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Contact an admin on Discord or EDF if you want an account. Also fuck bots.
If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER./mlp/
As it became apparent that My Little Pony was a fad the children of 4chan were unlikely to forget in the near future, moot, unhappy as he was with the brony-manchild populace, finally caved and gave them their own board in the style of "here's your shit, keep it here". While /mlp/ was unsuccessful in allocating the spreading ponies, it was able to go through "the cycle" of any board within a matter of months as opposed to the typical lifespan of 2-3 years. What began in February of 2012 as a place to post ponies was within months a raging hugbox soup for children who are afraid to post on /b/ due to the possibility of seeing gore. If autism ever had a board, this is it. With all that being said, anyone seeking roleplay, fanfiction, and the imageboard version of DeviantArt are probably looking for 4chan's /mlp/ board.
Typical threads
The following make up 80% of the content on /mlp/, seeing a single page without any of these threads is without a doubt impossible.
- Autism/Mental Illness - Normally mental illness isn't something one goes to brag about, but on /mlp/ autistics compete for the title of most fucked up. Everyone posting on /mlp/ is diagnosed with Low-Functioning Autism along with comorbid anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar, OCD, and PTSD, no exceptions. Many have been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital for an extended period of time.
- Flutter-rape - Thread to post fantasy stories about flutter shy trying to rape anon, everyone tries to make as sick and deprived a story as possible - because nothing's funnier than a shy cartoon pony who's intelligence and audience is that of a 5 year old trying to rape 30 year old men
- Rule 34 - There are about as many moderators here as there are on /v/, pretty much everyone turns a blind eye to the fact that /mlp/ is supposed to be a sfw board whenever a mare's vagina is posted. NO LONGER ALLOWED DUE TO SCRUFFYPOCALYPS Also frequent discussion of why jacking off to horse porn is superior to jacking off to anything normal or actually getting laid in real life.
- Tulpas - Instructions and feedback on how to give yourself schizophrenia so that you can talk to twilight sparkle in your head, with the end goal being telepathic phone sex or hallucinating sex with a pony.
- Rape Train - Some guy who used to write fanfics about, shockingly, rape, who has since been copied to no end
- AiE - Anon in Equestria, fanfics about the glorious posters and their reactions to awakening in the show they cherish on a creepy level
- /b/read - /b/ rejects (see: paragraph one) do what they do best
- Human - Posters roleplay as ponies who watch humans (omg how clever!)
- TOPF Thread - Threads usually in the format of "Would Pinkie Pie like X" or "What would Pinkie Pie think of X". Supposedly all created by "That One Pinkie Fag" an exceptionally insane (even by /mlp/ standards) individual who wants to date and marry Pinkie Pie like most other autists on the board. Hated by /mlp/ for the sheer amount of these threads and insane ramblings. TOPF is also a devout communist and frequently posts how he wants to lead a bolshevik revolution in Equestria (where all /mlp/ residents believe they will go when they die) and execute all the royalty. Has stated he would lock his horse waifu up in the basement and virtually starve her into loving him like any rational communist would do in this situation.
- Fat Pony - Fat ponies. 'Nuff said.
- My Massive Pony - Giant ponies based on a April Fools joke.
- Nightly Twilight - Threads focused on Twilight Sparkle. Sethisto, not in bed, always posts his waifu Trixie Lulamoon in every Twilight Sparkle thread.
Lack of love and toleration
/mlp/ has countless sworn enemies despite the brony pseudo-hippy hivemind. The most prolific of these being /v/ and the NCF's army of Gabens. Both have successfully trolled /mlp/ countless times, and were ironclad in such acts of bravery as Howard Stern trolling every brony ever, Derpy being pulled, and the ongoing in-drama between major hubs of the mlp fandom (especially that of /mlp/ and EqD) leaving the manchildren in an ongoing civil war merely to amuse anons of a higher class. /s4s/ seems to be the only board that doesn't flip a shit whenever pone is brought up, this is most likely due to the fact that ever since last Thursday most moralfag bronies have left /mlp/ for other faggotry infested sites including EqD and jewtube, thus leaving behind shitposters and oldfags that can't get away with saying and doing the shit they usually say on those other websites. Since /s4s/ openly feeds on shitposting/funposting they often allow ponyfags to engage in their threads for the lelz.
I've seen some shit
Most posts on /mlp/ involve posters trying to one-up one another by seeing who can be the faggot with the most disgusting sexual fetish/act. Typical discussion involves fucking plushies, pillows, real-life horses, as well as posting pictures of horse dildos and cumming on MLP merchandise. Initially a joke on /mlp/ requested pictures of someone to cum on a plastic pony figure, despite being a joke, anon severely underestimated how retarded and sexually perverse bronies are.
This is the complete archive of samefags cumming on pony figurines. Would you cum on a pony figurine to win a $25 in Steam items?
[1] Dead link. No longer relevant.
/mlp/ has an unofficial channel on Rizon, just as any other 4chan board does, located in #mlpfim. It is a common target for GNAA trolling and other hilarious irc hijinks, largely due to the incompetent channel ops and their tendencies to rage at the slightest disruptions, especially /hi scrolls. Below is a log composed by one channel aspie after an hour of having his precious ponychats ruined to no end.
