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16:47 -!- PrettyPrincessSnape [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 16:47 -!- Topic for #ponysquare: PonySquare social network - http://www.ponysquare.com | Please mark your NSFW links | Report any bugs/problems to [email protected] | This is not the place to roleplay sensitive topics. | ENOUGH WITH THE GRAMMAR NAZI STUFF. It's getting old trying to break you guys up over it. | LOOKING FOR A NEW OP. PM BeanyOne if interested. | Always watching, always waiting. 16:47 -!- Topic set by BeanyOne [[email protected]] [Fri Dec 16 06:35:29 2011] 16:47 [Users #ponysquare] 16:47 [@BeanyOne ] [ DewdropMaple] [ Kabaka] [ Majestatis] [ PrettyPrincessSnape] [ ZAHQO] 16:47 [@Tom ] [ DJ-P0N-3 ] [ klaxa ] [ MakerDusk ] [ Scootaloo|gamez ] 16:47 [ BrownPony] [ Engijack ] [ Luna ] [ Meepsheep ] [ Sonic_Beats ] 16:47 -!- Irssi: #ponysquare: Total of 16 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal] 16:47 -!- Channel #ponysquare created Fri Oct 28 03:10:06 2011 16:47 -!- Irssi: Join to #ponysquare was synced in 1 secs 16:47 -!- Patroclus [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 16:49 < PrettyPrincessSnape> :D 16:49 < PrettyPrincessSnape> I FUCKING LOVE PONIEEEEEEEZ 16:49 < PrettyPrincessSnape> ;_; 16:49 < Patroclus> ^ 16:49 < Scootaloo|gamez> Hai :) 16:49 < PrettyPrincessSnape> THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL 16:49 -!- Scootaloo|gamez is now known as Scootaloo 16:49 < PrettyPrincessSnape> ohai 16:50 < PrettyPrincessSnape> scooooootaloooooooooo 16:50 < PrettyPrincessSnape> scoooooot scooooooootalooooooo 16:50 < PrettyPrincessSnape> RAAAAAAAAAAIINBOW< 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RAINBOESSSS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<RAINBOWZ<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> OMG 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> ZOMG 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> OMD 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> Meepsheep: A SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP 16:51 < PrettyPrincessSnape> I FUCKING LOVE PONIEZ AND SHEEEEEPS 16:51 < Scootaloo> Dude.. Too much weed? 16:52 < Meepsheep> heard u were a fag scootaloo 16:52 < Patroclus> if this guy any more stoned then this he belong in the holy fucking buble 16:53 < Patroclus> oh shit 16:53 < Patroclus> meepsheep 16:53 < Patroclus> you heard that too? 16:53 < PrettyPrincessSnape> Scootaloo: 16:53 < PrettyPrincessSnape> IM NOT A DUDE 16:53 < PrettyPrincessSnape> YOU JACKASS 16:53 < PrettyPrincessSnape> IM A PRINCESSSSSSSSS 16:53 < PrettyPrincessSnape> ;_; 16:53 < PrettyPrincessSnape> you hurt my feelings 16:54 < Scootaloo> I'm sorry princess! 16:54 < PrettyPrincessSnape> :3 16:54 < PrettyPrincessSnape> i forgive you 16:54 < PrettyPrincessSnape> :3333333333333333333 16:54 < Patroclus> she's a beautiful alicorn 16:55 < Scootaloo> I can has hug? 16:55 -!- klaxa [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: May Luna watch over me...] 16:58 -!- EmCruz [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 16:58 < EmCruz> hiiii 16:58 < Scootaloo> Hi! 16:58 < EmCruz> SCOOTALOO!!!! 16:58 * Scootaloo glomps 16:59 * EmCruz hugs 16:59 * PrettyPrincessSnape hugs EmCruz 16:59 -!- EmCruz is now known as Swirly 16:59 * PrettyPrincessSnape hugs Scootaloo 16:59 < Scootaloo> How are you? 16:59 < Swirly> Good and you? 16:59 < Scootaloo> Good too! ^^ 17:00 < PrettyPrincessSnape> and me too 17:00 < Swirly> im sleepy... 17:00 < PrettyPrincessSnape> me too 17:00 < PrettyPrincessSnape> 0.0 17:00 < Scootaloo> What's the time there? 17:00 < PrettyPrincessSnape> OMG YOU ARE MY SISTAR 17:01 < Scootaloo> I think she fell asleep :) 17:01 -!