft, so all the little girls out there can learn from these life lessons and apply them in the real world as soon as possible.



Note the lack of significant male characters; this is proof that Lauren Faust is a closet feminazi. When any male ponies are shown, they rarely speak and, if they do, will say something submissive or generally stupid to the strong female characters. This will inevitably lead the thirteen-year-old girls who watch this show to develop unwarranted self importance, furthering the their chances of getting taught a lesson by an upscale gentleman. The pony Rarity regularly manipulates her loverboy Spike to do arduous labor for little or no pay, because a lady is not supposed to get her hands dirty. Fuck equal work for equal pay; the hope for pussy is as good a currency as any. Also of note is that many of the male ponies are shown doing menial physical labor such as pulling carriages, plowing fields or taking notes. It is obvious that Equestria is a BDSM pony heaven, as the men who live there obviously love having their dicks stepped on in high heel horseshoes by their female mistress overlords.

A little while ago, it was brought to my attention that there was a blog post at Ms. Magazine criticizing My Little Pony: Freindship is Magic for being homophobic and racist.

I am a proud feminist.


—Faust admitting the truth


The cancer that infected 4chan in January 2011

Big Mcln provides info

Remember that for this fandom to start, some people, for some reason, somehow, somewhere, watched this children's program. Why this abominable event would ever occur at any time ever, only god knows why. But co quickly latched on to the show, creating thread after thread of fanart and fanfiction, to the vast and unending dismay of everyone else. A few weeks later, this cancer has found its way to /b/. But /b/ sucked ass already. As thus, it's just the oldfags whining about /b/ again.

The pony HIV was started when the five original Ponyfags (Fluttershy, age 16, Applejack, age 22, Pinkiepie, age 20, Rainbowdash, age 23, and Big Mcln, age 14) had a private conversation, and decided to post a pony thread on /b/, as a raid from /co/. Big Mcln posted all of this evidence on May 17th. He also said that he thought that "Shit's gone WAAY to far". All of this info can be seen in the screen-cap to the right.

Known as bronies, these grown men like to post pictures of neon colored ponies and gush about their favorite characters and episodes. Focusing more on the show itself than its intended audience, these threads are always full of fail. Some argue that these threads are just a very elaborate way to piss off half of /b/, while others are sure that these threads are created for non-ironic reasons.

Either way, as of February 2011, there can be at least one of these threads found on the front page at any time, with a group of ponyfags wanting to be the little girl. As the threads quickly reach their image limit and get reposted, it may appear that the pony threads are popular on /b/ and have a large following. This is not the case, in reality it is the same group of tripfags and a few Anonymous posters keeping solely in their own pony threads.

While normal people on /b/ have multiple threads open that they actively lurk or post in, this group of MLP fans dedicate all their time and posts to the "official" MLP thread. In conjunction with the idiot chemo bombers (see below), these threads are guaranteed to stay on page 0 most of the time. In response, other /b/tards spam these threads with endless gore and CP. Which they do richly deserve.

Some believe pony threads are a large source of original content, while in reality most of it is old recycled /b/ memes with screencaps from the show that don't really fit.

The chemo that treated 4chan in February 2011


On February 26th, it had become apparent the mods were tired of putting up with the pony bullshit. Within a minute, every pro-pony poster on the current "Official MLP thread" had been publicly banned. Epic butthurt soon followed from the ponyfags who escaped the first roundup, as well as proxied ponyfags and trolls trying to piss off mods.

A word filter was put in place than autobanned anyone who would post the word "pony." As /b/ was in a shitstorm about the event, this caused half of all the posters without proxies on /b/ to be banned for the rest of the day.

Predictably, all the banned ponyfags came back the next day and continued their faggotry like nothing had happened. The mods lol'd at their stupidity, and waited for more pony threads to be posted, then banned every poster for 2 weeks. In the 4chan justice system, these actions were completely justified.

The chemo that helped 4chan in June 2011


Pictured right, Advice Dog returns to save all of 4chan from the ponies and their faggotry. Many breathed a sigh of relief to see an end to the constant bullshit that was arguably the most cancerous thing that had ever happened to /b/, which was like puking on a pile of shit, and the /b/tards were overjoyed to have their pukeless shit back. Needless to say, a shitstorm and much butthurt followed from newfags and ponyfags.