[02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <HolderAmethyst> You couldn't maneuver worth a shit in them [02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <shootobama> /!\ ARE YOU FACING UNSOLICITED SPAM? IS SOMEONE FLOODING YOUR IRC CHANNEL? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO COMBAT UNSOLICITED SPAM IN YOUR CHANNEL /!\ [02:46] <Hetdegon> It did, indeed. [02:46] <Hetdegon> shootobama: What the fuck you wanna die? [02:46] <JollyNigra> The hell [02:46] <%Pseudonym> Cool dude~ [02:46] <Hetdegon> SweetieBot: destroy that scoundrel! [02:46] <+SweetieBot> I'm pretty sure Xen0m0rpH is not accomplished by use or through a desert doesn't mean it's okay, I'm Rarity. [02:46] <Hetdegon> .............. [02:47] <Hetdegon> SweetieBot: you aren't rarity, you are her si...whatever. [02:47] <+SweetieBot> Hey Rarity, she must be really offensive you should still work here, I am unshaven now xd. [02:47] <HolderAmethyst> ... what [02:47] <Hetdegon> o.O [02:47] <Hetdegon> She's our totally random bot. [02:47] <HolderAmethyst> What the hell. [02:47] <Hetdegon> But she can hug, at least. �06[02:47] * Hetdegon hugs SweetieBot �06[02:47] * +SweetieBot presses a hoof to Hetdegon's nose. BOOP! [02:47] <HolderAmethyst> "I am unshaven now xd". [02:47] <HolderAmethyst> What. [02:47] <Hetdegon> Oh. And she can also do that <3 [02:47] <SU_Tempest> what the fuck was that arab spam �03[02:47] * pagga ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [02:47] <Hetdegon> SU_Tempest: no idea. [02:47] <pagga> �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� JollyNigra �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MEN [02:47] <pagga> ILLNESSES! /!\� SU_Tempest �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� deeebug �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND [02:47] <pagga> DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� HolderAmethyst �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� e` �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW [02:47] <pagga> DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� pagga �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� Incendia �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR H [02:47] <pagga> ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� Mitsuru �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS FOR HELPFUL ADVICE ON HOW TO DESTROY YOUR LIVES AND DEVELOP ONE OR MORE MENTAL ILLNESSES! /!\� Xen0m0rpH �4/!\ NETSPLITS SPAMMING YOUR CHANNEL? PACKET KIDDIES DESTROYING YOUR VPS? SOMEONE TOOK YOUR NICK? IF SO, VISIT #ARAB O �02[02:47] * pagga ([email protected]) Quit (Excess Flood�) [02:47] <Hetdegon> AAAAAGH [02:47] <SU_Tempest> I whoised him before he came [02:47] <Hetdegon> THE REEED [02:47] <SU_Tempest> "Gay Nigger Association of America" [02:48] <SU_Tempest> I shoulda known [02:48] <Hetdegon> ..... [02:48] <Hetdegon> fucking trolls [02:48] <SU_Tempest> GNAA... it's the ED guys [02:48] <SU_Tempest> or some bad trolls. [02:48] <@Miura> I like how it takes names from the users [02:48] <Hetdegon> Well, I still prefer SweetieBot �03[02:48] * pynchon ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [02:48] <Hetdegon> At least her nonsense is balanced by the adorable mental image...when it doesn't contribute to the shock value. [02:48] <@Miura> and I think it's just meepsheep [02:48] <@Miura> being meepsheep [02:48] <Hetdegon> SweetieBot: set phasers to hug! [02:48] <+SweetieBot> Phasers set to HUG. I LOVE YOU. �06[02:49] * Hetdegon hugs SweetieBot �06[02:49] * +SweetieBot hugs Hetdegon back. [02:49] <pynchon> �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� JollyNigra �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� SU_Tempest �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� deeebug �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� HolderAmethyst �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� e` �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Incendia �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Mitsuru �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Xen0m0rpH �4THIS CHANNEL MOV �12[02:49] <pynchon> IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� winRarity �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� MetalKingSlime �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Forlorn_Hope �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Penartist �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Saikano �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Engi �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Juze �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� adium �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� [02:49] <pynchon> Laun-dere �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Finn �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� spunge �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Expoti �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Pseudonym �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� ChanStat �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Dashie �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Networks12 �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Aerolite �4THIS CHANNEL MOV [02:49] <pynchon> IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� spinkle �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Kyouju_Away �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� redlizard �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� pynchon �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� `z �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� rctgamer3 �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� yetsturdy �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� namaiki �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Swee [02:49] <pynchon> �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Number1Stunna �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� shootobama �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Dokuro-chan �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� coolbee �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Miura �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Kavukamari �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Suiseiseki �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� cthec �4THIS CHANNEL [02:49] <pynchon> TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� antares �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� Hetdegon �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� twill �4THIS CHANNEL MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB� �03[02:49] * Aerolite sets mode: +m - �01[02:49] pynchon is [email protected] * Gay Nigger Association of America �01[02:49] pynchon on #MLPFiM �01[02:49] pynchon using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[02:49] pynchon is using a secure connection �01[02:49] pynchon End of /WHOIS list. - �03[02:49] * pynchon was kicked by Aerolite (pynchon�) �03[02:49] * pynchon ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [02:49] <~Aerolite> no GNAA, pls [02:50] <@Miura> pls no gays �03[02:50] * Aerolite sets mode: -m [02:50] <Expoti> poni poni poni [02:50] <Saikano> wat [02:50] <@Miura> or blacks �01[02:50] <Juze> Ponies [02:50] <@Miura> meepsheep are you a boy or a girl [02:50] <Hetdegon> This silencing thingy would have come in handy when the "heated discussion" happened. [02:50] <Hetdegon> Oh well. [02:50] <@Miura> aero and I have differing opinions [02:50] <@Miura> Hetdegon: no [02:50] <@Miura> silencing arguments is dumb [02:50] <SU_Tempest> there's debates and there's needless spam [02:51] <Hetdegon> And great, now my nickname is in some asshole's database. [02:51] <@Miura> so long as they're remaining civil [02:51] <~Aerolite> Hetdegon: yeah, we don't silence debates �01[02:51] pagga was [email protected] * Gay Nigger Association of America �01[02:51] pagga using Rizon Thu Aug 9 23:47:40 2012 �01[02:51] End of WHOWAS [02:51] <Saikano> today is the day I am putting my laptop to the test �01[02:51] shootobama There was no such nickname �01[02:51] End of WHOWAS [02:51] <HolderAmethyst> <Hetdegon> And great, now my nickname is in some asshole's database. [02:51] <HolderAmethyst> same feel here ;-;' - �01[02:51] shootobama is [email protected] * pony �01[02:51] shootobama on #MLPFiM #/g/tv #yhl �01[02:51] shootobama using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[02:51] shootobama is using a secure connection �01[02:51] shootobama End of /WHOIS list. - [02:51] <SU_Tempest> for all you know, all of your emails are in thousands of corporation spam lists [02:51] <~Aerolite> what do you mean? [02:51] <Hetdegon> No shit. [02:51] <~Aerolite> are you referring to ChanStat? [02:51] <SU_Tempest> no [02:51] <Hetdegon> The worst being google. [02:51] <SU_Tempest> the internet in general [02:51] <Saikano> Mmmm computer rape [02:51] <Hetdegon> Milking users for all they are worth. [02:52] <SU_Tempest> so what's it gonna change if the GNAA has your nickname? [02:52] <Saikano> let's hope my lappy can handle cs6 [02:52] <SU_Tempest> fuck them [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:52] <SU_Tempest> Yes, shut the fuck up [02:52] <SU_Tempest> you're lame [02:52] <adium> lol �01[02:52] <Juze> Psst Aero [02:52] <Saikano> Oh look, someone making Saudi Arabia looking so swell [02:52] <Hetdegon> SU_Tempest: could be used in assholic stuff like that, and some people can't sum two and two and might think I am related to them. [02:52] <Saikano> PFT LOSER [02:52] <Saikano> GO PERSIA [02:52] <Hetdegon> GO FRANCE [02:52] <Hetdegon> wait �03[02:52] * Mitsuru is now known as Rhyme [02:52] <@Miura> serbia strong [02:52] <Saikano> Syria [02:53] <~Aerolite> meepsheep please stop [02:53] <~Aerolite> seriously [02:53] <Saikano> I just want everyone to get along and be best frans [02:53] <~Aerolite> you faggot [02:53] <Hetdegon> Arabic Fluttershy sounds like perma-flutterguy :D [02:53] <SU_Tempest> arabic fluttershy? [02:53] <shootobama> wut did i do [02:53] <Hetdegon> Remember yesterday? [02:53] <HolderAmethyst> >arabic fluttershy [02:53] <SU_Tempest> sounds like "I gotta cuddle all of my cacti" [02:53] <HolderAmethyst> �no �03[02:53] * shootobama is now known as Meepsheep [02:53] <Hetdegon> Oh you weren't here yesterday SU_Tempest? [02:53] <Hetdegon> The insane FiM translations? [02:53] <SU_Tempest> No, I was probably busy or not paying attention [02:53] <HolderAmethyst> Aerolite, who the fuck is Meepsheep? [02:53] <Hetdegon> Wow. [02:53] <Hetdegon> I don't have the links handy, I'll ask winRarity when he's around. [02:54] <Hetdegon> You gotta check them out. [02:54] <~Aerolite> HolderAmethyst: well-known ED sysop [02:54] <Hetdegon> For realz. [02:54] <winRarity> ? [02:54] <Hetdegon> winRarity: Yesterday's epic fails from around the world. [02:54] <Hetdegon> where arabic flutterguy sounded girlier than regular �03[02:54] * LiteralKa ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [02:54] <Hetdegon> (ew) [02:54] <LiteralKa> yes hello [02:54] <SU_Tempest> and even more [02:54] <LiteralKa> leon kaiser here [02:54] <HolderAmethyst> <~Aerolite> HolderAmethyst: well-known ED sysop [02:54] <HolderAmethyst> And why are they allowed around? [02:54] <SU_Tempest> so what the fuck is it this time, do we get more arabs or wat [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:54] <Hetdegon> LiteralKa: Are you going to explode in spam too? [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:54] <pynchon> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [02:55] <SU_Tempest> No shut up you [02:55] <Hetdegon> Oh no, pynchon is. [02:55] <SU_Tempest> You are asexual [02:55] <SU_Tempest> You're hitler [02:55] <Hetdegon> Aerolite: Why no ban? [02:55] <SU_Tempest> shut up [02:55] <LiteralKa> Meepsheep: hear that? You're well-known!!! �03[02:55] * Aerolite sets mode: +b *!