- Patroclus [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:02 < Swirly> its 11:49 am 17:02 < Swirly> I just got up 17:02 < Scootaloo> It's 5:49 pm 17:02 < Swirly> ...well i woke up but went back to sleep 17:02 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:02 < Scootaloo> So you live in America! 17:02 < Scootaloo> I'm smart! 17:02 < Swirly> yup 17:02 < Meepsheep> y u so autism? 17:02 < PrettyPrincessSnape> OMG 17:02 < Scootaloo> Maybe it's my special talent! 17:02 < PrettyPrincessSnape> so Scootaloo is a stalker 17:03 < Scootaloo> ? 17:03 < PrettyPrincessSnape> Scootaloo: are you a nigger? 17:03 < PinkiePool> autism cutie mark 17:03 < PinkiePool> gg scootaloo 17:03 -!- BrownPone [oh.hai@brownies] has joined #ponysquare 17:03 < Sonic_Beats> Wow...that's pretty racist. 17:03 < PrettyPrincessSnape> oh no 17:03 < PrettyPrincessSnape> no 17:03 < PrettyPrincessSnape> no 17:03 < PrettyPrincessSnape> with nigger i mean 17:04 < PrettyPrincessSnape> niggPONY 17:04 < Meepsheep> heard scootaloo clops over the phone with his brony friends 17:04 < PinkiePool> niggers not racist 17:04 -!- BrownPony [oh.hai@brownies] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:04 -!- BrownPone is now known as BrownPony 17:04 < PinkiePool> they aren't people 17:04 < PrettyPrincessSnape> if you love black ponys 17:04 < Scootaloo> .. 17:04 < PinkiePool> snape do you even watch this show 17:04 < Swirly> ... 17:04 < PinkiePool> zebras are the nigge rponies 17:04 < PinkiePool> dumbass 17:04 < PrettyPrincessSnape> PinkiePool: what show? 17:04 < PrettyPrincessSnape> dat nigger show? 17:04 < Swirly> be niiiiice 17:04 < PrettyPrincessSnape> NIGGER STOLE MY TV 17:05 < Swirly> I dont like non-niceness 17:05 < PrettyPrincessSnape> and my bke 17:05 < Meepsheep> heard swirly's parents got him a new hugbox for xmas 17:05 < Sonic_Beats> Wow, and here I thought that some ponies on this site had class. Grow the fuck up. 17:05 < PrettyPrincessSnape> and my pony 17:05 < PinkiePool> PrettyPrincessSnape what are you even doing Swirly just wants to be nice and then you come in here and SHIT ALL OVER THE CHANNEL 17:05 < Swirly> ...im a girl...not a him 17:05 -!- You're now known as Sonic_Breats 17:05 -!- You're now known as Sonic_Breasts 17:05 < Meepsheep> heard sonic_beats doesn't wash the semen off his twilight sparkle blow up doll 17:05 < Sonic_Breasts> lol typo 17:06 < Scootaloo> WAT 17:06 < Swirly> ...um... 17:06 < Meepsheep> hows ur autism feeling? 17:06 < PinkiePool> jesus fuck Meepsheep is doing it too what the FUCK do you guys think you're DOING 17:06 < PinkiePool> STOP SHITTING 17:06 < Scootaloo> Feel my love and toleration <2 17:06 < PinkiePool> ON THE CHANNEL 17:06 < Scootaloo> <3* 17:06 < Meepsheep> <3 17:06 < Meepsheep> <3 17:06 < Meepsheep> <3 17:06 < Sonic_Breasts> LESS THAN THREEEEEEE 17:07 < Swirly> im with scootaloo.... 17:07 -!- You're now known as Vagina_Powers 17:07 < Sonic_Beats> You know, you show the immature nature of yourself when you do things like that. I could retaliate, but beings I have respect, and I've re-learned a decent amount from the show, I'm going to sit here, and wait until a mod comes on to ban you. You're damn lucky I'm not a mod. 17:07 < Swirly> ..im just gonna leave until this dies down... 17:07 < Meepsheep> last i heard, swirly was still unemployed 17:08 < PinkiePool> yeah Sonic_Beats these guys are DAMN LUCKY 17:08 < PinkiePool> that we aren't KLINING THE SIT OUT OF THEM 17:08 < Swirly> mmm hmm 17:08 * Scootaloo hugs Meepsheep 17:08 < Vagina_Powers> oh 17:08 < Vagina_Powers> hmm 17:08 < Meepsheep> u a palsy? 17:08 < Vagina_Powers> so... Sonic_Beats 17:08 < Sonic_Beats> PinkiePool, you're a prime example as well with an attitude like that. 17:08 < Vagina_Powers> you protest like martin luther 17:09 < Vagina_Powers> sitting and doing shit 17:09 < PinkiePool> what 17:09 < Meepsheep> heard u typed some mean words into irc 17:09 < PinkiePool> i'm not shitting on the channel like these guys 17:09 < PinkiePool> what are you talking about 17:09 < PinkiePool> DON'T FUCKING BETRAY ME 17:09 < PinkiePool> YOU FUCK 17:09 < Swirly> WHOA, LANGUAGE! 