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PROJECT CHANOLOGY/IRL PROTEST PAGE/Operation Reconnect is part of a series on

Project Chanology

Visit the Anonymous Portal for complete coverage.

// International Raid News for Operation Reconnect //

Project Chanology iRL Raids Latest News



This is coming along beautifully, as I'm sure you would have realised by now. Both the February 10 and March 15 protests have shown those scifags and media junkies that we are not confined to the internet, and that we've progressed past mere DDoS attacks and pranks towards more serious stuff.

The issues brought to the public's attention thus far have included Operation Snow White, Lisa McPherson's death and the fact that Scientologists are just faggots in general, but there is much, much more to bring up. Let's step this up a notch, shall we?

The public and media are still blissfully unaware of atrocities such as:

L. Ron Hubbard's $200,000,000 worth (yeah, you read that right)
The extortion of money from its members
The way in which pregnant scientologist women are pressured into having abortions (be careful about how this is handled; it won't look to good if we come across as anti or pro abortion- keep that neutral)
The "disconnection" of family members from each other due to rifts in Scientology and people speaking out, and how such people are disowned
The tax exempt status of the cult, even though they're run as a business (see first point)
Et cetera.

We are winning. I cannot stress that enough. Do you think the Church of Scientology is as strong today as they were pre-2008? Already the cracks are showing, rifts are appearing. The celebrities they rely on so much for their money and fame are distancing themselves. L. Ron Hubbard Junior has stated that "99% of anything my father ever wrote or said about himself is untrue". The niece of Scientologist leader David Miscavige has spoken out as well. They're losing numbers and leaders.

People are leaving the cult in droves. The media is grabbing this story and running with it (before Project Chanology, not many people even knew New Zealand HAD a media). The public are seeing the fliers, blogs and websites and waking up.

And it's because of you. Keep at it, tiger. It won't be long now. We've got the numbers, the knowledge, and we've got the cake.

Just remember, what makes us who we are is our anonymity. People have protested against Scientology before, but always as individuals. What makes us so formidable is that we are legion. We are ONE driving force. They cannot identify us, fight us or publicly criticize us effectively because they haven't got anyone to target. LEGION. That being said, remember to protect yourselves out there. We are SPs to them, and the die-hard believers would not hesitate one bit to R2-45 us. Keep a natural barrier between you and them (such as a road or something), cover your face and ACT AS ONE. And we'll all be cool, like Fonzie.


April 12th. See you there.

We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
We are legion.

A pleasure to make your acquaintance,



The theme of this raid is RECONNECT because we will encourage Scientologists and their family members to get back in contact so a sane voice that loves then can help them leave the cult.

2. Their Tax Exempt Status

We have done little to achieve our goals of separating the Scifags from the God they worship. The Almighty Dollar. Previous protests have focused on bizarre doctrine (the first); murder, including that on Shawn Lonsdale (the second); and now we attack the most powerful member of their Holy Trinity: their motivation, the Almighty Dollar.

There is legal precedent on our side. Church's have had their tax exempt status revoked by officially endorsing presidential candidates, under separation of Church and State. The Cult has done far worse by subverting and infiltrating government offices in operation Snow White. This precedent alone justifies the revocation of their tax-exempt status but here is more.

The unfulfilled claims of their super-power programs, as well as their alanon and narcanon programs constitute selling goods or services that with falsely represented claims. This violates national snake-oil laws established over 100 years ago to protect the gullible from scammers selling false cures. The same could be said of their "detox" centers after 9-11 to remove "toxins" from the bodies of victims. In reality all it removed was money.

They must be dismantled and if they are a real religion as they claim their philosophy will live on as Christian orthodoxy did when separated from the holy roman empire nearly 1500 years ago, but if they are a cult they will die without their God. The God all pyramid schemes like this worship. The Almighty Dollar.

3. Their Abuse of the Mentally Ill

Scientology hates Psychiatry, but why? Especially considering L. Ron died with Anti-psychotics in his system.