*pynchon@*.1BB86A18.43FFCAF6.IP �03[02:55] * pynchon was kicked by Aerolite (pynchon�) [02:55] <Hetdegon> Thanks [02:55] <HolderAmethyst> <~Aerolite> HolderAmethyst: well-known ED sysop [02:55] <HolderAmethyst> <HolderAmethyst> And why are they allowed around? [02:55] <LiteralKa> hes gonna evade [02:55] <Meepsheep> amazing [02:55] <SU_Tempest> Who gives a shit [02:55] <~Aerolite> HolderAmethyst: i don't know [02:55] <Meepsheep> AMAZING [02:55] <SU_Tempest> as long as he doesn't cause trouble [02:55] <Meepsheep> LIL B COOKING DANCE [02:55] <SU_Tempest> who gives a crap [02:55] <LiteralKa> 17:55:28 < SU_Tempest> Who gives a shit [02:55] <LiteralKa> 17:55:33 < SU_Tempest> as long as he doesn't cause trouble [02:55] <Meepsheep> HEAVY COOKING [02:55] <LiteralKa> loooool [02:55] <~Aerolite> he's allowed around because he doesn't usually spam [02:55] <winRarity> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz6uYZV5tYY [02:55] <+SweetieBot> �You�0,5Tube�� - "MLP FIM - TOP 15 Fails in foreign versions of MLP:FiM" (6m5s); 40,479 views; 4.92/5 (636 votes) [02:55] <Hetdegon> winRarity: Thanks! [02:55] <Hetdegon> SU_Tempest: Check that. Nau! [02:55] <SU_Tempest> he could be the president of Sierra Leone for all I care... [02:55] <Hetdegon> And prepare to break your funny bone. ----- �03[02:58] * pynchon_ ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM �06[02:59] * Hetdegon ducks and covers [02:59] <SU_Tempest> INCOMING TALIBAN ALERT �03[02:59] * heks (~no@FE1D2A40:921183C8:2C05942:IP) has joined #MLPFiM [02:59] <heks> helo [02:59] <SU_Tempest> BRING IN THE FORCE RECONS [02:59] <Hetdegon> deploy the shields [02:59] <pynchon_> HIE HEKS [02:59] <heks> wow this channel really is about mlp [02:59] <pynchon_> AKA PREZIDENT OF ISRAEL [02:59] <heks> lol [02:59] <heks> hello arab/pagga [02:59] <Hetdegon> heks: When possible, yes. [02:59] <SU_Tempest> poni [02:59] <heks> idk which one you are [02:59] <pynchon_> HEY FUCK U [02:59] <heks> oic who you are [02:59] <heks> asshole [02:59] <Hetdegon> I am hetdegon. [02:59] <SU_Tempest> I am just another internet denizen [02:59] <Hetdegon> nice to meet you...? [03:00] <Hetdegon> no? [03:00] <heks> nice to ymeeet you [03:00] <heks> fellow brony [03:00] <Hetdegon> oh good [03:00] <pynchon_> LOOK AT ALL THESE HORSEFUCKERS [03:00] <pynchon_> I THINK I WILL MAKE A `BLAG' [03:00] <Hetdegon> pynchon_: Talk for yourself, I am notorious for hating pony 34 here. [03:00] <SU_Tempest> as if we haven't heard that thousands of times already before [03:00] <heks> go away evil parasprirte [03:01] <pynchon_> WOULDINT IT BE COOL IF SOMEONE LIKE STERN PICKED THIS UP [03:01] <Hetdegon> *yawn* �06[03:01] * SU_Tempest yaaawn [03:01] <heks> go away evil parasprirte [03:01] <heks> go away evil parasprirte [03:01] <pynchon_> FUCK U [03:01] <heks> he has not filled a pony with friendship abd magic [03:01] <Hetdegon> wow so cool, I bet your day activities are so much better. [03:01] <heks> rr [03:01] <Hetdegon> What do you do for a living, son? [03:01] <pynchon_> IM ????11 [03:01] <heks> nice comeback, master comeback-maker [03:01] <pynchon_> 11 [03:01] <pynchon_> IRL �06[03:02] * pynchon_ PCKETS HEKS 2 DEATH [03:02] <heks> same irl [03:02] <pynchon_> PACKET CUN [03:02] <pynchon_> GUN [03:02] <pynchon_> FUCK U [03:02] <Hetdegon> Are you 11? And your mom knows you come to internet channels to call people horsefuckers? Will she be proud? [03:02] <SU_Tempest> hey hetdegon [03:02] <SU_Tempest> protip: we don't care bout them [03:02] <heks> pagga is still threatening to packet hardchats [03:02] <~Aerolite> okay, so why did Meepsheep invite you here? [03:02] <heks> and winkie [03:03] <~Aerolite> what the fuck? [03:03] <heks> and findingwhere winkie and i live and killing us [03:03] <~Aerolite> i'm trying to watch a show and you pull this retarded shit [03:03] <heks> cause he lives in fucking leeds or some shit [03:03] <heks> and supposedly thats' close [03:03] <Hetdegon> SU_Tempest: I am taking away my stress man. �03[03:03] * Aerolite sets mode: +m [03:03] <~Aerolite> SHUT UP �03[03:03] * Aerolite sets mode: -m [03:03] <Hetdegon> ..okay... [03:03] <Meepsheep> did u fuck winkies sister yet �06[03:03] * Hetdegon fluttershy'es [03:04] <heks> no :( [03:04] <Meepsheep> aka get more stds [03:04] <heks> wonder if shes really fat old and uggly [03:04] <Meepsheep> that they probably got from winkie [03:04] <pynchon_> 11 [03:04] <Hetdegon> Are they bots or something? [03:04] <heks> lol [03:04] <heks> bleep bloop [03:04] <heks> im a boat [03:04] <pynchon_> BOP [03:04] <pynchon_> BOP [03:05] <pynchon_> BAP [03:05] <~Aerolite> they're from GNAA [03:05] <HolderAmethyst> IN OTHER NEWS [03:05] <heks> wow rude [03:05] <~Aerolite> Meepsheep decided to invite them for fuck knows why [03:05] <pynchon_> BEEP [03:05] <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: Yeah? [03:05] <heks> it's hilarious [03:05] <heks> how you invited fellow trolls into your super sikrit pony channel [03:05] <Hetdegon> Doesn't say much about his friends, indeed. [03:05] <HolderAmethyst> I don't know, I was thinking about naval sensor fits. [03:05] <heks> shut the fuck up Hetdegon [03:05] <heks> go back to freenode [03:05] <pynchon_> SHT THE FUCK UP HEKS �03[03:05] * CommLaptop ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [03:05] <heks> or wherever autistic fucking netqork youre from [03:05] <pynchon_> RU READY 2 DIE [03:05] <SU_Tempest> oh, so entertaining [03:06] <heks> YESSSS �03[03:06] * Aerolite sets mode: +b *!*no@*FE1D2A40:921183C8:2C05942:IP �03[03:06] * heks was kicked by Aerolite (heks�) [03:06] <SU_Tempest> time to bring the popcorn [03:06] <HolderAmethyst> Random thoughts are the worst. [03:06] <Hetdegon> lol [03:06] <Meepsheep> rip heks �03[03:06] * Aerolite sets mode: +b *!*arab@*.ddos.cat �03[03:06] * pynchon_ was kicked by Aerolite (pynchon_�) [03:06] <~Aerolite> seriously [03:06] <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: oh I see. You seem to like naval stuff a lot. [03:06] <Meepsheep> �4F��4R��0E��0E��12 ��12H��4E��4X� [03:06] <~Aerolite> this channel does not have the same rules as maractus [03:06] <@Miura> FREE WILLY [03:06] <Hetdegon> Maractus? that's a cute pokemon. [03:06] <HolderAmethyst> <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: oh I see. You seem to like naval stuff a lot. [03:06] <HolderAmethyst> Not so much, just. [03:06] <~Aerolite> yeah, it's his irc network [03:06] <SU_Tempest> ari is my sweet admiral [03:07] <Hetdegon> Hoh. �06[03:07] * SU_Tempest salutes [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> Mainly because that's just a primary area of development in MC; that's pretty much the only thing I do in that agme. [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> ... oho [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> temp :D [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> game * [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> hurr I can tyep so gud [03:07] <SU_Tempest> happens. [03:07] <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: Oh I see, you went thematic~ [03:07] <Meepsheep> �4F��4R��0E��0E��12 ��12H��4E��4X��0 ��0��2��12��0��12��1��4��2� �03[03:07] * Aerolite sets mode: -b *!