17:10 < Meepsheep> heard swirly liked dicks 17:10 < Sonic_Beats> Nah, Martin Luther didn't know how to protest correctly. I don't need to protest, nor do I respond with anger. You aren't getting a rise out of me, nor are you making me mad. Hell, you aren't even irritating me. The fact you think you're affecting me at all, just proves how fail of trolls you really are. Go back to 4chan. 17:10 < Scootaloo> Rule 14.. 17:10 < Vagina_Powers> rule 34 17:10 < Vagina_Powers> :F 17:10 < Scootaloo> Rule Celestia: Love & toleration~ 17:10 < Vagina_Powers> oooooooh 17:10 < Vagina_Powers> AND CAEK 17:10 -!- OSKat [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:10 < Vagina_Powers> FUCKING DELICIOUS CAEK 17:10 < Scootaloo> Hi 17:10 < Swirly> Im with scootaloo all the way 17:11 < Swirly> KAT! 17:11 < Meepsheep> heard scootaloo has yet to clean the shit of his ponysuit from the last convention 17:11 < Scootaloo> Please kick these trolls out of here 17:11 < Vagina_Powers> KAT 17:11 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+o OSKat] by Tom 17:11 < Vagina_Powers> oh shit 17:11 < Sonic_Beats> OSKat, use your powers and ban Vagina_Powers, Meepsheep and PinkiePool immegiately 17:11 < PinkiePool> finally a mod 17:11 * Scootaloo hugs Meepsheep 17:11 < PinkiePool> ban these fuckers 17:11 < PinkiePool> wait what 17:11 < PinkiePool> WHAT] 17:11 -!- Meepsheep was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:11 < Sonic_Beats> Not kick, ban. 17:11 < PinkiePool> I TOLD YOU NOT TO BETRAY ME 17:11 -!- Vagina_Powers was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:12 -!- Sorry [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:12 -!- Topic for #ponysquare: PonySquare social network - http://www.ponysquare.com | Please mark your NSFW links | Report any bugs/problems to [email protected] | This is not the place to roleplay sensitive topics. | ENOUGH WITH THE GRAMMAR NAZI STUFF. It's getting old trying to break you guys up over it. | LOOKING FOR A NEW OP. PM BeanyOne if interested. | Always watching, always waiting. 17:12 -!- Topic set by BeanyOne [[email protected]] [Fri Dec 16 06:35:29 2011] 17:12 [Users #ponysquare] 17:12 [@BeanyOne] [ BrownPony ] [ Engijack] [ Majestatis] [ Scootaloo ] [ Swirly] 17:12 [@OSKat ] [ DewdropMaple] [ Kabaka ] [ MakerDusk ] [ Sonic_Beats] [ ZAHQO ] 17:12 [@Tom ] [ DJ-P0N-3 ] [ Luna ] [ PinkiePool] [ Sorry ] 17:12 -!- Irssi: #ponysquare: Total of 17 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal] 17:12 -!- Channel #ponysquare created Fri Oct 28 03:10:06 2011 17:12 -!- Irssi: Join to #ponysquare was synced in 1 secs 17:12 -!- Meepsheep [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:12 <@OSKat> Nope. 17:12 < Sonic_Beats> And there they are. I told you. 17:12 < Sorry> Sonic_Beats: im sorry 17:13 < Sorry> Swirly: im sorry 17:13 < Sonic_Beats> As a mod, you should get an external IRC. You're going to need it. 17:13 < Meepsheep> i told u 17:13 < Meepsheep> that u r gay 17:13 < Meepsheep> lololol 17:13 < Scootaloo> Love & toleration 17:13 < Sonic_Beats> I don't accept your apology. 17:13 * Scootaloo cuddles Meepsheep 17:13 < Sorry> Sonic_Beats: go fuck yourself then 17:13 < Sorry> i was nice 17:13 < Sorry> and kind 17:13 < PinkiePool> woah sonic if he's sorry we should take it 17:13 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:13 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:13 -!- Sorry was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- Forgive [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- Topic for #ponysquare: PonySquare social network - http://www.ponysquare.com | Please mark your NSFW links | Report any bugs/problems to [email protected] | This is not the place to roleplay sensitive topics. | ENOUGH WITH THE GRAMMAR NAZI STUFF. It's getting old trying to break you guys up over it. | LOOKING FOR A NEW OP. PM BeanyOne if interested. | Always watching, always waiting. 