The Answer is simple. If a person is kept unmedicated they are kept dependent on Scientology and must have "faith" that their cult can cure them.

This has resulted in deaths the world over not just suicides but MULTIPLE MURDERS in the US, the UK and the rest of the world. Scientologists are told to keep the mentally Ill from their medication, even if they are violent or suicidal.

Perhaps the NATIONAL ADVOCATES OF THE MENTALLY ILL would like to know about this policy?

We need to try and double the number of people at the Atlanta protest on the 12th. We need to show the $cilons and the DeKalb police that they can't intimidate us into giving up.


  1. Get permits (if needed) If someone official tells you a permit isn't needed, get their name and info. (Record them too, if possible) Don't fail like Atlanta did.
  2. Print invites to raid and post to get MOAR PPL. Be ecumenical, invite Christians and others, not just Atheists. "Religion against Scientology" has a nice ring to it....
  3. Print lots of fliers distribute them weeks BEFORE the raid. Be sure to point out donuts, pizza and maybe even delicious cake will be provided for the masses of protesters.
  4. Change up The Game. Keep things interesting for you and the public. Give them a reason to come over and talk to you, and give your fellow protesters reasons to come back. (This is, of course, referring to free food. Bring a lot.)
  5. Sign this petition to get Rick Astley to write us a whole new awesome protest song. Then, Digg it.
  6. Contact your government at local, state, and federal levels.
  7. Contact the press. If your location has had little to no media coverage, talk to someone in person, or send them links to relevant news stories showing them how newsworthy the cause is.
  8. ????
  9. PROFIT!

Some Words of Advice

...with regards to the SA post I borrowed this from and can no longer find:

Wouldn't it be nice...

Scientology tried to get a restraining order less than a week before the protest. This was not an accident. Just like posting the videos on YouTube days before March 15th was carefully planned to give us enough time to shit brix, but not enough time to come up with a contingency plan. Luckily the restraining order was denied, or there might have been chaos; "Do we reschedule?" "Should we show up anyway?" Imagine the chaos if a couple cities decide to reschedule; Some will fear Scientology misinformation, others may decide not to go at all to avoid confusion etc.

We need to come up with backup plans (plural) for when, not if, the Scientologists launch their next wave to counter us days before April 12th. They may out more anons on Youtube, they may have something completely new up their sleeves, the point is to be prepared this time, because something will happen right before April 12th to throw a wrench in our plans.

If Co$ succeeds in getting restraining orders then Anon should move to the closest point possible. i.e. restraining order says that Anon cant come within 100yds protest exactly 101yds from Co$ buildings. Marking in sidewalk chalk (after first confirming with local officials that this does not equal vandalism) is childish yet funnay.

PROTIP: don't change the date. If protesting near Co$ is not possible move to other busy locations like pools, parks, or malls.

Masks and Costumes

Please be aware, as in the past, that your city may have an anti-mask law on file. Please find out before you go if this applies to you!

If you are in an area where masks are not allowed (or maybe you just can't breathe) you may have the option to wear a dusk-mask and sunglasses, as was the case in some areas.

Emphasize to people who ask that the masks are for your protection, and not just some silly theme. (Also, it gives you a chance to explain some Co$ protocol.)


Masquerading as a voluntary choice and fundamental right of the individual, “disconnects” have torn apart countless families and friendships thanks to $cientology. Moral-faggotry though it may be, this is an ideal opportunity to strike at the brainwashing tactics of the church by encouraging estranged family members to reunite at public gatherings.

Reservations should be made at public areas, with all the proper permits and paperwork filed. We don’t want a repeat of Atlanta, but time is of the essence here. Contacts should be established with family members wishing to reestablish ties with Scientologist family members.

Keep in mind that this, should you decide to pursue it, is a big fucking commitment. Don’t dick around or screw it up.