This of course did fuck-all, as nobody listens to scriptfags

The chemo that saved 4chan in October 2011

Mods = Gods
The post that caused the shitstorm.

On October 22, 2011, a sticky on /b/ was posted by moot, declaring trips to be taken away and ponies to be told to GTFO. This only provoked more pony faggotry, as the ponies flocked to the single thread to bitch. A ray of light shined upon /b/ however, as every ponyfag that posted in the thread was promptly executed by the glorious hammer. This incited much butthurt through the ponyfags, who proceeded to whine even more. The thread was then spammed with faggotry from the Wastelander, Alice, and ponies who figured out that they can dodge bans by resetting their IP (Namefags are banned now too). Moot had to eventually lock the thread before the cancer ruined his precious sticky.

Some argue that OP was not really moot, but a butthurt staff member. These people are the ones who post all this pony shit and should die in a fire.

Ponies threaten to raid, and the tripfags are cast out

Another shit storm ensues.

Another sticky was made based on an original post found on ponychan, where a faggot tried to get ponies to DDoS 4chan. This led to ANOTHER thread full of ponies that started to bitch. However, the rest of /b/ took advantage of the lack of unique tripcodes, and proceeded to troll the living fuck out of anyone who even so much as expressed any sort of faggotry, not just restricted to ponies. In a giant spout of cancer and AIDS, the tripfags were ridiculed and were spammed with horse porn, leaving them little choice but to leave the board.

But it seems the cancer refuses to leave, as the /b/tards started spouting shit along the lines of GETs, where they kept having orgasms over every double or triple they attained. The whole point was probably the irony that tripcodes and triple digits are both shortened to just trips, and thus newfags attempted to get trips. This finally led to the sticky being deleted, as that kind of faggotry would probably explode and destroy /b/.

The relapse that hit 4chan in February 2012

There is now a fucking My Little Pony board all in its own right, /mlp/. Note that this has not reduced the amount of pony-related spam on the other boards one fucking bit, with pony threads still routinely popping up on b, co, v and even tg and tv.

This is precisely why we don't negotiate with terrorists. Now that you have your own homeland you can strike at us freely.



Some argue that it might be a trap set to ban all of those faggots in one shot. To gouge your own eyes out visit the temple of faggotry.


On January 21st, 2012 every ponyfag jizzed themselves when long time fan character Derpy Hooves was given speaking lines and named specifically in a new episode. They immediately flooded the internet with over 9000 times more faggotry than they usually do after a new episode, celebrating their ultimate domination over a cartoon for little girls.

Prelude to a flame war

In the days that followed the episode's airing a small faction of fans who were offended by Derpy's portrayal emerged in the cesspit of furfags that is Ponychan. They said that her voice and actions in the episode were degrading to people with mental illnesses. Naturally the ponyfags met this difference of opinion with their typical mantra of love and tolerance...We're just fucking with you, they immediately lost their collective shit and began a flame war. Petitions were signed, letter writing campaigns were started, and shitty fanart in support of Derpy was posted on deviantART. In a completely surprising turn of events the episode was removed from iTunes and all instances of "Derpy" were being removed from the online retailer, WeLoveFine. The ponyfags immediately realized that all their campaigning had done exactly the opposite of what they intended. (many lulz were had by the ponyfags who saw this coming)

A champion of the lulz emerges

The greatest threat always comes from within.

The ponyfags calmed down and returned to their usual routine of masturbating to fanfiction of ponies fucking, but a question lingered in the air. Who was responsible for the initial instance of butthurt? Enter Yamino (aka Elen Barbarich), an animator on the show and official sufferer of GOTIS and USI. At some point during the first flame war Yamino had begun posting to her tumblr blog about how anyone who supported Derpy was an "ableist" and that she fully supported removal of the character from the episode to protect retarded children everywhere. Due to her close connection with the show's development all the ponyfags decided she was responsible for the episode being pulled from iTunes and moved their campaign of rage from Ponychan to Yamino's blog.

Yamino's blog was well fortified with a trained army of white knights who would defend their queen at all costs. Armed with a near infinite supply of copypasta and death threats, the ponyfags waged a war of attrition against the blog for the next month. Yamino continues to reap many lulz from the ongoing flame war while the butthurt and frustration amongst the ponyfags grows on a daily basis from raids by her followers and the resilience of her overinflated ego.