17:14 -!- Topic set by BeanyOne [[email protected]] [Fri Dec 16 06:35:29 2011] 17:14 [Users #ponysquare] 17:14 [@BeanyOne] [ BrownPony ] [ Engijack] [ Luna ] [ PinkiePool ] [ Swirly] 17:14 [@OSKat ] [ DewdropMaple] [ Forgive ] [ Majestatis] [ Scootaloo ] [ ZAHQO ] 17:14 [@Tom ] [ DJ-P0N-3 ] [ Kabaka ] [ MakerDusk ] [ Sonic_Beats] 17:14 -!- Irssi: #ponysquare: Total of 17 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal] 17:14 -!- Channel #ponysquare created Fri Oct 28 03:10:06 2011 17:14 -!- Irssi: Join to #ponysquare was synced in 1 secs 17:14 < PinkiePool> AND STOP KICKING ME FUCK 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 <@OSKat> This is fun. 17:14 < Forgive> lol 17:14 < PinkiePool> I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP 17:14 < Sonic_Beats> And the cycle continues. 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:14 < Scootaloo> ..Or we just go to another channel 17:14 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:14 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:15 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:15 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:15 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:15 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:15 < Forgive> :/ 17:15 < Forgive> flood 17:15 -!- PinkiePool was kicked from #ponysquare by OSKat [wibble] 17:15 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:15 < Forgive> noise 17:15 < Scootaloo> His client is auto-reconnecting.. 17:15 < Forgive> auto-rejoin 17:15 < PinkiePool> OSKat should be banned for flooding IMO 17:15 -!- Meepsheep [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:15 < Sonic_Beats> That should have been obvious, Scoot. 17:16 < Scootaloo> Hi Meepsheep! 17:16 < Meepsheep> sp 17:16 < Scootaloo> I missed you! 17:16 < Meepsheep> missed 17:16 < Meepsheep> u 17:16 < Meepsheep> too 17:17 < PinkiePool> Meepsheep are you done yet 17:17 < PinkiePool> we don't want any anger here 17:18 < Meepsheep> ok 17:18 < Scootaloo> So, how are you a troll that knows so much about MLP? 17:18 < PinkiePool> yeah meep i was wondering about that too 17:19 < Meepsheep> wut is mlp? 17:19 < Meepsheep> is it big hard cocks 17:19 < Meepsheep> leughelughelghelughelghelugheulghelghel 17:19 < PinkiePool> ahh SHIT 17:19 < PinkiePool> HE'S FUCKING DOING IT AGAIN 17:19 < Scootaloo> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35iW1pFV2I8 17:19 < Scootaloo> Love & toleration~ 17:20 < Meepsheep> so i called a brony's mommy last night 17:20 < Meepsheep> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYciybWI2Vw 17:21 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:21 <@OSKat> Victory. 17:21 < PinkiePool> bout fuckin time 17:21 -!- Meepsheep [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:21 < Scootaloo> One more thing: LOL GAY VOICE 17:22 < Scootaloo> Aw.. 17:22 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:22 < Sonic_Beats> http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/1174/ 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:22 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:22 <@OSKat> That took way too long. 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 -!- M33psh33p [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2842> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_4125> loldongs 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 < Sonic_Beats> This is what happens when the appointed mod doesn't know how to correctly ban a flash or IRC address. 