  1. Reserve a public area for all-purpose protests.
  2. Hand out fliers and spread the word to the public that anyone whose family has been destroyed by Scientology should contact a local Anonymous through a cloaked phone number. Posting your real home or work phone numbers is just asking for it. WATCH OUT FOR SCI-FAG SPIES. TRY TO SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW OVER THE PHONE OR IN A PUBLIC AREA WITH YOUR FACE REASONABLY OBSCURED (no fucking masks, go for hoodies or baseball caps with sunglasses).
  3. Interview non-Scientologist family members and try to receive permission to quote them. If they’re reluctant to give out their names, try to see if they’ll allow you to quote them anonymously. Use some fucking tact when you hand out a request like this, though. Don’t ask them if they’re clearly on the verge of tears or the like. IT’S ALWAYS THE INTERVIEWEES’ CALL AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THEY WANT TO MAKE THEIR STORIES PUBLIC. If you do receive permission, ask if you can audio-record the interview. Try to establish a relationship with the interviewees and keep in touch with them.
  4. If Anonymous has received permission to reproduce the personal stories, post them in public areas, ALWAYS IN A RESPECTFUL CONTEXT. Ideally, create fliers with quotes printed on them to spread the word.
  5. If enough contacts have been made with local family members, reserve a quiet area a significant distance from the major protest for reunions. There, “disconnected” families should be invited so that they can get to know one another. Food and drinks along with smooth, love-themed music should be there. Though some degree of anonymity should be maintained at these areas, keep it to hoodies or baseball caps with sunglasses. If a reunion area seems feasible, try and encourage family members to give public testimonies with microphones. Always keep in mind the sound permits. Ensure that such testimonies are given in a stable and supportive environment that won’t embarrass them or make them uncomfortable.
  6. ????
  7. PROFIT!

Other things to be kept in mind…

- Different kinds of permits

- Organization

- Media coverage

- Posters and fliers

- Getting Scientologists to reconcile with family members

- Professional counselors (fucking make sure that they’re competent and legit) that will facilitate reconciliation

- And more. A lot more.

On a personal note, the lulz that can be had by publicly demonizing the Sci-fags and the pure satisfaction one can derive from undoing the damage done by Scientology should be enough of a motivation.

I’d appreciate any Anonymous going through my statements and organizing my clusterfuck thoughts where they need organization.

If this section seems like a very bad fucking idea, revise or alter it whichever way you’d like, even if that means deletion.


/r/ more reports of forced abortions to be posted here

There's more than enough evidence of women being forced to have abortions by their Scientologist leaders. This certainly warrants extensive media attention, but the way Anonymous handles this situation will be delicate. Regardless of how Anonymous personally feels about abortion, what must be emphasized are two things

(a) The woman is forced to give up control over her body to Scientologist officials

(b) The couple is forced to hand over all parenting decisions over to Scientologist officials

What has to be made clear is that both sides of the abortion issue have to put aside their differences for once and work towards the universal good. (a) Pro-choice views focus on the woman's right to do whatever she wants with her body. Forced abortions would disregard this. (b) Pro-life views focus on the sanctity of life, and therefore view abortion as murder.

Youth for Human Rights International

The links between YHRI and Scientology aren’t abundantly clear at the moment, though there’s been speculation that YHRI is a front organization for the cult. Anonymous would really appreciate some hard-core evidence of Sci-fag doctrine and that Scientology is indeed the one financing the organization. Wikipedia doesn’t hold a fucking candle to reputable journalism and legit screen shots.

What’s extremely important when competing with their rallies (eyes on you, Aussie-fags) is not to directly oppose their values. Publicly, they follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document penned by the early United Nations and with which Eleanor Roosevelt is commonly associated. DO NOT FUCK WITH THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

The trick is to point out ways in which Scientology has VIOLATED the Declaration. If anything, Anonymous must find certain points of universal agreement between our cause and the statements issued by the YHRI so that the media realizes that Anonymous truly has the moral high ground in this issue. Anonymous strongly recommends that all Anonymous anticipating YHRI opposition familiarize themselves with the Declaration.

At least read through it once, you lazy wankers.