*pynchon@*.1BB86A18.43FFCAF6.IP [03:07] <Hetdegon> I like building kinda realistic buildings. [03:07] <Hetdegon> Gee, wonder why. [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> I pretty much stay the hell away from realism. [03:07] <HolderAmethyst> The only thing I do in MC is build hardy. [03:08] <SU_Tempest> meanwhile: �fun with nuclear generators [03:08] <HolderAmethyst> Everything is designed to either put out or take serious pain. [03:08] <SU_Tempest> and me accidentally blowing up a portion of my island [03:08] <HolderAmethyst> TNT-explosives wise. [03:08] <SU_Tempest> because "oops, not enough coolant" �03[03:08] * dicks_ (~lold@FE1D2A40:921183C8:2C05942:IP) has joined #MLPFiM [03:08] <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: Well, it's definitely faster than doing them IRL, haha. [03:08] <dicks_> emo ban [03:08] <HolderAmethyst> Yeah, the shipbuilds are fast, I guess. >>' [03:08] <@Miura> oh look [03:08] <Hetdegon> But I like trying out stuff like centralized water sources and that kinda thing. [03:09] <@Miura> it's aerolite's favorite thing [03:09] <SU_Tempest> look where? [03:09] <dicks_> why did you ban me Aerolite [03:09] <dicks_> it was pynchon who was being mean [03:09] <dicks_> i was trying to be nice to ppl [03:09] <HolderAmethyst> Yeah, basically, my ships have not even the barest to do with realism. [03:09] <@Miura> I agree [03:09] <@Miura> heks was okay [03:09] <HolderAmethyst> They look like floating stone bricks because that's exactly what they are. [03:09] <Hetdegon> lol. �03[03:09] * dicks_ is now known as hexu [03:10] <@Miura> Aerolite [03:10] <HolderAmethyst> They're systems built into the smallest footprint possible and sheathed in ridiculous amounts of stone armor. [03:10] <@Miura> did you leave the stream [03:10] <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: ever tried to do something like a civilian "luxury" ship? [03:10] <@Miura> on purpose �03[03:10] * OCCUPY_RIZON ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM ---- [03:15] <OCCUPY_RIZON> HIE [03:15] <OCCUPY_RIZON> HIE HEKU [03:15] <OCCUPY_RIZON> U READY 2 DIE [03:16] <hexu> bring it on [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> 11 [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> I WILL [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> U JUST WAIT FOR ME [03:16] <hexu> dickfite to the edath [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ILL BE THERE [03:16] <Hetdegon> 11 [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> WHEN U LEAST EXPECT IT [03:16] <hexu> same irl [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> IM GOING TO FUCKIN [03:16] <OCCUPY_RIZON> KNIFE UR FACE OFF [03:17] <SU_Tempest> Anyway [03:17] <OCCUPY_RIZON> F [03:17] <OCCUPY_RIZON> Y [03:17] <OCCUPY_RIZON> K [03:17] <OCCUPY_RIZON> U [03:17] <SU_Tempest> That show has gotten bland, those actors are really lame. [03:17] <Hetdegon> what show? [03:17] <OCCUPY_RIZON> IM GOING 2 SHOOT U IN THE FACE [03:17] <SU_Tempest> those cliché lines, this soulless threat, and that terrible voice this bad grammar makes me think of [03:17] <SU_Tempest> no, that show started out somewhat good but now it's so bad. [03:18] <Hetdegon> oh, you mean something with two clowns? [03:18] <SU_Tempest> Hopefully the ending will be the saving throw of this. [03:18] <SU_Tempest> Yeah. [03:18] <Hetdegon> Yeah it jumped the shark quick. [03:19] <SU_Tempest> well since neighloli is gone and the show is bad, I'll divert myself some other way for now... that list of events won't do itself [03:19] <HolderAmethyst> Temp [03:19] <HolderAmethyst> you know what makes this show so much better? [03:19] <SU_Tempest> yeah? [03:19] <SU_Tempest> what? [03:19] <Hetdegon> Same thing, gotta fix those weapons. [03:19] <hexu> are yougoing to clop [03:19] <@Miura> I'm watching 30 Rock [03:19] <Hetdegon> But I feel really tired now, so much fucking heat. [03:19] <HolderAmethyst> Imagining that Patrick Stewart is voicing the all-caps guy. [03:19] <OCCUPY_RIZON> U HORSE FACKER [03:19] <OCCUPY_RIZON> FUK U [03:19] <SU_Tempest> ...PFTHAHAHA [03:19] <SU_Tempest> GENIUS, Ari. GENIUS �12[03:19] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� JollyNigra �4ATTENTION� SU_Tempest �4ATTENTION� deeebug �4ATTENTION� HolderAmethyst �4ATTENTION� twill �4ATTENTION� Incendia �4ATTENTION� Rhyme �4ATTENTION� Xen0m0rpH �4ATTENTION� winRarity �4ATTENTION� e` �4ATTENTION� MetalKingSlime �4ATTENTION� Forlorn_Hope �4ATTENTION� Penartist �4ATTENTION� Saikano �4ATTENTION� Engi �4ATTENTION� OCCUPY_RIZON �4ATTENTION� Juze �4ATTENTION� adium �4ATTENTION� CommLaptop �4ATTENTION� Finn [03:19] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� spunge �4ATTENTION� Expoti �4ATTENTION� Pseudonym �4ATTENTION� ChanStat �4ATTENTION� Dashie �4ATTENTION� Networks12 �4ATTENTION� spinkle �4ATTENTION� Kyouju_Away �4ATTENTION� Laun-dere �4ATTENTION� redlizard �4ATTENTION� `z �4ATTENTION� hexu �4ATTENTION� rctgamer3 �4ATTENTION� namaiki �4ATTENTION� SweetieBot �4ATTENTION� Number1Stunna �4ATTENTION� Dokuro-chan �4ATTENTION� Meepsheep �4ATTENTION� coolbee �4ATTENTION� Miura [03:19] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� Kavukamari �4ATTENTION� Suiseiseki �4ATTENTION� LiteralKa �4ATTENTION� cthec �4ATTENTION� antares �4ATTENTION� Hetdegon �4ATTENTION� yetsturdy �4ATTENTION� [03:19] <SU_Tempest> You ain't my admiral for nothing. [03:20] <MetalKingSlime> ....? [03:20] <OCCUPY_RIZON> THIS IRC HAS MOVED TO IRC.ARABS.PS #ARAB [03:20] <HolderAmethyst> �CAPTAIN PICARD �02[03:20] * @Miura ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [03:20] <%Pseudonym> Thanks, OCCUPY_RIZON. [03:20] <coolbee> lol �03[03:20] * Jappleack ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [03:20] <Hetdegon> So Amethyst is our local admiral? [03:20] <adium> Can't you ban hin, Pseudonym? [03:20] <SU_Tempest> Attention people with a brain: Beware, retards. [03:20] <adium> him* �03[03:20] * Miura ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM �03[03:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Miura [03:20] <%Pseudonym> I can ban him, but he is in the middle of a public service announcement. [03:20] <Hetdegon> lol [03:20] <MetalKingSlime> :D [03:20] <SU_Tempest> motherlovin' PSA [03:20] <@Miura> I'M BACK [03:20] <@Miura> AND STILL IN CHARGE [03:21] <SU_Tempest> the PSA of what? internet islamism? [03:21] <Expoti> Needs more ponies. ---- �01[03:21] OCCUPY_RIZON is [email protected] * Gay Nigger Association of America �01[03:21] OCCUPY_RIZON on #MLPFiM �01[03:21] OCCUPY_RIZON using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[03:21] OCCUPY_RIZON is using a secure connection �01[03:21] OCCUPY_RIZON End of /WHOIS list. - �12[03:21] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� JollyNigra �4ATTENTION� Jappleack �4ATTENTION� SU_Tempest �4ATTENTION� deeebug �4ATTENTION� HolderAmethyst �4ATTENTION� twill �4ATTENTION� Incendia �4ATTENTION� Rhyme �4ATTENTION� Xen0m0rpH �4ATTENTION� winRarity �4ATTENTION� e` �4ATTENTION� MetalKingSlime �4ATTENTION� Cubey �4ATTENTION� Forlorn_Hope �4ATTENTION� Penartist �4ATTENTION� Saikano �4ATTENTION� Engi �4ATTENTION� OCCUPY_RIZON �4ATTENTION� Juze �4ATTENTION� adium [03:21] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� CommLaptop �4ATTENTION� Finn �4ATTENTION� spunge �4ATTENTION� Expoti �4ATTENTION� Pseudonym �4ATTENTION� ChanStat �4ATTENTION� Dashie �4ATTENTION� Networks12 �4ATTENTION� spinkle �4ATTENTION� Kyouju_Away �4ATTENTION� Laun-dere �4ATTENTION� redlizard �4ATTENTION� `z �4ATTENTION� hexu �4ATTENTION� rctgamer3 �4ATTENTION� namaiki �4ATTENTION� SweetieBot �4ATTENTION� Number1Stunna �4ATTENTION� Meepsheep �4ATTENTION� coolbee �4ATTE [03:21] <OCCUPY_RIZON> Miura �4ATTENTION� Kavukamari �4ATTENTION� Suiseiseki �4ATTENTION� LiteralKa �4ATTENTION� cthec �4ATTENTION� antares �4ATTENTION� Hetdegon �4ATTENTION� yetsturdy �4ATTENTION� [03:21] <Hetdegon> SU_Tempest: hahaha, that was special, indeed. [03:21] <Number1Stunna> listen i would appreciate [03:22] <Hetdegon> ugh. [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <Number1Stunna> if some ops would take action to stop jbs from spamming [03:22] <SU_Tempest> Hahaha. [03:22] <&yetsturdy> what is this [03:22] <@Miura> I never go to walmart [03:22] <SU_Tempest> There are no walmarts in my country. Nice try. [03:22] <Jappleack> someone just learned irc commands [03:22] <@Miura> I'm too good [03:22] <@Miura> oh no yets is here [03:22] <SU_Tempest> �yetsturdy [03:22] <SU_Tempest> our savior [03:22] <SU_Tempest> or not �03[03:22] * CommLaptop ([email protected]) has left #MLPFiM [03:22] <Expoti> poni~ [03:22] <&yetsturdy> you guys are out of luck �01[03:22] <Juze> No offense but I don't want to hear those "ding" highlights anymore, let's see if ignore works... [03:22] <%Pseudonym> Someone could +v the channel, and +v everyone here. [03:22] <&yetsturdy> I'm an arab - �01[03:22] OCCUPY_RIZON is [email protected] * Gay Nigger Association of America �01[03:22] OCCUPY_RIZON on #MLPFiM �01[03:22] OCCUPY_RIZON using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[03:22] OCCUPY_RIZON is using a secure connection �01[03:22] OCCUPY_RIZON End of /WHOIS list. - �12[03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� JollyNigra �4ATTENTION� Jappleack �4ATTENTION� SU_Tempest �4ATTENTION� deeebug �4ATTENTION� HolderAmethyst �4ATTENTION� twill �4ATTENTION� Incendia �4ATTENTION� Rhyme �4ATTENTION� Xen0m0rpH �4ATTENTION� winRarity �4ATTENTION� e` �4ATTENTION� MetalKingSlime �4ATTENTION� Cubey �4ATTENTION� Forlorn_Hope �4ATTENTION� Penartist �4ATTENTION� Saikano �4ATTENTION� Engi �4ATTENTION� OCCUPY_RIZON �4ATTENTION� Juze �4ATTENTION� adium [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> �4ATTENTION� Finn �4ATTENTION� spunge �4ATTENTION� Expoti �4ATTENTION� Pseudonym �4ATTENTION� ChanStat �4ATTENTION� Dashie �4ATTENTION� Networks12 �4ATTENTION� spinkle �4ATTENTION� Kyouju_Away �4ATTENTION� Laun-dere �4ATTENTION� redlizard �4ATTENTION� `z �4ATTENTION� hexu �4ATTENTION� rctgamer3 �4ATTENTION� namaiki �4ATTENTION� SweetieBot �4ATTENTION� Number1Stunna �4ATTENTION� Meepsheep �4ATTENTION� coolbee �4ATTENTION� Miura �4ATTENTION [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> Kavukamari �4ATTENTION� Suiseiseki �4ATTENTION� LiteralKa �4ATTENTION� cthec �4ATTENTION� antares �4ATTENTION� Hetdegon �4ATTENTION� yetsturdy �4ATTENTION� [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <Hetdegon> yetsturdy: but are you a cool arab? [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS [03:22] <OCCUPY_RIZON> ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES, PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTIONS AND JOIN #ARAB ON IRC.ARABS.PS - �03[03:22] * Added *!*@3BA11B88.1BB86A18.43FFCAF6.IP to ignore list - [03:22] <adium> Ban him FOR PET'S SAKE [03:22] <%Pseudonym> And then it would be saged~ [03:22] <Hetdegon> god damnit �01[03:22] <Juze> * Added *!*@3BA11B88.1BB86A18.43FFCAF6.IP to ignore list [03:22] <%Pseudonym> Pet's sake? �01[03:22] <Juze> /ignore *@3BA11B88.1BB86A18.43FFCAF6.IP �03[03:22] * yetsturdy sets mode: +b *!~pagga@*.43FFCAF6.IP �01[03:22] <Juze> And it will solve your problems �03[03:22] * OCCUPY_RIZON was kicked by yetsturdy (ew gay�) [03:23] <SU_Tempest> I don't even care tbh. [03:23] <Expoti> poni. [03:23] <HolderAmethyst> >ew gay �12[03:23] <Hetdegon> Juze: Right, good call. [03:23] <%Pseudonym> �Check your privilege~ [03:23] <@Miura> OH MY GOD YETS �03[03:23] * yetsturdy sets mode: +b *!*pagga*@*.