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has left #ponysquare [] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_2054> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7635> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 < kicks_7475> loldongs 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 < Luna> I can.. 17:24 < Luna> just not in this room 17:24 < Sonic_Beats> I can as well, but I'm not a mod here. 17:24 < M33psh33p> where r my ops at? 17:24 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *!*@727-202-645-668.adsl.tie.cl] by OSKat 17:24 < Luna> I guess mia / afk 17:24 < Luna> ah there's Kat 17:24 < Sonic_Beats> Watch him proxy through it. 17:24 * Luna hugs Kat 17:24 <@OSKat> What client do y'all use? 17:24 < Sonic_Beats> Icechat 17:24 <@OSKat> I'm getting one. 17:25 < Luna> mIRC 17:25 < M33psh33p> i use chatzilla 17:25 < Forgive> irssi 17:25 <@OSKat> This is a pain in the but. 17:25 < Forgive> xchat 17:25 < Scootaloo> mIRC 17:25 < Sonic_Beats> mIRC you generally have to pay for. Use Icechat, the moderation is easier with it, so I've found. And I moderate 4 channels 17:25 < Scootaloo> Pancakes time! 17:25 < Luna> run a whois on me... 17:25 * Luna giggles 17:25 -!- Scootaloo is now known as Scootaloo|pancakes 17:25 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:26 < Sonic_Beats> Not bad. How long you been moderating, Luna? 17:26 -!- M33psh33p [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:26 < Luna> ehm... a while now.. i'm not only a mod.. i'm a admin too 17:27 -!- Meepysheep [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:27 < Sonic_Beats> The only rooms I admin are the rooms I own as a radio manager at Fire Mage Radio. 17:27 < Meepysheep> heard u like cocks 17:27 < Sonic_Beats> I use a different name there. 17:27 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:27 < Luna> firemage radio? 17:27 < Sonic_Beats> Yes 17:27 < Luna> is dat pony related? 17:27 < Swirly> BRB AGAIN 17:27 -!- Meepysheep [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:28 < Sonic_Beats> It's World of Warcraft related. 17:28 < Luna> ahhh I figured 17:28 < Luna> how are mages doing nowadays? 17:28 -!- Meepsheepy [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:28 < Sonic_Beats> Still OP. Doing right around 35-40k in the new dungeons and raids. 17:28 -!- Raindrop [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:28 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+o Raindrop] by Tom 17:28 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:29 -!- Meepsheepy [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:29 < Luna> geez 17:29 <@OSKat> We got trolls in the dungeon, Raindrop. :< 17:29 < Luna> eeyup 17:29 -!- Meepthesheep [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:29 < Luna> just this channel 17:29 <@Raindrop> I can see.. 17:29 < Sonic_Beats> The part I'm finding odd, is that OSKat bans him, and it's not insta-kicking him, which means the ban isn't setting. 17:29 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:30 < Sonic_Beats> You are banning the name. He could do this for hours on end. 17:30 -!- Meepthesheep [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:31 -!- NotMeepsheep [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:31 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *!*@174.127.twn.hhr] by Raindrop 17:31 < Sonic_Beats> Told you. 17:31 -!- NotMeepsheep was kicked from #ponysquare by Raindrop [NotMeepsheep] 17:31 <@Raindrop> bam 17:31 < Sonic_Beats> Thank you, Raindrop. 17:32 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+o Luna] by Raindrop 17:32 <@Luna> fear me! 17:32 <@Raindrop> .-. 17:32 <@OSKat> Lol. 17:32 <@Luna> nah no need to fear me if you behave 17:33 <@OSKat> I've never adminned before. I thought this would be a temporary thing when Beans was gone but he never de-opped me. 17:33 <@Raindrop> cool beans? 17:33 < Sonic_Beats> I've admined for quite a few years. 17:33 -!