Anyway, here are some of the more interesting parts of the Declaration…

Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

[Principles of the Suppressive Person and Disconnection policies violate this]

Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

[Fair Game tactics violate this]

Article 16 (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

[Forced abortions prevent the voluntary development of the family unit by restricting the parents' control over their decision to have children]

Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

[Fair Game tactics violate this]

Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

[Fair Game tactics violate this]

Article 20 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

[Fair Game tactics violate this]

Article 25 (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

[Restriction of psychiatric services denies followers the opportunity to seek the best possible medical care]]

Article 27 (1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

[Ties in with Fair Game and psychiatric restrictions]

Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29 (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Use your imagination and common sense.



Remember, we’re not the crazy fucks who prey upon the meek and vulnerable and exploit them for everything they’re worth. Neither is the YHRI. Actually, yes we are. The YHRIs probably are too.

Fliers and Pamphlets


Full Size Versions Can be

Downloaded from the

ChanologyProject Photobucket

We need more. Make them. Post them.

Feel free to remake anything in a higher res. Most of us print these off of cheap ass home printers and not Kinko's.

Does anyone have links to leaflets and pamphlets? Please post them here.

A good suggestion is to use one of the free business card creators, to make spreading the word easy and cheap.

This should go without saying, but INCLUDE LINKS TO RELIABLE SOURCES IN YOUR POSTERS AND FLIERS! There are a lot of and fliers floating around, but keep in mind that some who don't think these sights are legitimate may just blow it off all together, forget about them even getting to the sources on these sites. My suggestion would be to DIRECTLY encourge people to google the fucking TIME ARTICLE ON SCIENTOLOGY. (yes, THE Time magazine). Make moar signs. Srsly. This could turn a lot of people's opinions around; you cant get more legitimate than Time magazine.

(In case the link stops working, google "The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power".)

Posters and Slogans

  • Can we make our posters readable this time? Thnx.
  • Also, on that note, less words, and make it more professional, people. This are serious thread.
  • Enlist /svg/ for good high quality professional graphics, usable as stencils when cut out to spray paint signs
    quickly and efficiently, and not look like crap.

Here's a link for example:
DevianTarts know how to do that shit.

  • And remember to always make extras! Everyone needs a sign!


Each city's protest should be somewhat self-sufficient at this point. If you have a mailing list or off-Enturbulation website that is already listed somewhere else on ED, like on the March 15th planning page, there's no need to repost it here. Obviously we don't want to discourage new members from joining in, but this page could get TL;DR pretty fast. NEW websites and contact information should go in the relevant sections below.

Another thing that might be good for planning is getting to some Religious places and asking the person in charge if you can read a short speech to the people. The more religious types we have at the protests, the less credible the CoS claims that we're a hate group and anti-religion will seem.

United States

Anchorage/Wasilla/Palmer/Kenai/etc., AK Forum!
Atlanta, GA (registration required!) [1]
Austin, Tx
Biloxi, MS (message WeAreYourSPs at gmail dot com for moar)
Houston, TX
Albany, NY Albany Anonymous
Columbus, OH
Clearwater, FL & Orlando, FL (We still need someone to get a permit for protesting!) (500-SEAT VENUE BOOKED @ CLEARWATER!)
Reno, NV RNOfags can go here
Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh Anonymous
Portland, OR And others upon request. <- Just added the section, so feel free to post any and all you have. -Leaders- will be made forum mods for obvious reasons. Free email users, contact MattisonEnloe(at)summaxr(dot)com to be pre-reg'd.
San Francisco
San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Anonymous

Santa Rosa,Ca [2]
Seattle, WA [3] - The Lulzinseattle forum is dead due to spam, lack of activity from the admin, and massive amounts of failure overall. Lulznw will be the new planning site.