* [03:23] <Hetdegon> HolderAmethyst: what what? [03:23] <@Miura> KENNETH JUST ASKED TRACY [03:23] <Jappleack> what's with that spamming cunt [03:23] <@Miura> WHO SAID HE'D BEEN ALIVE FOR EVER [03:23] <@Miura> MY SUSPICIONS ARE CONFIRMED [03:23] <SU_Tempest> all right [03:23] <@Miura> KENNETH IS IMMORTAL [03:24] <SU_Tempest> so is this bad show finished yet? [03:24] <SU_Tempest> or do we get treated to more episodes? [03:24] <&yetsturdy> Miura: that is one of my favorite parts of the show. �03[03:24] * DIKKY ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM [03:24] <@Miura> yeah [03:24] <@Miura> me too �12[03:24] <DIKKY> �4ATTENTION� JollyNigra �4ATTENTION� Jappleack �4ATTENTION� SU_Tempest �4ATTENTION� deeebug �4ATTENTION� HolderAmethyst �4ATTENTION� Rhyme �4ATTENTION� Incendia �4ATTENTION� Xen0m0rpH �4ATTENTION� winRarity �4ATTENTION� DIKKY �4ATTENTION� twill �4ATTENTION� MetalKingSlime �4ATTENTION� Cubey �4ATTENTION� Forlorn_Hope �4ATTENTION� Penartist �4ATTENTION� Saikano �4ATTENTION� Engi �4ATTENTION� Meepsheep �4ATTENTION� Juze �4ATTENTION� adium �4ATTE [03:24] <DIKKY> Laun-dere �4ATTENTION� Finn �4ATTENTION� spunge �4ATTENTION� Expoti �4ATTENTION� Pseudonym �4ATTENTION� ChanStat �4ATTENTION� Dashie �4ATTENTION� Networks12 �4ATTENTION� spinkle �4ATTENTION� Kyouju_Away �4ATTENTION� redlizard �4ATTENTION� `z �4ATTENTION� hexu �4ATTENTION� rctgamer3 �4ATTENTION� namaiki �4ATTENTION� SweetieBot �4ATTENTION� Number1Stunna �4ATTENTION� yetsturdy �4ATTENTION� coolbee �4ATTENTION� Miura �4ATTENTION� Kavukamari [03:24] <DIKKY> �4ATTENTION� Suiseiseki �4ATTENTION� LiteralKa �4ATTENTION� cthec �4ATTENTION� antares �4ATTENTION� Hetdegon �4ATTENTION� e` �4ATTENTION� �03[03:24] * yetsturdy sets mode: +b *!~DIKKY@*.jimmy-rustl.in [03:24] <SU_Tempest> More episodes, I guess. [03:24] <Hetdegon> damn script kiddies �03[03:24] * yetsturdy sets mode: +b *!*DIKK*@*.* [03:24] <%Pseudonym> You see~ It doesn't work that easily. [03:24] <&yetsturdy> I have fun [03:25] <@Miura> yets the only way to stop it is to set the channel +R [03:25] <SU_Tempest> how about just +b *.* [03:25] <&yetsturdy> I get to type letters [03:25] <SU_Tempest> or - �01[03:25] DIKKY is [email protected] * pony �01[03:25] DIKKY on #MLPFiM �01[03:25] DIKKY using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[03:25] DIKKY is using a secure connection �01[03:25] DIKKY End of /WHOIS list. - [03:25] <Hetdegon> yetsturdy: they will get bored eventually [03:25] <SU_Tempest> voice us �01[03:25] <Juze> Yup, my ignore didn't work [03:25] <&yetsturdy> ya good idea SU_Tempest [03:25] <SU_Tempest> put it on +m [03:25] <Number1Stunna> the only way to stop it is to put everyone on akick [03:25] <Number1Stunna> and shut down the channel [03:25] <%Pseudonym> Sounds good~ �01[03:25] <Juze> How about someone goes to #services and makes a report? [03:25] <&yetsturdy> some clients can set conditional ignores. �12[03:25] <Number1Stunna> dude don't be a snitch, Juze �01[03:25] <Juze> If there's a network rule break [03:25] <SU_Tempest> I have the best ignore system in the world: my failure to give a fuck [03:25] <SU_Tempest> screw /ignore [03:25] <Number1Stunna> i'm sure we can handle some clown saying some names. [03:26] <SU_Tempest> the fuck is he gonna do. �12[03:26] <&yetsturdy> Juze: that's not going to do anything unless you can prove who's controlling the spambots. [03:26] <SU_Tempest> seriously. [03:26] <Number1Stunna> it's not spambots. it's this guy called jbs, yets. �01[03:26] <Juze> I wouldn't give a flying feather if my ignore would work :P [03:26] <Number1Stunna> he does that arabs.ps crap in another channel too - �03[03:26] * Added *!*@Rizon-8B935467.im.jimmy-rustl.in to ignore list - [03:26] <Number1Stunna> he's like muslim or something. idk. he's weird. [03:26] <&yetsturdy> Number1Stunna: I'm sure the actual spam is just a bot/script, though [03:26] <Number1Stunna> well yeah �01[03:26] <Juze> Number1Stunna: Then #services [03:26] <SU_Tempest> he's probably a radicalist [03:26] <Number1Stunna> but he's the one pushing the button [03:26] <SU_Tempest> or just a troll - �01[03:26] DIKKY is [email protected] * pony �01[03:26] DIKKY on #MLPFiM �01[03:26] DIKKY using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[03:26] DIKKY is using a secure connection �01[03:26] DIKKY End of /WHOIS list. - [03:26] <Hetdegon> SU_Tempest: Obviously �01[03:27] <Juze> Just need the names [03:27] <%Pseudonym> Not really a muslim, it's one of those troll networks like lulzsec or something. [03:27] <hexu> you could summon irc ops to get this parasprite banned from rizon [03:27] <SU_Tempest> >lulzsec [03:27] <%Pseudonym> Hexu. [03:27] <Meepsheep> i only troll for allah [03:27] <@Miura> um [03:27] <SU_Tempest> ahahahahaha - �01[03:27] Meepsheep is [email protected] * pony �01[03:27] Meepsheep on #MLPFiM #/g/tv #yhl �01[03:27] Meepsheep using *.rizon.net Where are you? �01[03:27] Meepsheep has identified for this nick �01[03:27] Meepsheep is using a secure connection �01[03:27] Meepsheep End of /WHOIS list. - [03:27] <@Miura> g-lines are not hard to beat [03:27] <%Pseudonym> Meepsheep, you are great. �01[03:27] <Juze> But we know it's Meepsheep �01[03:27] <Juze> At least the ident said so [03:27] <Meepsheep> excuse me [03:27] <%Pseudonym> Stay golden, Meepsheep boy. [03:27] <@Miura> plus that [03:27] <Meepsheep> im only here to enjoy these fine pony chats [03:27] <LiteralKa> inshallah [03:28] <hexu> wow rude Meepsheep is being quiet [03:28] <hexu> now you bring him up [03:28] <Jappleack> >fine pony chats [03:28] <Meepsheep> i agree that all parasprites need removal [03:28] <LiteralKa> >shut the fuck up [03:28] <Jappleack> yeah, what is poni [03:28] <Hetdegon> We need more pony chats. ---- �06[03:30] * Meepsheep brohoof [03:30] <%Pseudonym> /) [03:30] <%Pseudonym> We born bronies. [03:30] <%Pseudonym> We die bronies. [03:30] <SU_Tempest> excuse me pseudonym [03:30] <SU_Tempest> who is 'we'? [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� � �� � �� � �� � �� � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� �7,7 �12,12 �� ��7,7 �12,12 � � �� � �� �7,7 �12,12 �� ��7,7 �12,12 � � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � ��7,7 �12,12 � �7,7 �12,12 � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 �� �� �7,7 �12,12 � � ��7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 �� ��7,7 �12,12 � �7,7 �12,12 � ��7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 �� �� � ��7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � �� �7,7 �12,12 � � [03:30] <Meepsheep> � ��7,7 �12,12 � � ��7,7 �12,12 � � �� � �� �7,7 �12,12 �� �� �7,7 �12,12 �� [03:30] <Meepsheep> � �� � �� � �� � �� � �� � [03:30] <SU_Tempest> I mean, who d'you include? ---- �03[03:42] * oclet ([email protected]) has joined #MLPFiM �12[03:42] <oclet> �4ATTENTION� JollyNigra �4ATTENTION� Jappleack �4ATTENTION� SU_Tempest �4ATTENTION� deeebug �4ATTENTION� HolderAmethyst �4ATTENTION� Rhyme �4ATTENTION� Incendia �4ATTENTION� Xen0m0rpH �4ATTENTION� winRarity �4ATTENTION� MetalKingSlime �4ATTENTION� Cubey �4ATTENTION� Forlorn_Hope �4ATTENTION� Penartist �4ATTENTION� Saikano �4ATTENTION� Engi �4ATTENTION� Meepsheep �4ATTENTION� Juze �4ATTENTION� adium �4ATTENTION� Laun-dere �4ATTENTION� Finn [03:42] <oclet> �4ATTENTION� spunge �4ATTENTION� Pseudonym �4ATTENTION� ChanStat �4ATTENTION� Dashie �4ATTENTION� Networks12 �4ATTENTION� Aerolite �4ATTENTION� spinkle �4ATTENTION� Kyouju_Away �4ATTENTION� redlizard �4ATTENTION� `z �4ATTENTION� rctgamer3 �4ATTENTION� yetsturdy �4ATTENTION� namaiki �4ATTENTION� SweetieBot �4ATTENTION� Number1Stunna �4ATTENTION� e` �4ATTENTION� oclet �4ATTENTION� coolbee �4ATTENTION� Miura �4ATTENTION� Kavukamari �4ATTENTI [03:42] <oclet> Suiseiseki �4ATTENTION� LiteralKa �4ATTENTION� cthec �4ATTENTION� antares �4ATTENTION� Hetdegon �4ATTENTION� twill �4ATTENTION� [03:42] <@Miura> Hetdegon: life in Britain [03:43] <~Aerolite> Meepsheep: for the sake of #MLPFiM, ��never� post logs to this channel again [03:43] <SU_Tempest> trol lol lol i am so funny with this hurdurhur nice kiddie skript [03:43] <~Aerolite> EVER �01[03:43] <Juze> > dildomail �12[03:43] <oclet> �4ATTENTION� JollyNigra �4ATTENTION� Jappleack �4ATTENTION� SU_Tempest �4ATTENTION� deeebug �4ATTENTION� HolderAmethyst �4ATTENTION� Rhyme �4ATTENTION� Incendia �4ATTENTION� Xen0m0rpH �4ATTENTION� winRarity �4ATTENTION� MetalKingSlime �4ATTENTION� Cubey �4ATTENTION� Forlorn_Hope �4ATTENTION� Penartist �4ATTENTION� Saikano �4ATTENTION� Engi �4ATTENTION� Meepsheep �4ATTENTION� Juze �4ATTENTION� adium �4ATTENTION� Laun-dere �4ATTENTION� Finn [03:43] <oclet> �4ATTENTION� spunge �4ATTENTION� Pseudonym �4ATTENTION� ChanStat �4ATTENTION� Dashie �4ATTENTION� Networks12 �4ATTENTION� Aerolite �4ATTENTION� spinkle �4ATTENTION� Kyouju_Away �4ATTENTION� redlizard �4ATTENTION� `z �4ATTENTION� rctgamer3 �4ATTENTION� yetsturdy �4ATTENTION� namaiki �4ATTENTION� SweetieBot �4ATTENTION� Number1Stunna �4ATTENTION� e` �4ATTENTION� oclet �4ATTENTION� coolbee �4ATTENTION� Miura �4ATTENTION� Kavukamari �4ATTENTI [03:43] <oclet> Suiseiseki �4ATTENTION� LiteralKa �4ATTENTION� cthec �4ATTENTION� antares �4ATTENTION� Hetdegon �4ATTENTION� twill �4ATTENTION� [03:43] <Hetdegon> sigh �03[03:43] * Aerolite sets mode: +b *!*oclet@*.root.at.dildomail.com �03[03:43] * oclet was kicked by Aerolite (oclet�) [03:43] <Meepsheep> aerolite, agreed
The channel is owned by a racist admitted zoophile named "Aerolite" who doesn't allow gayniggers in the channel because he is afraid they will write about "how stupid he is on ED". Good job opers.
Relations with other boards
- /v/ - Hated by /mlp/ posters due to their constant ruining of all brony-related activities. The feeling is mutual, but only because /v/ hates everything that isn't Hideo Kojima.
- /b/ - Love/hate type, all bronies wish they were "cool enough" to fit in with /b/tards. However, some /b/tards tend to group those behind brony threads on /b/ (a bannable offense) with all of /mlp/.
- /co/ - Everyone on /mlp/ is also the cause of 100% of /co/ cancer.
- /r9k/ - Same as above.
- /pol/ - Typically nor/mlp/eople and /pol/iticians are insane, so one would think that this would be a stable relationship, right? No, /pol/'s attempts to convey itself as the last bastion of masculinity causes it to generally hate the show, the fandom and the board with it. Start a thread that conveys atheist ideals with the cover photo being of a fedora wearing OC pone for maximum lels.
- /k/ - Same as above, though for slightly different reasons.
- /s4s/ - Neutral/accepted, enjoys the shitposting.
See Also
External links
- MulpWiki
- "4chan's Pony Board" - more in depth coverage at Gyropedia
/mlp/ is part of a series on Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage. |
/mlp/ is part of a series on Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage. |
/mlp/ is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/ |
Sources [+]
4chan fgt hat day ♦ 9fags ♦ Angyl ♦ Attention Whores ♦ Bronies ♦ Camwhores ♦ Children ♦ Combofags ♦ Doing it for free ♦ Drawhores ♦ Eternal September ♦ Furries ♦ Gaiafags ♦ Hatefags ♦ iFags ♦ /mlp/ ♦ Memefags ♦ Mods ♦ Moralfags ♦ m00t and his final act of selling out ♦ Newfags ♦ Le Redittors ♦ Sagefags ♦ Samefags ♦ Shitposters ♦ Tripfags ♦ TikTok |
Symptoms [+]
7 Proxies ♦ Autism ♦ Caturday Nap ♦ Checking In ♦ Combo ♦ C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER ♦ Drama Prairie Dog ♦ DSFARGEG ♦ Everyone Get In Here ♦ #fortune ♦ Flood Detected ♦ GET ♦ Godly Luck ♦ Hai Guy ♦ I Don't Roll That Way ♦ My /b/ face ♦ Naked banana ♦ Name my band ♦ Post ending in (x) gets to name my (x) ♦ Prove Me Wrong ♦ Roll Call ♦ The Game ♦ Trying Too Hard | |
Forced Memes [+]
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ♦ Andy Sixx ♦ Apples Bear ♦ Ayy lmao ♦ Balki ♦ Big Dog ♦ Chud ♦ Condom Snorting ♦ Deez Nuts ♦ Dental Plan ♦ Desu ♦ Dick Butt ♦ Family Guy Funny Moments ♦ FUCK YEAH SEAKING ♦ HNNNNNNGGGGG ♦ Isn't Dallas in California? ♦ I Took an Arrow in the Knee ♦ Jack Spicer ♦ Lanky Kong ♦ Milhouse ♦ My Little Pony ♦ Nyoro~n ♦ Random Album Art ♦ Rickroll ♦ Rita ♦ Sneed's Feed & Seed ♦ So cash ♦ Tape dick ♦ THE BEST ♦ Uncle Dolan ♦ WHEN I WAS ♦ Wew lad ♦ Woll Smoth ♦ X intensifies ♦ You Laugh, You Lose | |
Treatment [+]
4chan Gold Account ♦ An hero ♦ Alexander-sama ♦ Bring Back Snacks ♦ The Caturday Revival ♦ The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ ♦ DO IT FAGGOT ♦ Facepalm ♦ Gb2 ♦ In before X ♦ Incontinent Student Bodies ♦ Oldfag Sage Collective ♦ and most importantly... Original Content |