- Meepmeepsheep [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:33 <@Raindrop> damn 17:33 < Sonic_Beats> And he's back, through a proxy 17:33 <@Raindrop> do your magic Luna 17:33 <@Raindrop> send him to the sun 17:34 * Raindrop slaps Meepmeepsheep around a bit with a large trout 17:34 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *!*@173.231.jt.ysg] by Luna 17:34 -!- Meepmeepsheep was kicked from #ponysquare by Luna [Meepmeepsheep] 17:34 < Sonic_Beats> Your magic worked, Raindrop, but he came back through either another computer, or a proxy. 17:34 <@Raindrop> probably not another computer 17:34 <@Luna> done 17:34 <@Raindrop> but you never know 17:34 < Sonic_Beats> And if he's in a computer lab, then he has access to a network of computers. 17:34 <@Raindrop> make a new virtual pc.. every time.. 17:35 -!- ^_^ [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:35 < Sonic_Beats> An MLP troll isn't that persistant. WoW trolls rarely do that as it is, and WoW has a community of over 10 billion 17:35 < ^_^> daft niggers, utterly owned 17:35 < Forgive> damn trolls 17:35 < Forgive> :/ 17:35 < Sonic_Beats> Definitely not a virtual PC 17:36 < Sonic_Beats> Could be proxy, if he's experienced enough from 4chan or something of the sort. 17:36 <@Luna> well.. the most horrible thing would be..connecting with a cell phone... 17:37 < Sonic_Beats> Oh Celestia no, please don't let that be the case... 17:37 <@Raindrop> don't give them ideas! 17:37 < ^_^> ur all queers tbh 17:37 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:37 -!- ^_^ [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:37 < Sonic_Beats> If they don't already know said ideas, it's quite tough to set up a working proxy behind a firewall, so if he can do that, he's quite possibly already done it. 17:38 <@Raindrop> lol trying so hard XD 17:38 -!- niggerkill [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:38 < Sonic_Beats> With little knowledge, that is. 17:38 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *[email protected]] by OSKat 17:38 <@Luna> luckily the sops are around too :) 17:38 -!- niggerkill [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:38 < Sonic_Beats> Stop banning names, thats all you're doing. 17:39 <@Raindrop> not * 17:39 <@Raindrop> we're banning all names from that host 17:39 -!- derpyhooves [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:39 < Sonic_Beats> There he is again. 17:40 < Sonic_Beats> Watch, you'll ban the name, not the host. 17:40 <@Raindrop> at least he knows the names 17:40 <@Raindrop> not sure if it's him 17:41 < Sonic_Beats> When you ban the @76.74.jhs.rhi part, that's banning the host. When you do something like [email protected], you are banning the name at the host, which prevents said host using that name ever again. 17:42 <@Raindrop> yea but * means all the names 17:42 < Sonic_Beats> This is going to be a long day, I need coffee. 17:42 <@Raindrop> like hear Luna sets mode: +b *!*@173.231.jt.ysg 17:42 <@Raindrop> here* 17:42 < derpyhooves> want to see something funny? 17:42 < derpyhooves> http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/12/smile-my-little-remix-christmas-charity.html 17:42 <@Raindrop> meant ! 17:42 <@Raindrop> also it's not hmi 17:42 <@Raindrop> him* .-. 17:42 * Luna hugs RD 17:43 <@Luna> I wonder who planted the virus on the archive site... I sure hope it's not the people behind the site... cause that's just cheap.. 17:44 <@Luna> time to eat 17:44 <@Luna> brb 17:44 -!- Luna is now known as Woona 17:45 < derpyhooves> www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic21RGm4nNY 17:45 -!- OSKat [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Web client closed] 17:45 * Sonic_Beats apologizes to DerpyHooves for the accusation. 17:45 < derpyhooves> ???????????????? 17:45 < derpyhooves> ???????????????? 