The following Eastern US cities are on Enturbulation, use with caution as they are centralized/public:

Albany, NY [4]
Atlanta, GA [5]
It's rumored that Mr. Fetch will be at the Atlanta protest on the 12th, marking perhaps the most confusing thing ever, ever. [6]
Boston, MA [7]
Brunswick, ME [8]
Buffalo, NY [9]
Charlotte, NC [10]
Cincinatti, OH [11]
Clearwater, FL [12]
Cleveland, OH [13]
Columbus, OH [14]
Detroit, MI [15]
Indianapoils, IN [16]
Miami, FL [17]
New York, NY [18]
Philadelphia, PA [19]
Pittsburgh, PA [20]
Milwaukee, WI [21]
Washington DC [22]


Montreal, QC - Same as last time. Keep people around you informed, check the blogs. [23]

Ottawa, ON - Minor difference this time; we have acquired a permit to protest on Parliament Hill. Stay tuned for details.[24]

Toronto, ON - Recruitment campaign will be taken to the next step. More info to come.[25]

Vancouver, BC - Core anons almost exclusively found on IRC. Recruitment through word of mouth and postering brings ~ 200 - 250 per protest. Decentralization this way renders anons in Vancouver immune to Co$ attacks. Many oldskool /b/tards come for the lulz. Full permits and co-ordination with police in place for each event. Scifags stand in front of Co$ and take pictures, but have become less aggressive with each hour of each protest. Usual plan is to meet at Waterfront Skytrain Station at 11am, then walk up to Co$. Many anons come early or meet up in front of Co$. Easier access to planning for non /b/tards and non IRCfags being discussed. For now, find out some info on next protest here [26].


Poole, Southwest.- We need to coordinate at least 100 people for this.

Belfastfag poster

Belfast, NI - Same as last time I assume but with moar people, I say a couple of weeks before the 12th we put posters up telling people about it. For info email glamaramadingdong (at) gmail (dot) com or gregg_carson (at) hotmail (dot) com Anyone up for a meet up before the raid? just to be even better organized than last time, I mean over the internet is good but a quick hour or two meet up would have everything perfect. (this bits gregg by the way so contact me if your up for it)

Join the Belfast irc channel! irc://

London - I'm not waiting 2 weeks prior to the event. I'm doing shit now. Be sure to look in the toilets at Kings Cross public toilets as well as on select trains. I would appreciate others to do the same. Why wait?

--Anyone fancy a mini meet up to discuss/put posters up this Friday?--

Church of Scientology London:

146 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4BY

Meet right over the road from the front door at 11am. Remember to cover your faces and, if possible, wear white shirt, black tie, black trousers and black jacket. That would add an awesome army-type look to it. May I request face-painting? Face-painting is fun. I will be informing multiple news outlets about the April 12th protest.

Ooh face painting sounds fun. I will bring some delicious caek too.

Birmingham - Big news. Martin Poulter for Birmingham April 12th! And other stuff too. I'm too lazy. Check our new or lurk on Enturbulation.

Manchester - same as usual. Starbucks on deansgate (the one opposite the church. not the church of scientology. a real church) at 11:00 AM. from what i know. epic van guy will be returning. as will the guys with the stereo. we could do with more flyers. detailed ones, that explain our cause and why we are against the church. not ones that just direct people to websites. they don't really work, since most of the people we hand the flyers out to would not visit those websites

Brighton - Come on you wastrels, show some support, the rest of the nation is showing us up. Reet then, how about an IRC channel, a time to meet, shit like that folks. Or just somewhere where you pansies can put your hand up and say you'll be there, and see who else is?

London - Does anyone know what time ppl will be at the HQ in the City, and what time they'll be at the big church on Tottenham Court Road??


Scandinavia Go to this page for information.

Germany (Munich,Berlin,Düsseldorf) see

Alright guys, the german links right back to here, it only has the date, not where to meet and WHEN to meet. What's up with that?

Russia See this page for info.


Go to this page centre for all states organization

Youth For Human Rights Counter-protest

Scientology: WBM on Party Hard 2/2

Listen to what he has to say at 4:40. Watch out for the Scientology front group; "Youth For Human Rights" counter-protest in Australia.