The butthurt reaches critical mass

Roughly a month after the episode was pulled from iTunes it reappeared, re-dubbed and edited to be "less offensive". The amount of rage and butthurt that errupted from the ponyfags was enough to keep /b/ in a lulz surplus for at least 100 years. Yamino claimed that her campaign of lulz was successful while clopping to the altered scene in celebration as even more death threats than before began flooding in. Afraid that one of the basement dwelling furfags might actually make good on one of their threats another animator stepped into the fray to clarify Yamino had nothing to do with the changes. Despite this effort to prematurely stop one of the best lollercoasters in ponyfag history, the flame war continued without missing a beat.

The conflict is still ongoing, as the grand puppet-master of lulz has yet to reveal themselves. In the meantime the ponyfag forces are directionless and in disarray, while Yamino and her white knights have begun a sockpuppet campaign to further dissolve the ponyfag forces from within. Hasbro and the production team have remained mostly silent on the situation. This has proved to be an endless source of fresh rage for the basement dwellers.

Analysis of Ponyfags

There are many problems with this embarrassment to God, as a matter of fact we should just list them right now:

  • They feel the need to defend the show saying its a perfect example of everything a good animated series needs. Like forgettable music scores, piss poor flash animation, and a script riddled with goofy moments BECAUSE IT'S MEANT FOR CHILDREN and references that supposedly make it complex.
  • Ponyfags are deluded people in the first place, and that reflects on their opinions of the show. Like the three main popular shows on Cartoon Network (Adventure Time, Gumball, and Regular Show) those shows got attention only because of their sexual appeal. My Little Pony is basically the popularity of Adventure Time and Gumball combined; it's popular because it's the easy-to-sexualize animals and the assumption that everyone is a neon lesbian put into one. It's a shit storm of bad animation, unfunny memes, and Encyclopedia Dramatica articles writing themselves. But for this reason just listed alone, it corrupts the (already pathetic) brain of a Ponyfag into believing that the show is well animated, well written, creative, and a gold mine of well deserved popularity. In reality it is merely a show made by a crazy cunt who did some good shows in the past but fucked up the target audience for this and grabbed... God knows what.

"Famous" bronies

Furfags or hipsters?

That's a fucking hipster if I saw one!

It's hard to say what exactly the ponyfag menace is. Are they a bunch of furfags or hipster fags? Both. My Little Pony is a show about neon girly animals, this gives the furfag community a boner. Now as for why hipsters love this show it's clearly obvious. Hipsters hate what adults like, however, adults do not fully understand this ponyfag thing and they don't understand why grown males would watch a show for little girls. Thus making My Little Pony perfect hipster bait for every possible hipster reason.

Despite obviously being a bunch of closet furfags, ponyfags claim they are not furries and will go to great lengths to prove their point. Ironically, even though ponyfags claim to love and tolerate all the faces of the Internet, they constantly denounce and cast-out furries from any of their boards/discussions.


Subtle messages are hallmarks of this show.
“Shame” is an interesting word. I think the cuteness and childishness appeals to our original innocence, and innocence knows no shame.

Ponies are not the beginning either; /b/tards have a history of embracing cute and innocent things. That was Boxxy’s appeal. Then there’s cats. Rozen Maiden. Robot Unicorn Attack. The list goes on. What’s interesting is this runs parallel with the /b/tard reputation for being the most vile, wretched goblins on the entire interbutts. I think they’re connected. I think in order to get a disgusting perverted adult, you have to start with a kid just oozing innocence, and beat the fuck out of them. Feed them lies, then laugh at them for believing you. Watch the disillusion sink in as their innocence is torn from them in childhood, seared out of them in school, and then are cast out into the world to be bachelor frogs. So they fap and they struggle with major depression and they rage and they do all the things damaged people do. But somewhere deep down they remember what they were. Maybe part of them is still that way. They see ponies, and damn society’s gender roles, they like them. Then they fap to them, but then they continue to watch the show because it reminds them of something good and pure they had before the hardness of the world robbed them of it.


—anonymous /co/

Hasbro completely missed their target audience and hit the internet virgin 18-25 year old male instead.



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Lauren Faust herself calls this ponyfaggot creepy.
For the next 12 hours he cries and threatens to kill himself.

A prime example of the kind of faggotry that is plaguing the internet.

What is afflicting the world in the most enraging way possible.

Even Chris-Chan is a Brony

What ponyfags do every day.

See Also

External Links


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