17:45 < derpyhooves> ???????????????? 17:45 < derpyhooves> ???????????????? 17:45 < derpyhooves> ???????????????? 17:45 < Sonic_Beats> Or not. 17:46 < Sonic_Beats> Oh for Celestia's sake. We got meepsheep as derpyhooves 17:46 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *!*@76.74.jhs.rhi] by Woona 17:46 -!- derpyhooves was kicked from #ponysquare by Woona [derpyhooves] 17:46 < Sonic_Beats> I knew it. 17:46 -!- OSKat [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:47 < Forgive> i wrote an auto-kik script for meepsheep 17:47 * Sonic_Beats - 1, Trolls in disguise - 0 17:47 < Forgive> *kick 17:47 < Sonic_Beats> Can I see the script? 17:47 < Forgive> sorry, closed source 17:48 < Forgive> :/ 17:48 < Sonic_Beats> What do you mean 17:48 -!- OSKat [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:48 < Forgive> i don't give the code 17:48 * Sonic_Beats facehooves. "May I ask why?" 17:48 < Forgive> because it is my tradition 17:49 < Forgive> to mantain code closed 17:49 < Sonic_Beats> Give me a second, just got a call to get into the FMR chat and ban someone. 17:50 < Forgive> Raindrop: 17:50 < Forgive> i wrote an auto-kikc script 17:50 < Forgive> *kick 17:50 < Forgive> lol typo 17:50 < Sonic_Beats> And back. Sad, people don't read rules anymore. No harassing artists in my chatroom. 17:50 < Forgive> for meepsheep 17:51 < Sonic_Beats> Looks like he gave up. The Kick-script isnt needed. 17:52 < Forgive> Sonic_Beats: i know how trolls work 17:52 < Forgive> he is making a huge proxy-list 17:52 < Forgive> and then ZAAAAAAAAM 17:52 < Sonic_Beats> So do I. World of Warcraft trolls are pretty hardcore. 17:52 < Forgive> flood 17:52 <@Raindrop> yeeees? 17:53 < Forgive> yes Raindrop 17:53 -!- Raindrop is now known as Rainderp 17:53 < Forgive> 0.0 17:53 <@Rainderp> and you would be willing to give it to me, the derpy raindrop? 17:54 < Sonic_Beats> Apparently. 17:54 < Forgive> i don't release the source of my creations 17:54 < Sonic_Beats> I'm jealous. 17:54 -!- ponyfriend [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:54 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *!*@69.174.tjz.h] by Rainderp 17:54 -!- ponyfriend was kicked from #ponysquare by Rainderp [ponyfriend] 17:54 <@Rainderp> So what do you want? mod? 17:54 < Forgive> script requeriments: 17:54 -!- pony_772569 [[email protected]] has joined #ponysquare 17:54 < Forgive> irssi 17:54 < Forgive> and @ 17:55 <@Rainderp> you need to talk with beanyone about that 17:55 < Forgive> he is afk 17:55 < Forgive> :/ 17:55 < Forgive> i want to help 17:56 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+i] by BeanyOne 17:56 -!- pony_772569 [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:57 <@Rainderp> ha 17:57 <@Rainderp> nice one 17:58 < Forgive> ??? 17:58 -!- You're now known as Hope 17:58 <@Rainderp> the channel is invite only 17:58 < Sonic_Beats> Interesting way to give a roundabout to the trolls, making the channel invite only 17:58 <@BeanyOne> sometimes that's the only way to make them give up. 17:58 < Hope> Rainderp: but they can flood with notices 17:58 < Hope> the operators 17:58 <@Rainderp> uh.. I'm gonna invite him.. he seems like a nice guy 17:58 < Sonic_Beats> Yes and no. And no they can't Hope 17:58 < Hope> yes they can 17:58 < Sonic_Beats> The ops will get flooded but that comes with the job description 17:58 < Sonic_Beats> The ops will get flooded but that comes with the job description 17:59 < Hope> flooded with floodbots 17:59 < Hope> like the ones who attacked us 17:59 < Hope> recently 17:59 < Sonic_Beats> Won't happen.Invite only. No one in this channel will invite a troll back. 17:59 <@BeanyOne> rainderp: invite whomever you want 18:00 -!- Rainderp is now known as Raindrop 18:00 <@BeanyOne> this is hardly permanent 18:00 <@Raindrop> I was talking about the troll 18:00 <@Raindrop> anyway.. I'll be right back 18:00 < Hope> welll 18:00 < Hope> llllllllll 18:00 < Hope> uhmm 18:00 < Hope> HAHA GUESS WHO WAS THE FLOODBOTS' OPERATOR 18:01 < Hope> GUESS WHO INVITED TO THIS CHANNEL THE OTHER TROLLS 18:01 < Hope> AND ALL OF YOU 18:01 < Hope> CLOSED HERE 18:01 < Sonic_Beats> I'm going to guess you. I seen that coming. 18:01 < Hope> WITH +i 18:01 < Hope> "hardly permanent" 18:01 < Hope> HAHAHAH 18:02 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:02 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+r] by BeanyOne 18:02 < Hope> I COLLECT THE TEARS OF BUTTHURT PEOPLE 18:02 < Hope> LIKE ALL OF YOU 18:02 -!- Hope was kicked from #ponysquare by BeanyOne [Hope] 18:02 [notice(beanyone)] +r? oh exploitable nickserv
Meanwhile, in the HQ: (#loldongs)
17:19 -!- Forgive [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:19 -!- ServerMode/#loldongs [+nt] by fluttershy.ponychat.net 17:19 [Users #loldongs] 17:19 [@Forgive] 17:19 -!- Irssi: #loldongs: Total of 1 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0 normal] 17:19 -!- Channel #loldongs created Fri Dec 23 17:07:01 2011 17:19 -!- Irssi: Join to #loldongs was synced in 0 secs 17:19 -!- Meepsheep [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 -!- mode/#loldongs [+s] by Forgive 17:20 -!- mode/#loldongs [+o Meepsheep] by Forgive 17:20 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 < PinkiePool> HELLO HELLO 17:20 -!- mode/#loldongs [+o PinkiePool] by Forgive 17:20 <@Forgive> hmm 17:20 <@Forgive> any one 17:20 <@Forgive> are we only three 17:20 -!- hurr-durr_2573 [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 -!- hurr-durr_7701 [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 -!- hurr-durr_4424 [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 -!- hurr-durr_3341 [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 -!- hurr-durr_2729 [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:20 <@Forgive> max per ip 17:21 <@Forgive> in this server is 5 17:21 <@Forgive> so only five bots 17:21 <@PinkiePool> can you rename them 17:21 <@Meepsheep> brb 17:21 <@Forgive> PinkiePool: 17:21 -!- Meepsheep [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:21 <@Forgive> for what? 17:22 <@Forgive> PinkiePool: 17:22 <@PinkiePool> for kicks 17:22 <@Forgive> WHAT RENAME 17:22 <@Forgive> lol 17:22 <@Forgive> k 17:22 -!- hurr-durr_2573 is now known as kicks_7635 17:22 -!- hurr-durr_7701 is now known as kicks_2054 17:22 -!- hurr-durr_4424 is now known as kicks_2842 17:22 -!- hurr-durr_3341 is now known as kicks_4125 17:22 -!- hurr-durr_2729 is now known as kicks_7475 17:22 <@PinkiePool> elements of harmony lol 17:22 <@PinkiePool> laughter, generosity, kindness, loyalty and honesty 17:22 <@PinkiePool> can you do it 17:23 -!- M33psh33p [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:23 < M33psh33p> keep join flooding 17:23 -!- kicks_2842 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 -!- kicks_4125 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:24 <@Forgive> 17:23 -!- kicks_7635 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:24 <@Forgive> 17:23 -!- kicks_2054 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:24 <@Forgive> 17:23 -!- kicks_7475 [[email protected]] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:25 <@Forgive> 17:24 -!- mode/#ponysquare [+b *!*@727-202-645-668.adsl.tie.cl] by OSKat 17:25 < M33psh33p> ;-; 17:25 <@Forgive> i has log 17:25 < M33psh33p> good lol 17:26 < M33psh33p> ^-^ 17:26 <@Forgive> and floodlogs 17:26 <@Forgive> lol 17:26 < M33psh33p> lol 17:26 -!- M33psh33p [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:27 -!- Meepysheep [[email protected]] has joined #loldongs 17:27 -!- Meepysheep [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit] 17:58 -!- You're now known as Hope 18:02 -!- PinkiePool [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Leaving]